Chapter 1020 Wronged

Chapter 1020 Wronged

Xiao Su'er watched him helplessly walk to his side, "My brother Professor Xiao, why are you so angry today because of Bai Qingyue's matter? Would you like to hear my opinion?"

"She told you just now, she must have said that it was someone else's fault, then you should read what the students said on the campus forum first, if a person says that she is at fault, it may be that person's fault. A lot of people said she was wrong, so she has to reflect on her own problems."

Xiao Yuhan turned the computer to Xiao Su'er, and she walked to the computer with some doubts when she saw those remarks, her facial features were all wrinkled together, so much anger?

But after a closer look, it is not aimed at Bai Qingyue, but at their identity as the rich second generation. To put it bluntly, it is just a bunch of people who are expressing hatred for the rich. It's unreasonable to dislike these rich second generations who are born with unique conditions!Those who hate the rich are similar to those who hate the poor and love the rich.

She turned off the computer again, looked at Xiao Yuhan and shook her head, "What? Just because of these remarks, you think Bai Qingyue is really this kind of girl?
Didn't you get along with her yourself?Don't get to know her from other people's mouths, you have to get to know her with your heart. Didn't you see that those people are not used to her status as a rich second generation?If Bai Qingyue was replaced by a child from a poor family, this post probably wouldn't have so many people fighting against each other. You are still a teacher, how did you become a professor? "

As she spoke, she nodded Xiao Yuhan's head with her hand. Although she said that he was his older sister, the two of them were twins who were only a few minutes older, but she just knew that she was an older sister, and she wanted an older sister. It looks like, what this younger brother did wrong, she must teach him in time, so as not to let him "go astray".

"But if she always faces me with a hypocritical face in front of me, how can I know?"

Xiao Yuhan had already fallen into this vortex, completely ignoring her words, Xiao Su'er looked at him in such a way, dragged the stool in his room and sat in front of him, posing as a stern elder .

"What is a hypocritical face? How long have we known her? What kind of person is she now? Do you have to learn the real her from other people's mouths? Then Rong Ling'er, how can you be sure that she is in front of you? Is it real?"


The room was silent for a moment, and no sound could be heard. What Xiao Su'er said was indeed very reasonable, but Xiao Yuhan couldn't hear it. He stood up and pulled Xiao Su'er from the stool and pushed it out, "Sister, I see, You leave me alone for a while."

"No, what are you doing? If there is anything wrong with your thinking, we can talk about it, and I want to tell you about Rong Linger, she used to..."

Before Xiao Su'er finished speaking, she was cut off by the loud knocking on the door. She stood at the door of Xiao Yuhan's bedroom with a dazed expression. This was the first time Xiao Yuhan had known each other for so many years. It's too exaggerated to treat her like this once!

However, it can be concluded from this that Bai Qingyue must be very important to him. It seems that this silly boy really fell in love with others and didn't know it. He was a fool for a day.

Xiao Su'er stood at the door and shook her head, asking what love is in the world, and asking life and death to promise each other. It seems that this sentence can really be used for thousands of years. The wisdom of the ancients is really extraordinary.

at the same time.

In the Bai family villa, Bai Qingyue, who had just finished her birthday banquet, returned to her room exhausted. When she picked up her mobile phone, she saw that the class group had exploded. Someone posted a link to the post, and the whole class group was discussing this. For this matter, several sisters who are close to her have sent her a text message, asking her to check it out.

"What is this?" Bai Qingyue clicked on the link with some doubts, but after seeing the whole post clearly, her head turned white with a bang. What's going on?

She felt an unprecedented level of anger, which was simply turning right from wrong into black and white, but she could understand why Xiao Yuhan was so angry today after seeing these photos, it was Rong Linger's handwriting, she became more and more arrogant, In the past, they just stabbed her in private and targeted her openly and secretly, but now they directly use the power of public opinion.

Bai Qingyue picked up her mobile phone and started spraying in the class group, "Can't you see that all the words on this are confusing black and white? Why did I bully my classmates in school? How did I spend money to enter Imperial University? ?I really got in, and the person who posted this post only dared to be anonymous. Isn't that just proof that she has a guilty conscience?

I know who the person who posted the post is in our class group, I advise you to delete that post yourself and clarify the facts, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. "

After she sent such a series of words, no one dared to speak in the originally heated class group, and it took several minutes for the students who reacted to speak in it.

"Bai Qingyue, do you know the person who posted that post? Then tell me who it is."

"Yes, you said, who is it? If you say that someone wronged you, you must have evidence. Did you beat the person above?"

"Is it someone from our class? No one should deliberately frame you, right?"

Bai Qingyue became even more angry when she saw the speeches of these people, and started to type quickly with her mobile phone, "I won't name anyone, but think about it for yourself, I am at school every day except for class time. Occasionally, I will come to busy with the charity club, how can I have so much time at school, besides, why am I beating people when I have nothing to do?"

"We really didn't see you beating someone, but they posted all the photos and named you as the one who beat them. Why did they wrong you if they didn't wrong others? There's nothing wrong with it, and a slap can't make a sound. I think you have really bullied others."

No one else in the class dared to be so direct against her, but another girl who was also a rich second generation had long since disliked Bai Qingyue. The boys behind her are not as many as Bai Qingyue. The last time something like this happened to Bai Qingyue, she was the happiest person besides Rong Linger.

"Who is this? How can there be such a person in the world? Talking nonsense without distinction!" Rong Ling'er became dizzy with anger when she saw the text she sent, and wanted to say something more, so she answered the phone A private message arrived...

(End of this chapter)

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