Chapter 1022
Chapter 1022
"We just don't want to live anymore today. It's enough to drag you, the eldest lady of the Bai family, to die together. Kill you!" The few people were not afraid of her at all. Qingyue punched and kicked.

Although Bai Qingyue is the eldest lady of the Bai family, she has many talents since she was a child. She can sing, dance, draw and draw, and she is even better at equestrian skills. However, she has never learned martial arts. There was no way to fight back, and she collapsed on the ground. Just when she felt that she was about to be beaten to death, a familiar voice suddenly entered her ears.

"Who are you guys? Beating people in school? Which department? Do you even know that you are a student? What kind of place do you think this is?" Xiao Yuhan's voice came quickly from far to near, and the few people looked As soon as someone came over, they scattered like birds and beasts, leaving Bai Qingyue covered in bruises on the ground.

Xiao Yuhan immediately ran forward, and when he found out that it was Bai Qingyue, he hugged Bai Qingyue and ran to the infirmary without a moment's delay, "Are you okay? I'll take you to the doctor! These people are too much, you know Which department is it from? Is it from your class? Why did they beat you?"

Bai Qingyue leaned in his arms, crying with grievance. No one had ever beaten her since she was a child. Even if she made mistakes before, her parents would at most tell her the correct way, without saying a single harsh word. This matter is over, and today she was beaten up like this by a few people she doesn't know, she feels wronged no matter what she thinks.

The most important thing is that if she really made a mistake, it’s fine for them to teach her a lesson. The problem is that she didn’t hit anyone at all. What was said in that post is all false, but she still has to be bullied like this by these people. What do you think? Why are you unhappy.

When Xiao Yuhan asked her, she could only cry as if she didn't hear her, and the tears in her eyes fell one drop after another. Seeing her like this, Xiao Yuhan became more and more nervous, thinking that she was beaten too badly, so will keep crying.

When he sent her to the infirmary, the school doctor was treating his wound, and she didn't stop crying. Seeing her like this, Xiao Yuhan felt heartbroken, and the anger he had because of Rong Linger's incident disappeared instantly. , just coaxing her all the time.

But he is a straight man, he has never been in a relationship, and of course he has no experience in coaxing girls, so he doesn't know what to say to make Bai Qingyue stop crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't cry." Because I didn't know how to coax, all the words I said in the end turned into an apology.

Seeing his bewildered look, Bai Qingyue laughed instantly, "Pfft! What are you talking about? Why are you apologizing to me? You're not wrong."

"If I could have gone there sooner, you wouldn't have been beaten by them. Who are those people? Why did you conflict with them? Do you know which department it is from?" Xiao Yuhan looked at the mountain on her face. She was beaten to pieces, and there were some blemishes on her flawless face, but it didn't affect Bai Qingyue's beauty at all, on the contrary she looked much more playful.

"I don't know them at all. They shouldn't be from our department. They look too unfamiliar to me, but I'm not sure. After all, my time in school is too short. I don't know many students from our department, but They obviously came to trouble me, and they said that I should teach me a lesson when I bully others."

"I'll know the truth from now on, but I never bullied others! By the way, did you also see that post on the forum?"

Bai Qingyue remembered what she was going to do, and grabbed Xiao Yuhan's hand. Originally, Xiao Yuhan had forgotten about it, but after she reminded her, she instantly realized it.

He still wanted to be angry, but he couldn't bear to see Bai Qingyue like this, so he could only ask with a calm face, "Rong Ling'er's face was posted on that post, have you seen it now? How badly has she been beaten by you?" Seriously, so you should know why I was so angry yesterday, but these students are also at fault, you should not use violence to counter violence, you..."

His words stopped abruptly, because he saw the video on Bai Qingyue's mobile phone, and the mobile phone was directly in front of his eyes, and his brows became tighter and tighter. In the end, he saw that Rong Linger was sitting alone on the floor in front of the classroom, and started to slap herself, while Bai Qingyue had already left.

"I went to the monitoring room teacher to copy this video this morning. If you don't believe me, you can ask him. This is what happened yesterday. You can bring Rong Linger here, and we will confront him face to face."

Because of what happened this morning, Bai Qingyue was holding her breath in her heart, and she no longer wanted to be slandered by others. First of all, Rong Ling'er must be dealt with, and then there were posts on the campus forum. She must find out whoever she splashes dirty water on.

Xiao Yuhan looked at the surveillance video on his mobile phone, and then glanced at the wounds on Bai Qingyue's face and body. He felt as if someone had knocked over a pot of hot water, which made him very distressed and bloody. of.

How much wronged Bai Qingyue has suffered!Being questioned by him and being beaten up in school, he is such a jerk that he trusts Rong Linger time and time again.

Thinking of this, he fell silent. Seeing that he was silent, Bai Qingyue thought she didn't believe her and continued to explain, "You must believe that this video of me is real. You can go to the monitoring room and ask. As for I can guarantee that he edited the recording you mentioned before. I asked her if she was crazy, but I just feel strange that he came to me to cry and laugh.

Now explaining Rong Linger's matter clearly, can it prove that the post on that forum is also fake?Did you just say that the photo above is her?But I didn't hit her, it must not be me! "

Bai Qingyue was eager to explain, Xiao Yuhan tightened her hand, "I believe you! It was my fault before, every time I heard what Rong Linger said, I always believed her to misunderstand you without questioning, Absolutely not in the future.”

"You..." Bai Qingyue looked at the two people holding hands, her face turned red instantly, and she felt warm in her heart. The pain from the beating just now seemed to disappear instantly, she bit her lip and nodded gently , "Just trust me."

"The post on the school forum, I went to the person who manages the forum to delete it." Xiao Yuhan felt that he was sorry for Bai Qingyue, and he must do something for her.

"Not only do you have to delete it, but you also have to find out who posted it. I can't just be wronged for no reason. Maybe it will happen again next time. Deleting it won't fundamentally solve the problem."

(End of this chapter)

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