Chapter 1032
Chapter 1032
His hand stopped when he was about to touch Xiao Su'er, and he slowly withdrew his hand. He just stood quietly by Xiao Su'er's bed and looked at him. He couldn't see the expression clearly on his face wearing a mask, but he could see the pain in his eyes. It is missing.

She still couldn't bear to put it on Xiao Su'er's face, she just stood by the bed and stared at the sales obsessively, and only opened the window to leave after two full hours.

Although he was extremely careful, he still made some small noises. Xiao Su'er woke up slowly when she heard the sound, just in time to see the black shadow go out through the window, she sat up in fright in an instant, and ran to the window quickly. She didn't see anyone in front of her, and she stroked her head in a daze, "Could it be that I was hallucinating just now?"

Thinking of it this way, she felt even more weird. Even if it was a hallucination, she shouldn't have seen someone turn over the window. Could it be that the person who followed her all day showed up?

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er immediately lowered her head to look at herself, the clothes on her body were intact, and she was a doctor who could feel that she hadn't suffered any harm.

What the hell is going on with that person?He didn't come to hurt her, did he really come to protect her?

Early the next morning, when Xiao Su'er was having breakfast, she deliberately asked the old man politely, "Grandpa, do you think you can send a bodyguard to protect Xiao Wang secretly?"

"Why should you protect him in secret? You can protect him generously. I think you should also send someone by your side. How many gatherings of the Chinese Medicine Association have you attended in these years? Every time, those men will come to pester you. If they are It’s okay to follow the rules, and always do some disgusting things.”

Mr. Ang put down the book in his hand, and he was still aggrieved when he talked about this matter. Xiao Suer's reputation in the Chinese medicine circle is getting bigger and bigger. In the past few years, she has been present every time at the Chinese Medicine Association. Such a beautiful woman with good medical skills, It is beyond description how popular she is in the field of Chinese medicine, so every time those people come to pester her.

Once even at a party, I put medicine in Xiao Su'er's drink in order to stun her overlord, but unfortunately he never succeeded, so Xiao Su'er didn't want to go to those parties more and more.

But it’s not that she will be fine if she doesn’t go, her clinic is also very famous, and there are always some people who come here just to pursue her, and it’s really tiresome, so Xiao Su’er also wondered if Mr. Ang sent someone to protect her in secret she.

But looking at the old man's appearance now, this assumption seems to be untenable. Who is that person?What happened to the stalking eyes I felt?

"I'm still like you said, I really sent some bodyguards to protect Xiao Wang and you. What do you think? If you think it really affects your life, you can also secretly protect them like you said. .”

After thinking about it, Mr. Ang thought her proposal was very good, and decided on the spot, Xiao Su'er immediately shook her head, "No, I just thought about it and it seems that it is not very reliable."

She didn't want her bodyguards to disturb that person, she decided to find out that person with her own hands, and she had to find out whether he was secretly protecting or trying to lurk and murder her.

Xiao Su'er was sitting in the office sorting out the medical records during this period. She always liked to listen to the news while working, and now the news was broadcasting on the TV in the office.

"Bo's company has undergone a major shakeup. The legendary illegitimate son has appeared to take over Bo's company. A press conference may be held in the near future..."

Hearing this, Xiao Su'er raised her head, just in time to see the appearance of an illegitimate child on TV, there is no mistake, it is Chi Siang!
She was so shocked that she dropped the pen in her hand, and watched TV in disbelief. It took her a while to react, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and started to learn about what happened on the Internet.

On the Internet, employees working in the Bo family have long revealed what happened: a month ago, the illegitimate son of the uncle of the Bo family suddenly appeared and produced a series of evidence to prove his identity, indicating that he wanted to inherit the Bo family by virtue of his identity. business idea.

But the people of the Bo family naturally wouldn't want to, so he stopped talking nonsense and used strong means to avoid the Bo family's business without letting anyone give in.

After taking over the Bo family's business, he even changed the company's interior. All the Bo family members who were placed in the Bo family were all fired, and they did not recruit from the outside. The replacements were all people brought by him.

Many people secretly took photos of him and put them on the Internet, from every angle. Xiao Su'er can be sure that this is Chi Siang, not someone else who looks like him.

"How is this possible? He took the poison back then, so it's impossible for someone to undo the poison I gave." Xiao Su'er was puzzled. Five years later, she thought that Chi Siang was already dead. Now maybe Even his bones had been turned into ashes, but he never expected that he would come back alive and take over the Bo family's business.

After Bo Qing'ang passed away, Xiao Su'er also thought about going to Bo's family to take over the management rights of the business, so as not to destroy Bo Qing'ang's hard work. Most of his energy in the first half of his life was devoted to the Bo family's business.

But at the last thought, she felt that it was not necessary. It belonged to the Bo family, and she just had to lead Xiao Wang to live a good life. However, in recent years, the Bo family has not been as brilliant as it used to be. stuff is working.

After Xiao Su'er knew about it, she also asked her grandfather to help the Bo family secretly, so the Bo family could always have the dominant position in the Chinese mainland, and basically did not waver.

Unexpectedly, now that Chi Siang came back, he took all of Bo Qingang's hard work. The most important thing is that the news has clearly stated that he rejected many former partners, and those partners were all offended by him. Rise up to boycott Bo.

"How could it be like this? What exactly does he want to do?" Xiao Su'er couldn't figure it out, even if he took over the Bo family, there was nothing wrong with it, after all, he was really the son of the uncle of the Bo family, and also belonged to the Bo family.

But why offend so many partners?Could it be that he wants to destroy the company that Bo Qingang managed so hard to run?He didn't come back to recognize his ancestors at all, but came back to destroy everything?
Once such an idea was born, it took root in her heart and took root. Xiao Su'er immediately decided not to let him do this. It was Bo Qingang's painstaking efforts. destroyed.

She must ask Chi Siang for clarification, and she wants to know who is so capable of undoing her poison, but she really wants to meet this expert!
(End of this chapter)

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