Chapter 1036
Chapter 1036
Xiao Wang looked at these adults without fear, instead he knew how to scare them off by showing his identity, but these people were obviously not afraid, even if the other party was Mr. Ang, they were not afraid at all, and looked at him with a playful smile Laughing, "Even if you are the king of heaven, you have to go with us today! Forget it, since you are so ignorant, let's do it directly!"

Several people took out knives from their bags, some even brought guns, and all raised their hands towards Xiao Wang. Just at the very moment, Xiao Suer woke up from her dream, sweating profusely. Unfamiliar environment, for a moment it was hard to tell whether it was in a dream or in reality.

She hasn't had any dreams in recent years. The only time she dreamed was when her grandfather fell down. At that time, she really predicted the future. During those few days, she sent bodyguards to guard Old Man Ang's side every day. Later, Old Man Ang almost fell down.

But because of predicting the future in advance, the bodyguard successfully rescued Mr. Ang. This is the first time Xiao Su'er changed the future after predicting the future, and it is also the only dream she had in the past few years.

Today she had a dream again, definitely not for no reason, this dream might also have the effect of predicting the future.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er picked up her bag and ran towards Xiao Wang's school without delay. I don't know when this dream was, but it's been very unsafe these days, and today she came out of nowhere and wanted to Let's take a nap here. If she didn't take a nap, wouldn't she be dreaming?

Although her dreams can predict the future, she does not dream of everything in the future, and the time of predicting the future is also uncertain. Sometimes she dreams that it will happen the next day, and sometimes it takes a long time. How long is this time? ?She didn't care, she had to see her son immediately to be at ease.

Xiao Wang's first class in the afternoon at school is physical education, and all students can move freely after completing the physical exercises required by the teacher.

He was walking towards the school toilet, but he found someone following him halfway. He turned his head several times but found an empty school. This school is big enough and has several toilets. He doesn't like crowding with people. , so I always go to the most remote toilet.

There are very few people here, and several teaching buildings are deserted. Although the school is under renovation, there are always few people.

He noticed something was wrong and immediately walked back. He actually forgot what happened this morning in the physical education class. He thought nothing would happen. Now it seems that something happened, but before he took two steps, he was surrounded by several people A few burly men stood in front of him, looked at him and questioned, "Is your mother Xiao Su'er? Do you know that she has been tied up by us now?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know the person you're talking about. You've got the wrong person."

Although Xiao Wangxin was worried in his heart, he knew that he couldn't expose it. If he let them know that the person they were looking for was himself, then he would also be tied up. Who else would save his mother?He has to calm down and escape before going to Xiao Su'er is the best solution.

But several burly men took out a photo from their bags, glanced at him and then at the photo, and finally shook their heads, "You kid is so heartless, you don't even want your mother for your own safety. Is it? Today I will teach you how to behave."

The leader walked towards him while talking, and seeing that he was about to make a move, Xiao Wang immediately turned around and ran away. As long as he runs away from here to the stadium, he can find the teacher and he will be absolutely safe. This is a noble school. Ordinary people dare to come to this school to make trouble.

But what he thought was too idealistic. He is a gifted child, and his brain is much easier to use than ordinary people, but his physical fitness is definitely not as good as these well-trained people. Drag it to an abandoned teaching building in the school.

When they dragged Xiao Wang, he was still struggling and shouted for help, but they only let him shout once, and then gagged his mouth.

But just that one sound was enough. Xiao Su'er received a call on her mobile phone. She answered the phone and kept calling Xiao Wang's name, but there was no answer on the other side. She only heard the sound of clothes rubbing, followed by her The same words in the dream.

"You follow us honestly..."

Her heart was beating like a drum, and she realized that her son was in danger. She immediately hung up the phone, called the school teacher, and yelled, "What's the matter with you? Where is my child? Go to Xiao Wang quickly, if he has something to do today If you don't, I will sue your school for closure, how can you put students in danger during class time!"

The school teachers were also panicked, and immediately searched the whole school and around the school for Xiao Wang's whereabouts.

When Xiao Su'er was sitting in the taxi, she tried her best to recall the details of the dream. The corner Xiao Wang was forced to in the dream was not like the buildings in this city, and there was a school building next to it, because in the dream, she I saw the profile cards of those great people hanging on the teaching building.

So it shows that Xiao Wang is still in school now, Xiao Su'er urged the driver, and almost arrived at the school at a flying speed.

Xiao Wang saw a few people in front of him pointing knives and guns at him. It seemed that these people couldn't take him away and wanted to solve it in school, so it could show that these people really reported to ask for help. Killed my own heart.

"Even if you want to kill me, let me know who killed me." Xiao Wang pretended to be scared, thinking of delaying time, it would be best if he could find out who was going to kill him.

"You want to know who our master is? You don't have the qualifications. If you want to blame it, blame you for not reincarnating properly, and get a mother who hurt you!"

Several people were unwilling to reveal their master, instead they loaded their guns and prepared to kill him directly. Originally, they wanted to take him back and torture the young master, but now he was struggling so hard that it was not easy to catch him back. It was even more difficult to wait until school was over and he was afraid that the Ang family would come to pick him up, so he simply killed him, since the young master told him to kill him anyway.

Xiao Wang looked at the pistols in their hands, feeling a little flustered, these people were determined to kill him, and he couldn't delay the time, but the few minutes since he yelled for help just now are not enough for Xiao Su'er to come , what should I do?
"Boy, don't blame us, use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others!" The person in front of him pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" A gunshot sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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