Chapter 1023
Chapter 1023
As Bai Qingyue said, she picked up her mobile phone and called the people in the company, "Go and find out who posted the post about me on our campus forum immediately. Although she is anonymous, you are professional If you are a computer student, you can't even do this, so go check it out immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, she seemed to feel the pain in her body. Looking at the wounds on her elbows, knees and shoulders, she became angry. What if there were scars?He and she have grown up under the protection of their parents since they were so old. They have never been injured, let alone scars. My mother has always told her that a lady should not have scars on her body.

"My sister has special medicine. After you take it, there will be no scars on your body. If you don't like taking medicine, she also has ointment, and I can bring it to you." Xiao Yuhan saw what she meant, and said address her concerns.

"Then thank you!" Bai Qingyue laughed immediately, her smile was as bright as a flower, Xiao Yuhan looked at her smiling so happily, and reached out to rub her hair, "Thank you, what are you hurting today?" Don't go to class if you are like this, or the classmates in your class don't know how to talk about me, so let's send you home."

"No need, I'll call our driver to pick me up. How can I delay Professor Xiao's time? You should go to class later." Bai Qingyue wanted Xiao Yuhan to see her off. Yes, she wished that Xiao Yuhan would be with her all day, but she knew that she couldn't be so selfish, and couldn't delay his work.

"It's okay. There are only two classes today and one lecture. It's still early. I'll take a leave of absence. I'll just come back in the afternoon and give the lecture. I'll ask other teachers to help with the two classes."

"Okay then! Thank you then!" Bai Qingyue happily smiled at him, as if the wound on her body suddenly stopped hurting.

Although she was beaten a bit exaggeratedly, with injuries everywhere, she didn't have any injuries. After sitting in the infirmary for a while, Xiao Yuhan was about to send her home. The two walked side by side in the school, Bai Qing Feeling that her body was full of injuries, Yue bowed her head in embarrassment, but she was dressed coolly today, so Xiao Yuhan took off her coat and put it on her, "You should put it on first."

"Thank you." The coat on Bai Qingyue's body was covered with his body temperature. Bai Qingyue immediately thought of the scene of two people hugging, and her face turned red instantly. She lowered her head and pulled the coat tighter, feeling The noodles are as sweet as honey.

But as the two of them walked, some strange sounds reached their ears.

"You see, those are Bai Qingyue and Professor Xiao, are they really together?"

"No way, what is Professor Xiao's vision? He is so handsome, and many graduate students are pursuing her. Why are you with Bai Qingyue? Isn't it difficult for this kind of lady to get along with?"

"The relationship between the two seems to be pretty good. You can see that Bai Qingyue is wearing Professor Xiao's clothes."

"But didn't the forum write about Bai Qingyue's black material? She bullies her classmates in school and has a character problem. Professor Xiao can tolerate it?"

"Who knows, maybe Bai Qingyue has her own means. You see, she usually flaunts her might in school, but now she is like a little sheep by Professor Xiao's side."

Bai Qingyue heard their words getting more and more excessive, she couldn't bear to raise her head, and looked towards the source of the voice, "What do you mean? You don't know how to hide when you speak ill of others, it's too much."

"Where did we go too far? Speaking bad things about you in front of you, and letting you hear it is called honesty. You still want us to say bad things behind our backs. Sorry, I'm not your kind of person."

Those classmates who were questioned by her relied on their numbers, and Xiao Yuhan was not afraid of Bai Qingyue at all when she was still at the side. Anyway, no matter how fierce she is, you can't fight them in front of the professor of Imperial University, right? And the law is not to be blamed, she alone provoked so many people, no matter how it is calculated, it is Bai Qingyue's fault, they are even more fearless.

"You saw me beating someone with your own eyes? The photos on the forum posts are people who took pictures of wounds and put them up and said that I beat them. If they are here to hack me, why don't you guys go there? The truth of the investigation is just talking nonsense here."

Bai Qingyue was very angry, but she didn't know how to explain it. Now everyone believed what was said on the forum and didn't believe her.

"Anyway, people broke the news that it was you, and didn't your classmates speak on it? Many people said that you are usually very domineering, and we don't know you. Of course, we chose the side with a lot of people to believe it. Besides, we should have The right to freedom of speech! What’s in the way of expressing your views here?”

Seeing Bai Qingyue's angry look made them even more proud. Usually, they never had the opportunity to see this high-ranking rich daughter become so angry. This time, they finally seized the opportunity and must torture her well.

"I said it's not me. If you do this again, I will..." Bai Qingyue clenched her teeth, not knowing what to say, what can she do?It seems that nothing can be done.

She can let her parents use their power to suppress her forcefully, making the whole school afraid, and naturally no one will dare to speak ill of her. Li might scold her so much that eight generations of ancestors have come out.

"What about you, you just hit us? Do you want to hit other people? Professor Xiao is standing here, and now the two of you are still dating. Professor Xiao, you can't allow her to beat us, right?"

The girls immediately hid behind Xiao Yuhan and looked at Bai Qingyue provocatively. She was so angry that she didn't bother to argue with them anymore, she grabbed her coat and ran outside.

Seeing her running outside, Xiao Yuhan also followed her out of the school. Before leaving, he reminded the people around him, "Stop talking nonsense, I will find out who posted the post. If Xiao Mengqiu If you really hit her, of course you have to deal with it according to the school's regulations, and you can do whatever you want, but if Bai Qingyue didn't hit her, you are now spreading rumors."

Putting down these words, he chased Bai Qingyue and ran out of the school, which made these students fantasize, thinking that the relationship between the two of them is really good, and this Professor Xiao obviously has the potential to be a 24-year-old boyfriend !I care so much about my girlfriend, I take off my clothes and let her wear it, and when my girlfriend gets angry, she rushes over to coax her, not bad.

But the more they think about it, the more unwilling they feel, why such a good professor is with a girl who likes campus bullying!
(End of this chapter)

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