Chapter 1038 Selling Shares

Chapter 1038 Selling Shares

Chi Siang was sitting in the study with red wine next to him. Lin Fan was reporting today's events to him. When he heard that someone had rescued Xiao Wang again, and the rescuer was another man wearing a mask and hat. eyes narrowed.

"Who is that man? You can't keep him because he has ruined me again and again! Let me find out who he is. Is three days enough?"

"I see." Lin Fan agreed, how could he dare not say enough when the young master asked him so?At that time, he will only say that he has been with him for so many years and it is not good for him to do things well, and he can't find out what he wants in three days.

Chi Siang took a sip from the red wine glass next to him, looked at the bright red liquid and sneered.

"The next thing is the matter of the Bo family. Those companies that the members of the Bo family depend on will slowly close down under their eyes. Now I don't have absolute power. I want to collect the shares of the Bo family. When I When the shares accounted for 60.00%, I would like to say that no one else can object."

"Master, Bo Qingang used to hold the most shares in Bo's company. After his death, it seems that these shares were all transferred to his son."

Lin Fan took Bo's shareholder ratio book and read it to Chi Siang. At first, Xiao Su'er didn't want Xiao Wang to recognize Bo Qing'ang, and only let them get in touch in private. But after Bo Qing'ang passed away, she knew everything.

Immediately took Xiao Wang's hair to find the Bo family's personal doctor. The DNA test provided by the private doctor proved that Xiao Wang was Bo Qing'ang's biological son, so all of Bo Qing'ang's shares were transferred to Xiao Wang.

Over the years, although Xiao Su'er let the Bo family develop and did not go to work in the Bo family, and only asked Mr. Ang to help the Bo family when they were in trouble, he would still let him have a look at any large-scale projects of the Bo family.

Now Xiao Wang is still a minor child, so Xiao Su'er is temporarily exercising his power. The members of the Bo family are aggrieved and always want to take back his shares.

Although the shares they hold are, of course, the largest in the Bo family, they are a little weak compared to the combined shares of everyone else. If Chi Siang takes all the shares, then it will be Enough to fight her.

Chi Siang thought the same thing after listening to the information, tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair, and chuckled lightly.

"Really? He actually has so many shares, but it doesn't matter. No matter what, I have to let her know that I am not easy to mess with! The shareholders' meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, you should first contact other shareholders of the Bo family and buy what you can buy." Buy all the shares for me, as for those who don’t want to sell the shares, you can figure it out yourself, I only want the shares.”

"Yes! Young Master, I understand. I'll do it tomorrow." Lin Fan nodded in agreement, and received a call just as he was about to turn around and leave.

The nanny who took care of Chi Siang downstairs said in a bit of embarrassment, "Mr. Lin, there is a Miss Xiao who keeps ringing the doorbell at the door of the villa. If I don't let her in, she yells and says she must see the young master. You can deal with it, I I really don't know what to do."

"Miss Xiao?" Lin Fan read these three words strangely. In fact, he had already realized that it could only be Xiao Su'er. After all, his young master knew everyone with the surname Xiao, except Xiao Mengqiu, who was also Xiao Su'er.

It is impossible for Xiao Mengqiu to come back from the dead to find him, so only Xiao Su'er, he put down the documents in his hand and turned to go downstairs, saw Xiao Su'er angrily standing outside the villa, slapping on the door of the villa, making a very loud noise.

The nanny stood by the side with a helpless expression covering her ears, and she was still persuading her in a low voice, "Miss, don't knock on the door. I said that my young master doesn't see strangers, so don't embarrass me, okay?"

"Embarrassing you? Your young master wants to harm someone. Now you tell me not to embarrass you. Is there a mistake? Is it because I don't see strangers or is guilty of guilt? Besides, I'm not a stranger. Let your young master come down to see me , or I will call a few people to smash your door today."

Xiao Su'er was really angry, especially after listening to Xiao Wang's recording, she knew better what kind of dangerous moment her son had gone through. If the man in black went two seconds later, her son would die.

It was all caused by this Chi Siang. He is too ruthless and he cannot tolerate it. He must ask for an explanation. Now that Chi Siang has just returned, he has caused so many things. If he does not solve them, he will still I don't know what will happen to him in the future.

She must see Chi Siang today and ask him what he wants to do. If it is for revenge, then do it for herself as much as possible, and don't hurt her son again. Moreover, she has to warn Chi Siang that the last time She hasn't finished what she should say, but today she is fully prepared to come here.

He didn't want to go through the situation last time. He didn't know if the man in black really followed her every day. He couldn't save herself in times of crisis every day. She had to learn to protect herself.

When Lin Fan went downstairs and walked to the door, he just heard Xiao Su'er's last sentence, saying that he was going to smash their door, he walked to the door with a contemptuous smile, and looked at Xiao Su'er outside the door.

"Did you not figure out what's going on now? Do you really think that the power of your Ang family can surpass the sky? Do you think my young master is afraid of you? If we don't let you in today, you can't come in, honestly Stay outside the door! Don't make people feel bored, get out, or don't blame me for doing it later."

"I'm not afraid of you doing it at all. I asked your young master to come out to see me. When did Chi Si'ang become a turtle? Dare he do it or not? My son is still so young, he is only ten years old. To a ten-year-old Children, you have to be ashamed!"

Xiao Su'er clenched her fists, wishing that now that she was born with supernatural power, she could knock down their door with one punch, break into this villa, and kill Chi Siang. I don't know how he escaped and became a fish that slipped through the net five years ago. Shouldn't we cherish life and do some good deeds after we're alive?Why do you still want to hurt people?Even the children are not spared!

"We don't want to be shameless. It's not for you to judge. I think you are a woman who wants to die. Don't think that our young master has such a little pity for you, so you can show off your power here!"

Lin Fan was a little angry, and wanted to rush out and shoot her, but his young master said that this woman would stay, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Seeing that they couldn't make sense, Xiao Su'er continued to shout loudly, "Chi Siang, get out of here, don't think that nothing will happen if you hide in it as a turtle, tomorrow I will go to Bo's to find you. Do you think Can you really cover the sky with one hand? You think too highly of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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