Chapter 1024 Would you like to
Chapter 1024 Would you like to
Before going to bed, Rong Linger rubbed some special medicine given by Xiao Yuhan, and when she got up in the morning, she found that the wound on her face had basically healed, and no scars could be seen. She went to school happily, anyway, no one was there now Knowing that the post on the forum was made by her, she cleared the suspicion and harmed Bai Qingyue. She had the best of both worlds, and she was very proud.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the classroom, she heard the discussions of the students in the classroom, all of which were about Xiao Yuhan and Bai Qingyue, and everyone was talking about what happened just now, just through the mouths of those girls. This story was spread everywhere, everyone said that Professor Xiao loves Bai Qingyue very much, even though her matter is making a fuss on campus forums, Xiao Yuhan still doesn't mind.

Rong Ling'er felt incredible when she heard this sentence, she pretended to walk up to a girl casually and asked without knowing it, "What are you talking about?"

"What else can you say? Isn't that Professor Xiao, so handsome and so smart, how could he be deceived by Bai Qingyue? The relationship between the two is very good."

"I don't know where I went now. Bai Qingyue skipped class, and he also skipped class, but if the teacher skipped class, it should be more serious, and his salary will be deducted."

"However, I heard that Professor Xiao's family is the second generation of the rich, and the family is very rich. He doesn't care about this salary at all..."

Rong Ling'er couldn't hear the rest of the words, because she was already a layer of anger in her heart, she paid such a high price and beat herself like a pig's head, yet she still didn't get Xiao Yuhan out of Bai Qingyue's side drive away?

This Xiao Yuhan is really like a fool, no matter which woman tells him to say a few words casually in front of him, he will be able to instigate him. If the two of them are together in the future, they will be snatched away casually!

Rong Ling'er almost wanted to give up and find another target, but thinking about it, there should be no better condition than Xiao Yuhan in this school. Bai Qingyue's family background in this school can be said to be unique, but The strength of the Ang family surpassed that of the Bai family, so if she wanted to surpass Bai Qingyue, she could only choose Xiao Yuhan.

Thinking of this, she can only calm down and continue to attack Xiao Yuhan, even if he is a stone in a latrine, she still has to put him in her bag!

Bai Qingyue ran out of the school gate, bowed her head angrily and walked forward, Xiao Yuhan followed her almost at a running speed, and when she was about to pull her with difficulty, Bai Qingyue lowered her head and crossed the road , he chased forward anxiously, when he heard a loud voice, a truck carrying goods was driving towards Bai Qingyue.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yuhan was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Bai Qingyue back, holding her tightly in his arms. The big truck drove past the two people's feet. Hurry up, if she had bumped into Bai Qingyue just now, she would have turned into a puddle of meat by now.

Bai Qingyue bumped into Xiao Yuhan's arms, realized how dangerous it was just now, her heart jumped up and was about to say something, Xiao Yuhan took her hand and walked back to the sidewalk and shook it. Open her finger and yell at her.

"Do you know what you are looking at? You are a college student now, you are not a child who is not yet an adult, don't you know that you have to walk on the sidewalk when you walk? Even if you are killed when you cross the road, no one is responsible , do you have any brains?"

Xiao Yuhan was really terrified, he was very worried about the consequences of hitting Bai Qingyue with the car key just now, and his heart ached when he thought of Bai Qingyue being separated from him in the future.Now he can finally be sure that he likes her, not just a slight liking for her, but a genuine liking for her.

Bai Qingyue was stunned by his yelling, she blinked her big innocent eyes and looked at him, "I was so angry just now, so I didn't pay attention for a while..."

"What do you mean by not paying attention for a while? Don't you know how big the truck was just now? Our school covers too much area, so it can't be built in the city center, but in the suburbs. How many trucks are there every day? How many trucks of this kind passed by, and people were killed because they crossed the road last year, do you know how uncomfortable their parents are? Can you..."

Boom!Halfway through his words, he hugged Bai Qingyue into his arms again, took a deep breath and muttered to himself, "It's a good thing you're fine, fortunately you're fine."

When Bai Qingyue was yelled at by him just now, she still felt a little wronged, she was also frightened, why was Xiao Yuhan scolded like this?But when Xiao Yuhan hugged her and said these words, she instantly felt a deer running into her heart and bumping into her heart, which made her a little distracted. She raised her head in Xiao Yuhan's arms and looked at him .

"Professor Xiao, were you worried about me just now? Don't you think I'm bad? Then I was directly hit by a car and killed. You don't have to worry about me every day."

It was clear that he was saying something with a lot of resentment, but the ending sound was rising, Xiao Yuhan looked at her sly smile, stretched out his hand to rub her head, "You clearly know that I am worried, why do you still say such things, I I have already said that I was wrong before, so I shouldn't doubt you at will. Don't do this again in the future, if you, if something happens to you, what will I do..."

What if something happens to you?These words lit up Bai Qingyue's whole world like fireworks exploding above her head, her eyes widened, and she held Xiao Yuhan's hand.

"Can you say it again? Or to make it clearer, what do you mean? If something happens to me, will you be worried? Why are you worried, and based on what standpoint are you worried? It can't just be the friendship between teachers and students! "

Xiao Yuhan has never been in a relationship, so she can't speak, but Bai Qingyue has seen so many people in love around her, and has read a lot of romance novels. Of course she knows the meaning of this sentence, not to mention that she has also had a crush on it before. Others know how sad they will be if something happens to their sweetheart.

Xiao Yuhan didn't want to hide it anymore when she heard her asking this question, took a deep breath and said seriously, "Bai Qingyue, I think I like you very much, it's not the kind of teacher who cares about the students, it's a genuine love for you, I I have never been in love, and I have never liked others, but I can be sure that I am different from others to you. I am willing to protect this relationship, and I want to make our relationship even more different. Will you with me?"

After hearing what he said, Bai Qingyue froze in place. She had thought that Xiao Yuhan might say that she liked her a little bit, but she hadn't thought about asking her directly if she wanted to be with him. In this way, she was confessed. ?

Moreover, being confessed by the boy she likes, this feeling is really unprecedented, Bai Qingyue actually forgot to react for a while, and just looked at Xiao Yuhan with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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