Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013

Xiao Su'er stood at the door of the bank holding the customer information called out by the manager, and a ridiculous feeling spread in her heart. She had been stupid for five years, and until now she was a little doubtful whether she was wrong.

But such a large sum of money, a full 50!How could so much money be transferred to Rong Ling'er if it wasn't for the money that was used to buy people.

She had thought that Rong Linger might have borrowed it from Xiao Mengqiu, but in the following transaction records, it was obvious that only the money spent all the time was never returned. Could it be that someone just borrowed but never paid back?
What's more, Xiao Mengqiu doesn't look down on people in the entertainment industry at all. She always thinks that she is a talented girl, has a high self-esteem, and is unwilling to join forces with those actors. She probably looks down on Rong Linger.

Xiao Suer took a deep breath and decided to find out the truth of the year. If Rong Linger really did it, then she is absolutely not allowed to associate with her brother again. Such a girl can actually harm someone for a little money.

Although her younger brother was indeed sick and needed money, and her family was poor, relying on her alone, it was really difficult for her, but she helped her so much back then, so it’s okay for her to be ungrateful, and she actually hurt herself for a little money. Then this person's character itself is problematic and cannot be ignored.

Xiao Su'er raised her wrist, the watch shows that it is already [-]:[-] in the evening, it is useless to go to Imperial University now, Rong Ling'er should have gone home, she is not a freshman, so she does not need to study by herself.

She could only take the information given to her by the bank manager and walk home step by step. Every step she took felt like she was stepping on the tip of a knife. She could somewhat understand the feeling of the little mermaid in the fairy tale.

How stupid she was five years ago. Treating her enemy as a friend and taking care of her, pushing her favorite Bo Qingang further and further away, she is so stupid that it is indescribable. No wonder her life is so sad now.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

There was a party at Bai Qingyue's house today, so she didn't have dinner with Xiao Yuhan. After school, Xiao Yuhan decided to drive back to the Anjia Manor, but he didn't expect to see Rong Ling squatting next to his car when he walked into the garage. Son.

The fingerprints on Rong Ling'er's face were so obvious, coupled with the tear stains in her eyes, she could tell that he was being bullied, and he was squatting in the garage trembling, it looked really pitiful.

Xiao Yuhan quickened his pace and walked to her side, "Are you okay? Why are you squatting here?"

Rong Ling'er trembled visibly when she heard his voice, as if she was frightened, she raised her head and watched pitifully as Xiao Yuhan suddenly threw herself into his arms.

"Professor Xiao, you have to decide for me! I don't think I can stay in this school anymore. I'm going to drop out. I'm not going to study. I came here to say goodbye to you. I don't dare to go to your office. When Bai Qingyue arrives, I can only come to the garage and wait for you, I recognize your car, so I can only squat here."

Her voice was full of crying, and she was extremely pitiful, even throwing herself into Xiao Yuhan's arms, she was still shivering, no matter how pitiful she looked.

"What's the matter with you? Who hit you? Why did you drop out of school? Go! Come with me to my office and let's have a good chat." Xiao Yuhan took her hand and turned to leave the garage.

"No, I don't want to go to the office! If I go to the office, Bai Qingyue will come to you. I'm afraid to see it. The wound on my face is just..."

Rong Ling'er hesitated to speak, but the meaning behind her words was already very obvious, the wound on her face was caused by Bai Qingyue.

What Bai Qingyue said earlier appeared in Xiao Yuhan's head instantly. He didn't know why he subconsciously believed in Bai Qingyue more, but he also wanted to find out what was going on.

"Don't worry, Bai Qingyue went to their family's party today, and she won't come to me. I'll take you to the office to help you treat your wound. If you don't treat it, it will leave a scar. It's not just swollen. , I also saw bloodstains, what was it used to hit? A hand? Did she hit you with a ring?"

Xiao Yuhan pulled her out of the garage while observing the wound and finger prints on her face. It was obvious that she must have been slapped many times, but how did those blood marks get there?

"She, she is..." Rong Ling'er started crying again before she finished speaking, her eyes were already swollen like almonds, but she still couldn't stop crying. I took it to the office and took out the medicine to disinfect her. Seeing that Rong Linger's mood eased a little, she asked, "Can we talk now? What's going on? What happened?"

"Professor Xiao, you and Bai Qingyue have such a good relationship these past two days. They eat together every day. I think you must be dating. I don't want to be someone else's third party, and I don't want to be gossiped by others. I can only see you less. The number of times, deliberately avoiding you.

But I heard Bai Qingyue tell them, say..." Rong Linger hesitated to speak again in the middle of her speech, she gave Xiao Yuhan a timid look, bit her lip and said nothing.

"What did she say? You said it! Don't hesitate, there are only two of us now, no one will hurt you anymore, just tell me what's going on."

Xiao Yuhan was a little impatient, he hated procrastination like this the most, although Rong Linger was being bullied, she had to explain the matter clearly, otherwise no one would be able to stand up for her.

"Bai Qingyue told them that she was just playing with Professor Xiao, but she didn't take it seriously at all, and she said that she prefers boys with a sense of humor, and that Professor Xiao, you are more rigid. I felt a little unhappy when I heard her say that , to stop her and ask if she is dating you?"

"As a result, she beat me and said that I was crazy and meddling in other people's business, and even a few little sisters around her wanted to do something to me, so I didn't dare to say it, but they still beat me up like this, I think I I can't stay in this school anymore, Bai Qingyue is so popular, everyone is on her side to criticize me."

When Rong Ling'er spoke, tears fell from her eyes again, feeling the scars on her face became more obvious, Xiao Yuhan felt annoyed for no reason.

During this period of time, he and Bai Qingyue went in and out together, but he was actually attracted by Bai Qingyue. Even a person who doesn't value appearance, if he follows a beautiful woman all day long, he can't help but look at her a few more times , not to mention that Bai Qingyue is so beautiful, and her personality is much better than before, he unconsciously wants to get close to her.

Although the two of them haven't confirmed their romantic relationship yet, everyone thinks so, and he never clarified it, as if he also acquiesced in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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