Chapter 1015 Birthday Banquet
Chapter 1015 Birthday Banquet
Xiao Shuo sat beside her and looked at her. Sure enough, Xiao Su'er opened her eyes when she heard the words Old Madam Bai, "Is it Godmother's birthday? I haven't contacted them all these years, and she probably thinks Recognizing me as a goddaughter is like never recognizing me."

As she spoke, she remembered every detail of getting along with Mrs. Bai five years ago, which really left an indelible memory in her mind, and Mrs. Bai really treated her like her own daughter.

But since she went overseas, she has never been in touch with Mrs. Bai again. After all these years, she doesn't know if Mrs. Bai still recognizes her as her goddaughter.

But remember to invite her for her birthday, probably she hasn't forgotten!Since the elders have already sent invitation letters, it would be unreasonable not to go.

"Fool, if she really feels like she doesn't recognize you, how can she invite you to her birthday party? It's you, don't go too far, turn a blind eye to the elder's invitation, go and change your clothes, dad will be with you today go.

Xiao Shuo rubbed her head, just like she rubbed Xiao Wang's head, pampering her extremely, Xiao Su'er smiled and nodded, even though her walking legs were almost numb, she still stood up.

"Well, I'll change into a dress, and then go to the godmother's birthday party with my father. I can't let the godmother down."

White House.

Today's Bai Qingyue is like the stars holding the moon. It was her grandma's birthday. She is the eldest lady of the Bai family. Naturally, she is dressed in extremely gorgeous clothes. Compared with the many eldest ladies who came to the banquet, she is also the most beautiful. The beautiful one.

The long white dress fell to the ground, and it was decorated with broken diamonds. Her hair was permed into slight curls and hung on her shoulders, and she was wearing crystal high heels on her waist. No matter where she went, she looked like the brightest star.

"Qingyue, didn't you say that you invited us to be your aunt? What about her? Recently, someone from your school said that you are in a relationship with his younger brother. I'm afraid you have lost your seniority."

Bai Qinhao walked up to Bai Qingyue holding a goblet, and still didn't forget to tease his sister. Bai Qingyue gave him a rare, shy look, "We are not related by blood, who said I can't be with him?" Together?"

"Hey, what do you mean we are really together? Not bad! It's okay to find a well-educated intellectual, a professor of medicine at a university, and he can help grandma take care of her body in the future. His sister is so powerful. His younger brother shouldn't be bad either."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Today is grandma's birthday. What are you doing to help grandma take care of her body? My grandma's health is very good. Grandma will live a long life. I don't bother to care about you."

As soon as Bai Qingyue turned her head, she saw Xiao Su'er wearing a long dress, walking into the banquet hall holding Xiao Shuo's hand, she immediately put down her wine glass and ran towards them, "Sister Su'er, you are here!"

"Am I late? I'm sorry for the delay in some things today! Where is the godmother?"

When Xiao Su'er smiled at her reluctantly, the moment she saw Bai Qingyue, she thought of Rong Ling'er. Xiao Yuhan used to say at home that Bai Qingyue was bullying Rong Ling'er at school, but now it seems that this matter There must be something else hidden.

Although Bai Qingyue has the temperament of some young ladies and can be unruly and capricious, but she never intentionally bullies others, this point is still clear in Xiao Su'er's heart.

"Grandma is receiving guests over there, Miss Su'er, are you here alone today?"

Bai Qingyue looked behind her while talking. She remembered that when she came home, she specially sent a text message to tell Xiao Yuhan that there was a party at home today.Why doesn't he come?The invitation letter has been sent to the Xiao family, and the whole family can come.

"When I went home, my brother hadn't come back. Maybe there was some delay in school. He probably won't come today, but won't you two be able to see each other when we arrive at school tomorrow?"

Seeing Bai Qingyue like this, Xiao Su'er thinks it's a little cute, this is what a girl in love should look like, she wants to see her beloved anytime, anywhere, and the anticipation on her face can't be hidden.

Bai Qingyue was a little disappointed when she heard her say that, but she nodded shyly in an instant, "I see, then I'll take you to grandma! She was still talking about you just now, and she didn't even know you after five years Now. What has changed, she must have become a big girl, and she is even more beautiful."

While she was talking, she took Xiao Su'er's hand without hesitation, just like sisters, Xiao Su'er looked at the two people holding hands together, but she didn't feel bored with other people's unreasonable touch like before.

The old lady Bai was sitting on the sofa, and there were a few people holding goblets standing beside her. All of them had smiles on their faces, and they could be heard when they got closer. Their mouths were full of praise.

When Xiao Su'er walked in with her high heels, everyone noticed her. When Mrs. Bai raised her head and saw her, a look of surprise and surprise appeared on her face. She immediately stood up from the sofa and walked to her side, "Su'er ,You finally came."

"Godmother, long time no see! My daughter hasn't called you for more than five years. It's really inappropriate. You won't blame me, right? This is a birthday gift I specially brought to you."

Xiao Su'er handed the box to Mrs. Bai's hand. These are some pills that she specially took out from the medicine spirit jade space. Not to mention eating them will make you immortal, at least it can prolong your life and strengthen your body.

She had noticed just now that Mrs. Bai must have been in good health all these years, and now she looks good.

"I've heard Bai Qingyue say that you've been overseas for the past few years, and something happened, so how can I blame you? It's good that you still remember to bring me a birthday present, good boy! Come here and talk to me Godmother talk a few words."

Old Madam Bai's eyes were full of distress. She knew about Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang's death. This girl really had a hard life. She has been going through disasters since she was born, and now she is finally able to settle down. After she came down, she had to bear the pain of her beloved leaving her again. Why did God treat her like this?It's really distressing and helpless.

Xiao Su'er sat on the sofa, and the flattering people around her held up their cups and left. They all had eyesight and knew that Mrs. Bai wanted to chat with her alone.

"Godmother, it seems that your body is not bad. You should have been paying attention to taking care of your body these years, right? After the party is over, I will take your pulse and see how your body is doing." Xiao Su'er spoke immediately after sitting down , I don't want the atmosphere to be so embarrassing. After all, I haven't seen you for five years. It would be a lie to say that there is something particularly important to say.

(End of this chapter)

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