Chapter 1037 Rescued

Chapter 1037 Rescued

Xiao Wang was so frightened that he hugged his head and knelt down, ready to face death. It seems that his system is not enough, so what if it can automatically call the police?If the law enforcement officers can't catch up, there is still nothing to do. It's a pity that he won't have the opportunity to improve in the future.

But squatting down for a long time, the pain he was prepared for did not come. Instead, he heard the sound of fists and feet, and several burly men roared, "Who are you? Are you looking for death? How dare you come to us to stop our affairs? If you dare to shoot, I will kill you today."

What does it mean?Hearing this angry voice, Xiao Wang couldn't understand it. He quietly opened a slit, but saw a man in black, wearing a mask and hat, dealing with several burly men, even though he was alone Thin, but still not at all down.

The man holding the gun just now has fallen into a pool of blood. It turns out that he did not shoot the gun just now, but the man in black. Who is he?
Xiao Wang looked at the man in black wearing a mask. He always felt that the figure was familiar, but he couldn't see the face clearly. People, now he can still gain the upper hand with one enemy, if he is distracted by himself, it will be bad if something happens.

Xiao Wang could only stay in the corner as much as possible, not to cause trouble for him, and he didn't dare to make a sound, but quietly picked up the phone and sent Xiao Su'er a location.

Xiao Su'er had already got out of the taxi, and when she saw her son's location, she almost flew towards the school, and her son was able to post the location, which meant that his life was safe, and if he slowed down, something might happen, every minute Every second can mean the difference between life and death.

He stepped on ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes, but he still walked like flying. He almost sprained his feet several times on the road, but he still rushed forward with strength.

"Ah! Ah!"

There was a lot of wailing on the ground, those people were all dealt with by the man in black, lying on the ground crying for pain, Xiao Wang dared to stand up and run to the man in black at this time, but immediately felt a chill, he looked at the man in black. People, "Thank you uncle, thank you for saving me, who are you? You name me, I will let my mother repay you."

The man in black looked at him with deep warmth in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Wang's head, but when he was about to put it on Xiao Wang's head, he retracted again, and Xiao Wang could feel his hand When he got close to him, the cold breath made him feel like winter in an instant, and he wondered, this uncle is a little too strange, why didn't he speak?

"Uncle, what's the matter with you? Are you okay? Why don't you talk? Did you get hurt when you fought with them just now? My mother is a Chinese medicine doctor. Her medicine can cure diseases. If you are not sick, you can strengthen your body. I will take you there Let's take a look inside his clinic."

Xiao Wang is a good boy who knows how to repay his kindness. Of course he knows that this uncle will repay him for saving him. He is also very worried that he will be injured because of saving himself, but the man in black just looked at him and shook his head lightly. Still don't say a word.

"Uncle, are you unable to speak? That's okay. My mother is a miracle doctor. She can cure your throat so that you can speak again in the future. Come with me to see my mother! Take it as our repayment."

As Xiao Wang said that, he wanted to pull the man in black's hand without hesitation, but before he touched him, the man in black quickly took two steps back and almost spoke, but in the end he just shook his head and waved his hands.

Xiao Wang understood what he meant, he didn't want to let himself touch him, and when he was about to touch him just now, he did feel that threatening chill again, which made him very uncomfortable, as if his hand had been stretched into the refrigerator , and even feel ten times colder.

If this uncle is really caught, his hands will probably be frostbitten, but why is it so serious?Normal people shouldn't have such a cold body temperature.

When he was wondering, Xiao Su'er had already rushed over. She was very worried when she saw people falling all over the ground, and rushed to Xiao Wang's side to look him up and down, and found that he was unharmed, so she calmed down and hugged him tightly, "Still Okay, you're fine, what's going on? Why did they come to the school? Did they say who their master is?"

"I don't know! But this uncle saved me. Mom, please thank him quickly." Xiao Wang pointed to the man in black who hadn't left yet.

Xiao Su'er recognized at a glance that he was the one who saved her in the underground garage that day, she hurried forward two steps, "Hello, thank you for saving me and my son, can you tell me who you are Are you? You are not the bodyguard of the Ang family, right? You should thank you for saving our mother and child, and I invite you to eat at home!"

"If you can't speak, I can try to treat you. I am very confident in my medical skills. Are you willing to believe me? I promise I can cure you."

She tried to keep her voice as soft as possible, and she was sure that she would not offend him when she said that, but the man in black seemed to resist her. Since she came over, he had always turned his back to her, and now he just shook his head when he heard her speak, like The same as the first time, he turned around and raised his head to point in the direction of Xiao Wang's teaching building.

Xiao Su'er wanted to say something more, but she didn't know how to say it, so she could only take Xiao Wang away, and it was exactly the same as last time, after their mother and child were safe, the man in black would not know when to leave.

Is this ****?Do good deeds without leaving a name!Xiao Su'er felt strange, but it was not easy to pursue it. If someone saved her, she must not be a bad person. You can't investigate others, it really doesn't respect people.

But she couldn't figure it out, why did this person always arrive in time when their mother and son were in danger?Xiao Wang was still in danger at school, which is too strange.

But it's strange, Xiao Su'er knew that the most urgent thing is to deal with those who came to hurt Xiao Wang first. Not long after she arrived, the police car also arrived, and took all the people who were knocked out into the car.

"Mom, those people seem to have intentions to kill me, and they must be your enemies!" Xiao Wang looked at Xiao Su'er and said.

"My enemy? How to say?"

"They told me not to blame them. If I wanted to blame it, I blamed myself for casting the wrong baby and having such a mother. This sentence is already obvious, and it is aimed at you, mother."

Xiao Wang played the recording on the phone, and after hearing it, Xiao Su'er was sure who it was. Her life for the past few years was only work and Xiao Wang, and she didn't offend anyone, so it was only Chi Siang who just came back.

Definitely is!Xiao Su'er was so angry after confirming it, she dared to do something to her son, it is unforgivable!
(End of this chapter)

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