Chapter 1019 Campus Forum
Chapter 1019 Campus Forum
Rong Ling'er picked up her mobile phone to take a picture of the wound on her face, and even used special effects to deepen the wound. The wound was taken on her mobile phone as if it had been cut by a knife.

Looking at the photos on the phone, he seemed unsatisfied. He even picked up lipstick and put on special effects makeup. After everything was done satisfactorily, he took another photo and opened the campus forum of Imperial University.

She tapped the keyboard on the computer with her fingers flying, wrote a vicious text, and even hung up a picture of Bai Qingyue.

A rich girl bullies her classmates on campus. Why does such a person appear in a college like Imperial University? Or is there a problem with Imperial University's education, or is the student's own quality deviated?
Such a passage plus Bai Qingyue's photo is quite eye-catching. Bai Qingyue is a man of the school, with a good family background, and there are a bunch of rich young masters chasing after her, and those rich The young master is the dream lover of many girls in the school, and if you think about it, you know how popular this post will be.

Rong Linger sat in front of the computer after posting the post and watched the post slowly become the number one. More and more people began to comment and discuss, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew wider and wider.

"Isn't this Bai Qingyue? Is she so fierce? If you beat your classmates like this, don't you usually look like a cold goddess?"

"Upstairs! So cold, so cold, doesn't she just think she's great? I guess many of my classmates have been beaten by her before, but no one dared to reveal it. Which hero is this? I'll toast him a glass of wine."

"I also want to know who this person is? I also posted an anonymous post. The person who was shot at such a close distance is probably the victim himself. Did it say who it is?"

"I don't know who it is, but we must make this post the most popular, let the school take a look, and severely punish these rich children who bully others in this school. They are simply lawless."

Seeing this, Rong Linger turned off the computer happily, not bad!Just to make these students arouse common anger, there are not many people in the campus who really have a family like Bai Qingyue. Many people have long been jealous of them, and she is not the only one who hates the rich.

When the students all united, Bai Qingyue felt wronged, and she would definitely leave Imperial University with her personality as a young lady, and no one could compete with her for Professor Xiao.

Thinking of this, she happily went back to the bed with her mobile phone in her arms, opened WeChat pitifully while lying on the bed, and sent a crying voice to Xiao Yuhan, "Professor Xiao, my face still hurts, And it seems that the whole body is swollen, even more swollen than during the day, what should I do? Can heat be applied?"

Sitting in the bedroom, Xiao Yuhan was still in a dull state, the frost on his face hadn't melted at all, thinking of Bai Qingyue's appearance, and Rong Linger's injured face, his head seemed to be stuffed into Like a ball of hemp, the more it gets tangled, the more chaotic it becomes.

When Rong Linger's WeChat came in, she and he just glanced at it and became even more confused. He originally wanted to put it aside and ignore it, but he didn't expect that the second message came again. When he opened it, his eyes changed dramatically.

"I found a post on the campus forum. I don't know what happened. When I was beaten today, a few female classmates came to me. I didn't pay attention. Maybe they took pictures! It's really not me I posted it, or I should apologize to Qingyue, will this post affect her?"

Listening to this voice, Xiao Yuhan felt a little baffled. Since it was said to be a campus forum, he decided to find out. He opened the first post on the campus forum, which was a very popular post exposing Bai Qingyue. He clicked on it and read it Seeing those exaggerated traces, but there were only wounds but no face, he was not sure if it was Rong Ling'er.

But after reading it all the way, it is really not important, because it is this popular post that a lot of students have started a heated discussion, and a series of remarks are against Bai Qingyue and some rich second generations in the school.

"I hate these rich second generations the most. They bully others! What's so great about them? They are all in college, and I am also in college in God? But we are admitted by our own ability. A degree bought with money! Bully this bully at school all day long."

"That's right, I even set up a charity club in the name of charity, but after I went in, I was scolded every day."

"That Bai Qingyue really stood up and down, putting on airs, and ended up having a teacher-student relationship."

"None of the girlfriends around her are good people. I heard that one of them even stepped on a few boats. I can only say that there is a nest of snakes and rats."

Looking at these angry remarks, Xiao Yuhan felt an indescribable depression in his heart. If Bai Qingyue and the others hadn't provoked the anger of the public, how could they have attracted so many students' verbal criticism?

It's impossible for so many classmates to wrong her. It can only be said that they are really bullying others behind their backs!
"Du..." Xiao Yuhan was looking at the comments on the post with a sullen face and became angry when the cell phone beside him rang. He took the cell phone, and Rong Linger's crying voice came from the receiver.

"Professor Xiao, didn't you see the voice I sent you? Why didn't you answer me? Don't you want to talk to me? Don't get me wrong, I didn't post that post. I only saw it when it was discussed in the class group, so don't be angry with me."

"Is the wound on that post the wound on your face? So serious?"

Xiao Yuhan didn't answer her, but asked in a cold voice, he wanted to know how many people Bai Qingyue had bullied behind her back.

"It seems to be the same as when I was beaten by him just now. It has been a few hours since I went to find you. I have also treated it with medicine, so it doesn't look serious. I don't know who took it. He You probably didn't want Bai Qingyue to trouble me by not taking a picture of my face."

Rong Ling'er said while shedding tears, every sentence seemed to be confessing, with deep guilt, Xiao Yuhan listened to his words, and became more and more angry for no reason.Without saying a word, he hung up the phone.

When he had no place to vent his anger, Xiao Su'er pushed the door open and walked into his bedroom, without thinking, he yelled at the door, "What are you doing? Did you come in without knocking?"

After discovering that it was Xiao Su'er, the whole person froze in place, a little embarrassed, "Sister, why is it you?"

"Otherwise, who do you think it is? No matter who it is, you can't use this attitude, and they didn't provoke you."

(End of this chapter)

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