Chapter 1033 Flirtatious
Chapter 1033 Flirtatious
"Chi Siang!" Xiao Su'er leaned against the wall of Bo's garage, and coldly called the person who came into the garage. The footsteps of the person who came stopped and looked towards her.

When the eyes of the two met in the air, it was like two icicles meeting in the air, and the entire underground garage froze instantly. When Chi Siang looked at her, there was no love from five years ago in his eyes anymore, only Be cold and indifferent.

"Chi Siang, why did you do this?" Xiao Su'er walked up to him and asked coldly.

"I don't need to report to anyone what I want to do, and no one in this world is qualified to question me!" Chi Si'ang replied very coldly, and wanted to leave after putting down the words.

He went to the car door and opened it to get in the car, but Xiao Su'er pressed his car door hard to prevent him from getting in the car, "I'm not qualified to question you, but I am qualified to protect Bo Qingang's hard work, you want to destroy it?" Lose the Bo family? Why do you treat those partners like that? If none of the partners wants to cooperate with you, do you think the Bo family can still develop?"

Although Xiao Su'er was wondering why Chi Siang had changed completely after not seeing Chi Siang for five years, she also felt that it was reasonable. In five years, she had not walked the path that Chi Siang walked, nor experienced what he had experienced. What a person will become is completely unpredictable to others.

But no matter what he has experienced, he can't waste other people's hard work as soon as he comes back. If he goes on like this, the Bo family will go bankrupt sooner or later. He probably doesn't care about the wealth of the Bo family at all, he just came back for revenge.

But he was the one who hurt him back then, even if he wanted revenge, he should take it on himself, why would he harm Bo Qingang's painstaking effort?

Xiao Su'er couldn't figure it out, so she had to question her face to face. She wanted to protect the Bo family that Bo Qingang worked so hard to manage. Although the Bo family was considered a first-class family in China, it was not as big as it is now. The Bo family could control the wind and rain in China. Keeping everyone in awe all depends on Bo Qingang's ability.

"Why are you so nervous? I have to think about whether the Bo family can develop. Taking a step back is what the Bo family needs to think about. It has nothing to do with you."

Chi Siang always looked indifferent, and now he didn't even look at Xiao Su'er, but he tried hard to open the car door with his hands, Xiao Su'er also pressed the car door hard to prevent him from opening and confronted him.

"What exactly do you want? If you want to manage the Bo family well, then you should seriously think about how to grow the Bo family in the future. If you just want revenge, then please come to me and don't harm Bo. pouring blood."

"Oh?" Hearing her words, Chi Siang came to his senses, turned his head and looked at her with interest, and finally had an expression other than cold, but the frost in his eyes still didn't melt away.

"It turned out that I was talking about Bo Qingang for a long time, worried that I would ruin his hard work, right? Then you have to be careful, I'm not only going to ruin his Bo family, I want to ruin all the people related to him next. ,including you……"

When he was talking, he stepped forward in two steps, put his hands on the car door, and wrapped Xiao Su'er in his arms. The distance between the two of them instantly shortened. Xiao Su'er was a little angry, and looked up at him, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you think I want to do? Today you cast yourself into a trap. I didn't even look for you, so you rushed over, what? Do you have unusual thoughts about the heirs of the Bo family? That's enough to satisfy you."

While talking, Chi Si'ang moved his head closer, wanting to kiss Xiao Su'er, but Xiao Su'er immediately reached out to support him, "What are you doing?"

She was a little angry, she didn't expect Chi Siang to become so frivolous now, even if he was cold, why would he do such a thing?
Chi Siang held her two hands with one hand, so strong that Xiao Su'er couldn't get rid of him with both hands.

As soon as Xiao Su'er raised her head, she saw the banter in his eyes. He exerted more force on his hands. Xiao Su'er felt as if his bones were about to crack. He didn't respond to the pain until he frowned, as if the person in front of him was an enemy. There will be a little distress.

Xiao Su'er looked up at him in pain, "What exactly do you want?"

"Isn't this obvious? Since you took the initiative to send it to your door, how could I turn a blind eye? Let me replace Bao Qingang to love you well today. Anyway, you must be lonely after all these years alone! Don't you Do you just want the heir of the Bo family?"

"Now that I'm taking Bo Qingang's position, other people have to respectfully call me Young Master Chi. You will never feel wronged when you are with me. Maybe I can take you to relive the beauty between you and Bo Qingang, you Look at my face is not much worse than his, we both have the same mother's blood, I don't mind if you take me as his substitute."

While talking, Chi Si'ang squeezed Xiao Su'er's hand even harder to prevent her from resisting, and moved his head close to Xiao Su'er's face as he was about to kiss her face, Xiao Su'er yelled angrily, "Ah! Get out of the way, Chi Siang, you How did it become like this now?"

Chi Siang appeared in front of her five years ago, and suddenly wanted to pursue her. He was completely different from when he was in college, but he didn't expect that he would become more numerous in the past five years, and he was completely different from when he was in high school. People, in the past, he would not be so frivolous to take advantage of others, let alone say those words coldly.

Her cry made Chi Siang pause for a while, but his head was still very close to her, and his breath was all on her face, but Xiao Su'er just felt a little disgusting to her in such a situation, not at all because of this The ambiguous atmosphere has a good impression on Chi Siang.

"I don't need you to care about what I have become. I treated you very well back then, but how did you treat me? You actually poisoned me!"

"Xiao Su'er, you don't have any right to question me here. It's a great kindness for me to give you so much time to talk to me now. You should be grateful to Dade instead of coming here to question me. I don't have the heart to say that to you now." Chatty."

Chi Siang actually put one hand through Xiao Su'er's waist and hugged her fiercely, and the two of them stuck together instantly, Xiao Su'er became even more angry from embarrassment, but because of his too much strength, he couldn't break free at all, and his face flushed with anxiety and anger .

"Heh..." The corner of Chi Si'ang's mouth twitched, and he was about to kiss Xiao Su'er, but at this moment there was a sound of breaking wind behind him, he immediately turned his head and saw a drink bottle smashed towards him.

He immediately backed away swiftly, and Xiao Su'er also fled quickly after releasing the shackles, and the drink bottle hit his car and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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