Chapter 1012 Transaction History
Chapter 1012 Transaction History
The two got along more and more harmoniously. At first Xiao Yuhan would tell her that she couldn't find Rong Linger no matter how hard she went, and she would not talk about Rong Linger again these two days. She thought he believed it. After hearing her explanation that day, I was still happy in my heart, thinking that if she and Xiao Yuhan got along like this, they would definitely be together.

Now that she is in a good mood, she doesn't have the heart to take care of Ling'er who is insane. As long as she and Xiao Yuhan are not disturbed, she can do whatever she likes.

But what she didn't know was that after they left, Rong Ling'er stood alone in front of the classroom and slapped herself several times after crying loudly.

The applause was crisp and loud, and the students in the classroom who hadn't left could hear it clearly. They all looked at Rong Ling'er as if they were watching a psychopath!
But Rong Ling'er didn't care about it, and after slapping herself a few times, she ran away happily. After running all the way home, she called the media person she used to know.

"Hello, Brother Li, can you cut a piece of audio for me? I will send you the content to be edited, and I will pay you after you cut it."

After hanging up the phone, Rong Ling'er let out a long sigh of relief. As long as she succeeds this time, Xiao Yuhan can completely stand by her side and slap Bai Qingyue in the face fiercely. One, a double-faced person, even a man would not like a person with such a character.

Xiao Su'er ran out of Ang's Manor and went directly to the bank. She remembered that Xiao Shuo had invested in a bank before, so Xiao Mengqiu always handled business in this bank.

"Hello, Ms. Xiao, do you want to deposit and withdraw money today or buy a fund?" The bank staff saw Xiao Su'er walking in and immediately recognized her. The news was announced in my circle of friends, and everyone knew that this was the real lady.

"I don't deposit or withdraw money. I want you to help me adjust Xiao Mengqiu's bank records from five years ago."

Xiao Su'er thought very clearly, if someone wanted to do something for Xiang Mengqiu, it would definitely not be for free, she would definitely want to give money to others, and she would definitely not tell others what it was to do things like blood poisoning to herself. What, in simple terms, he poisoned himself, and the money for such an outrageous thing would definitely not be small.

Therefore, she will definitely transfer a large amount of money from the bank or withdraw a sum of money, so that by investigating her bank deposit and withdrawal records five years ago, she will be able to roughly determine who has planted the blood gu on her.

This is the easiest and most convenient method, so she came to the bank, but the staff of the bank were embarrassed when they heard her words. Xiao Shuo is the major shareholder of the bank, and they dare not offend, but Xiao Suer's request It's a little too strange.

"Miss Xiao, Miss Mengqiu has passed away, and her personal account has also been suspended, and it is really difficult for you to find the records from five years ago. I am afraid we will not be able to do it."

After the staff member said this sentence, his head was lowered to his chest and he didn't dare to lift it up, for fear that Xiao Su'er would blame her, but after waiting for a long time, Xiao Su'er did not see any reaction.

"I know she passed away, but now is the information age, you must have records, just call up her records on the computer, if you don't do it, I will call my dad."

Xiao Su'er used to dislike bullying people the most, especially those who threatened others by relying on their own greatness, but now this is the only way to be simple and rude. Today, she has to find out who is the one who gave herself the blood gu, it was her Is that the person in your heart?
When the staff heard what she said, they became anxious immediately, nodded and bowed their heads, "Miss Xiao, please sit in the waiting room first, and I will ask the manager for instructions. If the records from five years ago are still kept, I will call them out. I'll show you."

After saying this, the staff turned and left in a hurry, just kidding!If Xiao Su'er really called Xiao Shuo, a major shareholder would lose her job if she said something casually, and if Xiao Shuo got angry and withdrew the capital from the bank, she couldn't afford to walk around. "

Even if the shareholder's daughter can't come here, it's okay!The manager of the bank immediately came to receive Xiao Su'er and took her to the archives room. There are very few paper files in the archives now, and the staff in the archives office are all sitting in front of computers.

"Miss Xiao, I don't know which time period you want to transfer Miss Mengqiu's records? We can only find the records from five years ago at the earliest."

The manager rubbed his hands and was at a loss, worried that Xiao Su'er would be angry if she couldn't find what she was looking for.

"What I want is the one from five years ago, so you can call me all the earliest ones." Xiao Su'er was a little anxious when she heard his words. He said five years ago, when was five years ago?Will it be exactly what she wants?

"Okay, Miss Xiao, wait a moment. I'll ask the person in charge of the archives to retrieve all the previous transaction records of Miss Xiao Mengqiu for you to see."

The manager immediately arranged to make all the transaction records of Xiao Mengqiu five years ago into paper files and hand them over to Xiao Su'er.

"Miss Xiao, these are all from five years ago, but there is nothing until March. The manager looked at the simple pieces of paper and felt a little dizzy. Xiao Mengqiu has hardly been here in the past few years. They have come to the bank to handle business."

"He wanted to type more and let Xiao Su'er read it for a while before they could think of a way to deal with it, but he didn't expect to type out such a few pages, and read them in one or two minutes."

Xiao Su'er didn't care about him anymore, but directly turned to the farthest record and read it all the way back. After she read a page, she found something wrong with a transaction record on the second page, such a large amount Called to an account, not quite right!
"Check who owns this account." Xiao Su'er immediately pointed to the account score on the transaction record, and the deputy manager and the manager picked it up immediately, "Miss Xiao, don't do this, this is revealing the customer's privacy, if it is found If we do, we will take great responsibility.”

"Really? That's up to you. If you help me check, I'll promote you to be the vice president. If you don't help me check, I'll call my dad immediately and ask him to call the president to say you..."

"Miss Xiao, leave me a way out. I'll check it out for you, but don't say it was revealed by our bank, let alone I found it out?" I agreed.

"Don't worry, I don't want other information, you just need to find out the name of the account holder for me." Xiao Su'er had a strong intuition, as long as she found out who the account holder was, she would have found the person who harmed her.

(End of this chapter)

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