Chapter 1035 Destroyed
Chapter 1035 Destroyed
"It's just that I met a person. That person is interesting. You go and tune out the surveillance in the underground garage, find the man in black who fought against me, and investigate him for me. I want to see who is so powerful. , if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes today, I would have thought this was a plot that would only appear in a movie.”

Looking at the bandaged hands, Chi Si'ang felt depressed. Today, he could be intimate with Xiao Su'er, but he was interrupted by that person, and Xiao Su'er's appearance didn't change from five years ago. Seeing him, he still looks like an enemy The appearance is even worse today.

"Hehe...Xiao Su'er! I used to have a deep love for you, but you didn't take my love for you seriously, and even poisoned me."

"I took my life back by fate. Do you think I will still have such deep affection for you today? Since you are merciless to my subordinates, I don't need to be merciless to you anymore. You still have your son. Especially that Xiao Wang, he really should deal with it properly, he disliked me five years ago! If this is the case, I will let him never see me again."

Chi Siang's eyes became even colder, and he turned to tell Lin Fan, "Go to Xiao Wang's school tomorrow to have fun with him. I heard that the kid is a genius boy, and he has already entered junior high school at the age of ten. I really want to Look at how powerful he is."

"Yes, master! In my opinion, even that woman should be killed together. That woman didn't know what to do, and she poisoned you back then. Now that you come back, you should give her some pain and let her know who it is. They are all people she can provoke." Lin Fan gritted his teeth, remembering that Xiao Su'er poisoned his young master back then, he couldn't hold his breath.

"Her? She has to stay for a while, I want her to watch, this good show has just begun! She is the best audience, we can't let her go first." Chi Siang's mouth had a gloomy look Smile, since she wants to let herself die so much, and she has so many things she wants to protect, then of course she can't do what she wants.

Let her live to see that she is living so well now, and that she can destroy what she wants to protect with her own hands. Only then will she be truly revenge. She poisoned herself so hard back then, how could it be possible? Let her pass so easily?

He will not touch Xiao Su'er, but will let people protect her, let her live well, and watch her destroy everything, the first is her son, her most important person.

the next day.

Xiao Su'er applied medicine to her hands before going to bed, and the redness and swelling had subsided after waking up in the morning, but she always felt that her eyelids were blinking non-stop, as if something was about to happen.

But these past few years have been peaceful, her life is as peaceful as water, except for the occasional encounter with a few intractable diseases that make her feel a little tricky, nothing special seems to happen, what could happen?

Probably it was only related to Chi Siang, Xiao Su'er cheered up and sent Xiao Wang to school, and specifically asked, "These two days are the busiest time in the mother's clinic, remember to eat at school at noon, if I If it's too late to pick you up, you can go to the clinic by car to find me like before, you know?"

"I see, Mom! I'm already that old, and I'm not a primary school student. Isn't it always like this before? Why do you want to remind me specially today?"

Xiao Wang felt a little strange, this was the tacit understanding between him and Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er hadn't told him like this for a year or two, what special thing happened today?
Xiao Su'er didn't explain, didn't tell him about the return of the Uncle Chi he hated back then, but just smiled and said: "Didn't I suddenly remind you of this? Usually you go to school and I go to work every day. We The mother and son don't have time to have a good communication, why am I impatient to remind you, are you my own?"

"You have to ask yourself this matter, I'm curious too."

The two were fighting and joking, Xiao Wang waved at her, "Okay! Mom, I'm going to class."

Xiao Su'er just sat in the car in front of the school, watched her son enter the junior high school campus, and drove away until she could no longer see his back, but the farther she walked, the faster she felt her eyelids blink, and there was always something in her heart. There is a bad feeling.

But I can't tell what's going on. She is a doctor, so of course she knows that she is healthy and not sick, so why is this happening?

Her intuition has always been accurate, and now she feels that something is going to happen if she feels restless, so that she still can't concentrate when she goes to work in the clinic. After seeing two patients at random, she will tell other doctors in the clinic , I went back to the office by myself.

But sitting in the office still couldn't calm down, picked up the phone and sent a text message to his son: Are you okay?How is the class?
Xiao Wang's text message came back almost immediately: I'm in class!what happened?
While replying text messages, he felt strange why his mother was so abnormal today. Before, he would never send text messages to himself during class time, unless there was something particularly important, but today he sent text messages strangely to ask himself Is there something wrong?What happened?

Xiao Wang realized that the matter was not simple, so he turned on the recording on his phone deliberately. He was going to record his whole day's itinerary, and he also used the latest system developed by several of his teams. A word of help will immediately make several calls at the same time.

The phone calls including his mother and the police will be dialed at the same time, so that whenever something happens, he can save himself from danger in time, as long as he finds a way to delay it for a while.

At that time, the recording will be turned on, and you can play the recording directly if you want any evidence. This is the system Xiao Wang developed when he saw so many students killed and human traffickers rampant.

On the other side, Xiao Su'er couldn't calm down in the office, and finally lit the incense for sleeping, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. She felt that it must be because she kept thinking about Chi Siang last night and didn't sleep well. Yes, but I didn't expect to have a dream.

There was no her in the dream, only Xiao Wang was forced to a corner, and a few burly men stood in front of him and said threateningly to him, "You'd better follow us honestly, don't force us to do it. Time isn't doing you any favors."

"Why should I go with you? You are too rampant, do you know who I am? Do you know who my grandfather is? Don't you want to live?"

(End of this chapter)

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