Chapter 1014 Recording
Chapter 1014 Recording
He also asked himself what he thought about Bai Qingyue, and said that he didn't like it, but he definitely had a good impression, so he didn't clarify the scandal in the school, and even the teacher asked him if he talked to the students. When the teacher-student relationship started, he also replied lightly, college students are adults now, isn't it okay?

Of course, the teachers would only smile and answer, of course it is possible, and Bai Qingyue is not bad, she is a good match with him, and he will feel very good when he hears the word "good match", so does it mean that he has already Already fell in love with Bai Qingyue?
Hearing Rong Linger say that now, no matter whether it was true or not, whether Bai Qingyue had said that, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

But he remembered again that what Bai Qingyue said before, Rong Ling'er was always pure and kind in front of him, but it was completely different when she was in front of other people behind her back.

Thinking of this, he began to question the authenticity of Rong Linger's words, "Is what you said true? Did she really say that?"

"I really didn't lie, that's it! And they were the ones who bullied me before, but they all said to the outside world that I was talking nonsense in front of the professor and spreading rumors that Bai Qingyue copied my thesis, that's why she treated me like that , so when I go to talk to them now, I have to bring a recording pen, for fear that they will continue to talk nonsense."

"You also know that because of Bai Qingyue's family background, many people are on their side to condemn me. Only Professor Xiao is willing to believe me. You have seen with your own eyes that they are bullying me."

When Rong Linger spoke, she deliberately pulled Xiao Yuhan into the same camp as him. What she said made Xiao Yuhan instantly feel guilty. If you pass her, it will make people unconsciously feel that they are too much.

"Isn't there a recording? Let me listen to it. If they are really so excessive, I will definitely make them record it. I can't let them be lawless on campus."

Xiao Yuhan's eyes moved aside, and he still didn't believe it until he heard the recording.

"It's here, but it was broken when I was beaten by them. I can only hear part of it, but it can also prove my innocence. Professor Xiao, listen to it."

"Can't I even talk? I just asked him, and you're going to beat me?"

"What did we do to you? Let me tell you, it's none of your business whether Xiao Yuhan and I are in a relationship? He likes girls like you and no one, be crazy! Don't pester me anymore."

"Believe it or not if I beat you to death today? I think you are out of your mind, come here to show off your IQ?"

clap clap!

woo woo woo...

Recording finished!

It was indeed very short as Rong Linger said, and there were some noises at the beginning, and there were also noises after that, but it could be heard that Rong Linger was being bullied, and Rong Linger's voice in the recording seemed aggrieved.

Moreover, there are obviously many people in this recording, and there are other people around Bai Qingyue who taunt Rong Linger with her.

After Xiao Yuhan heard this recording, he felt that his heart was burning with anger. He actually believed Bai Qingyue's words on a conditional basis, but after listening to the recording, he could be sure that what Bai Qingyue said was true. You're talking nonsense, they are obviously the ones who have been bullying Rong Ling'er, and she is the one who is double-faced and double-faced!

"Professor Xiao! I really don't want to stay in this school anymore. I just think I should tell you before I leave. No matter how much you like Bai Qingyue, you have to tell her that you can't treat your classmates like this. I know her family is very serious." Well, her family background is even more amazing, no one dares to offend her, but so what, it doesn't mean she can bully her classmates casually."

"Although I know that it's her fault that she bullied me, I can't resist. After all, my family background is not as good as hers, and I don't look better than her. There are a lot of people in school who flatter me because of her family background, and because of her looks. She also has a lot of rich second generations, if I have a conflict with her, no matter what the reason is, they will blame me, I don’t want to be targeted by them, I’d better leave.”

Seeing the drastic change in Xiao Yuhan's face, Rong Ling'er played the emotional card again, and said these words pitifully, Xiao Yuhan immediately shook her head, "No, you are not wrong, why did you leave? What happened to Bai Qingyue is true. She was too much. She was still with me before..."

Xiao Yuhan forcibly stopped in the middle of his words. He didn't want to be a gossip behind his back, and the most important thing was that even though he had already heard the recording, he still wanted to hear Bai Qingyue's own explanation.

"What's wrong with her here? Did she also tell you that I was talking nonsense in front of the professor, that I was a double-faced person, and I knew she would say that, and she spread this kind of talk everywhere, making the class My classmates isolated me, and they didn’t like me.”

Rong Ling'er controlled Xiao Yuhan's mind very well, and after seeing Xiao Yuhan hesitated to speak, she immediately portrayed herself as a victim, watching him say these words pitifully.

Xiao Yuhan frowned, and didn't know how to answer her. Now Rong Ling'er came here with evidence, but Bai Qingyue just used her mouth to say it, and there was no evidence for it. He really wanted to believe Bai Qing Yue Ke couldn't believe it.

Ang Family Manor.

When Xiao Su'er returned home, her legs felt numb, and she was exhausted after walking such a long distance in high heels.

Xiao Su'er had already put on her suit, but she seemed worried, and she felt relieved when she saw Xiao Su'er came back, "Su'er, where did you go just now?"

"I went to check Xiao Mengqiu's previous bank transaction records, and I have already determined what happened."

Xiao Su'er answered casually, but when she looked up, she saw Xiao Shuo in a neat suit. He seemed to be attending some important event, and was dressed extremely formally. Over the years, he had been slowly retreating behind the scenes, just writing a few papers at random. That's it, I seldom wear such a formal dress. At home, I just wear a thin shirt or a Chinese tunic suit.

"Dad, is there any event you are going to participate in dressed like this?"

"Yes, the Bai family sent an invitation letter before, but I forgot to give it to you. They called today, and I just remembered that there is still an hour to go. You can change your clothes and go with me." .”

"I won't go, I'm not in the mood." Xiao Su'er subconsciously refused.

But Xiao Shuo didn't give her the room to refuse, he shook his head resolutely, "You can't say no, you have to go with me!"

"Why do I have to go? I'm very tired now! Dad, I really don't want to go."

Xiao Su'er sat on the sofa, paralyzed there, feeling as if her soul was out of her body.

"Because today is your godmother's birthday and the old lady of the Bai family's birthday. The invitation letter they handed over is also for you. Are you sure you don't want to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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