Chapter 1021
Chapter 1021
Bai Qingyue, if I were you, I would find a place to hide, if I wanted to become a street mouse that everyone scolded, if I didn't want to, I would transfer to another school or drop out, in short, don't show up at school.

It was the private message sent by the rich second generation. The two of them didn't add friends at all. She sent the message from a temporary conversation in the class group. Bai Qingyue was furious when she saw this message.

Although this Xu Li is a rich second generation, her family background is not as good as Bai Qingyue's. Her family and Bai Qingyue are in the same industry, but they are not comparable at all. That is to say, her parents have to bow their knees in front of Bai Qingyue's parents. , so she was very dissatisfied in her heart, and competed with Bai Qingyue everywhere.

Previously, she had targeted Bai Qingyue overtly and secretly at school, but she had never dared to point it out. After all, there was no direct conflict between the two of them, and Bai Qingyue didn't want to talk to her.

Even if she speaks bad things about Bai Qingyue behind her back like Rong Linger, Bai Qingyue still feels that she doesn't have to get along with her if she doesn't offend her. There are too many people who are jealous of her. If she wants to care so much, it is estimated that Already pissed off.

But this time Xu Li has seized the opportunity, and she wants to take advantage of this matter to hit Bai Qingyue well. She is the person with the best family background in the class except Bai Qingyue. If Bai Qingyue is run on Gone, then she can be lawless.

Holding the phone, Bai Qingyue angrily edited a long string of words to send, but stopped when she pressed the send button, "Forget it, don't argue with fools."

She knew that the most important thing at the moment was not to quarrel with Xu Li, but to find out who posted the post on the campus forum, it was intentional, and some of the photos posted on it were secretly taken.

The other part was picked up from her Weibo. It seems that I really can't post my own photos on Weibo in the future, and I don't know what kind of bad guys will use it.

"The clean is clear, I didn't hit anyone, I won't admit it, and I can't ask the teacher to drop out of school, that's it!"

Bai Qingyue quickly typed this string of words on her mobile phone, sent it to the class group, and then opened the campus forum. After thinking about it carefully, she still didn't use her own identity to speak on it, but applied for many A trumpet kept asking questions on it.

"Want to know who the host who posted the post is?"

"Didn't you get beaten! Tell us your name so we can get justice for you."

"That's right, that's right! If you're like this, Bai Qingyue won't admit it."

She used her trumpet to keep talking on the post, and successfully attracted other students to echo her words. Everyone was curious about who posted the post and wanted to seek justice for her. Of course, some students said that the host did not want to It was probably sent out because she didn't want Bai Qingyue to seek revenge.

For a while, the forum was divided into two groups, one group wanted to know who posted it, and the other group supported the poster in not revealing his true identity.

Bai Qingyue saw that this method would not work, so she simply gave up. She turned her head and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside. It was already midnight. It would not be good to bother people at this time. Let the company's employees check it out tomorrow. With that in mind, he walked into the bathroom angrily.

the next day.

Bai Qingyue got up early in the morning, and went to the school's monitoring room to call up the surveillance video of the class and corridors. She could clearly see that it was Rong Ling'er who stopped them from questioning, and she could also see that Bai Qingyue was about to call her. The person who stopped her, although she couldn't hear the sound, was enough evidence to refute Rong Ling'er's words.

"Please copy this surveillance video to me." Bai Qingyue took out the USB flash drive and handed it to the teacher in the surveillance room.

Holding the USB flash drive that copied the video, Bai Qingyue walked lightly. She walked towards Xiao Yuhan's office in a bouncing manner. This kind of person is enough.

She walked towards the administrative building, but was stopped by a group of classmates halfway through the walk. They were standing in front of Bai Qingyue, and it seemed that the visitors were not friendly, and Bai Qingyue was sure that she didn't know these people, and they could even Said he had never seen it.

She was a little strange, but she still resisted saying anything, but turned her head and walked to the side, but what she didn't expect was that when she moved a step, these people moved a step, and they were still in front of her. The leader was a girl , although he was dressed very ordinary, like an ordinary student, but his face was painted with heavy makeup, and his hair was dyed golden yellow.

Hair dyeing is already a very common thing in college, and the teacher doesn't care about it, but Bai Qingyue's outfit is really unacceptable, just like a little girl on the street.

Bai Qingyue was patient, "Excuse me, do we know each other? Did you find the wrong person? I have something to ask you to make way now, don't block me."

"Hehe, why don't you want to hit people now? Didn't I hear that you can do a good job? Beat up the female students in your school like that, and now you have to act like a lady. Let me tell you, I'm so annoying It's your kind of person, and I'm here to talk to you today."

The leading girl was extremely arrogant, and she let Bai Qingyue know that the person who posted the post was here to tease her, but she was not afraid at all, she stared fixedly at the few people in front of her.

There are six people in total, and she remembers everyone's appearance in her heart. If they dare to trouble her today, she will definitely not let these people go. Turn the entire Huaxia continent over, and she will find them.

"This is my business. Don't say I didn't bully people. Even if I bully people, what does it have to do with you? Are you friends with the person who posted the post? Then let him come directly to me and talk about it." , I really want to know how I beat her like that, and I don't fear retribution when I speak against my conscience."

Bai Qingyue put on the demeanor of the eldest lady of the Bai family. She was pampered and grew up. Her parents held her in her mouth for fear of melting, and held her in her hands for fear of breaking. She has matured a lot in recent years. I know that I can't be too willful, but it doesn't mean that people can ride on top of their heads and bully them.

"You really think we won't succeed if we're afraid of you. The Bai family is amazing, but let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you, beat her!" The leading girl gave an order, and the people behind all moved towards Bai Qingyue Come on.

"Ah!" Bai Qingyue was pushed so hard that she fell to the ground, she was really angry.For the first time in so many years, she wanted to use the power of the Bai family to kill these people. She looked up at them, "Do you know who I am? Don't you want to live in China?"

(End of this chapter)

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