Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

The scene of the press conference exploded immediately, and everyone was extremely surprised. This incident spread and fermented in just one hour, making it known to everyone, and when Chi Siang saw Bo Qingang return to After the office, he also fled the scene hastily. Today, he has thought about everything in place, and he has considered a lot, but he has not considered the situation that Bo Qingang will come back.

Xiao Su'er followed Bo Qingang into the elevator, but was actually stopped by Zhang Song in front of the office, "Miss Xiao, Boss just came back, you need to be familiar with the operation of the company in the past five years, and there are still many things to deal with. It's inconvenient to meet guests. Please go back."

"What do you mean it's inconvenient to meet guests? I'm not a guest, I want to see him, let me in!" Xiao Su'er felt that Zhang Song was so strange, since when did he be so polite to her, even if they haven't seen each other for many years, they won't be estranged like strangers so so!

"Miss Xiao, please don't embarrass me. This is what Mr. Bo ordered just now, saying that he has not seen anyone, including you."

When Zhang Song spoke, his expression was serious, and he seemed to realize how lethal these words were. When Xiao Su'er heard his words, she was stunned.

Why did Bo Qingang not see her?And he had expected that he would definitely come to look for him when he came back, but he told Zhang Song in advance that he didn't want to see him.

She couldn't figure out why, and she could only comfort herself that after Bo Qing'ang came back, she would deal with Bo's affairs quickly. These two days, Chi Siang must have affected a lot of the company's business, so she couldn't bother him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er reluctantly glanced at the office door and turned to leave.

She had been in the cafe next to Bo's, her eyes fixed on Bo's door, if Bo Qingang came out, she would be able to see him immediately, but she waited for a whole day before seeing him come out.

Xiao Su'er immediately ran out of the cafe and called Bo Qing'ang's name not far away, "Qing'ang!"

Shouting out the name that had been hidden in his heart, Xiao Su'er breathed a sigh of relief instantly. He didn't want to go into what happened back then, and he didn't want to know whether Zhang Song knew about it and kept it from her.

She only knows that now, her Bo Qingang has come back, and they can make up for the regrets in the past, and get together well. Life has been wasted until 30 years old, but they still can't be well with the person she loves. How big is it? sorry.

After hearing her voice, Bo Qing'ang froze on the spot and turned to look at her, without any emotion on his face, even looking at Xiao Su'er without any expression.

"Qingang!" Xiao Su'er ran towards him, opened her arms to hug him, but found that he took a lot of steps back after seeing her coming, Zhang Song stood in front of him to stop her, "Miss Xiao, we Boss said, I don't want to see you, you look a bit too abrupt, it's not good."

"What do you mean? What do you mean I'm too abrupt? Why doesn't he want to see me? You just said this morning that you didn't want to see me because of the company's affairs. Now the company's affairs should be dealt with."

Xiao Su'er was hurt a lot because of this sentence, she was at a loss in place, and looked at Bao Qing'ang with some grievances.

She didn't believe that Bao Qing'ang would treat her like this. Even if the two of them hadn't seen each other for five years, they wouldn't be able to reject her thousands of miles away. Moreover, looking at Bao Qing'ang's appearance, in his eyes, he might even think that he was not even the employees of his company. Not as good, what happened?Which link is wrong again?

Could it be that he was angry five years ago and felt that he hadn't forgiven him, so he ignored him now?

Thinking about this, Xiao Su'er stepped forward and said loudly: "Qing Ang, I have something to tell you, let's find a place to sit down and have a chat, shall we? I can explain what happened five years ago. I misunderstood it back then. Oh, I don't know that you came in and out with Xiao Mengqiu to solve the blood gu, I..."

She was eager to explain, but she saw that Bao Qing standing behind Zhang Song raised her hand, her face was a bit resistant, as if she didn't want to hear anything from her, Xiao Su'er's words stopped in her mouth, she looked at him in a daze and didn't understand him What does this action mean.

"You don't need to mention the past. The matter between us is in the past tense. I don't want to hear or see you. I will find a lawyer to talk to you about the shares. Of course my shares must be transferred to me. "

"As for Xiao Wang, I admit that he is my son. From now on, I will send you the living expenses on a regular basis every month, so you don't need to bring him to see me. I will not and will not fight with you for custody. That's it. .”

Leaving behind these cold and heartless words, he got into the car parked in front of the company. Xiao Suer stared blankly at the car as it went away. She didn't react until she couldn't even see the license plate number clearly.
What's the meaning?Past tense……

These three words circled in Xiao Su'er's mind, and finally became a mess like a paste. She walked back to the Ang family manor slowly in a daze.

Bai Qingyue sat in the living room and showed Xiao Yuhan the video on her mobile phone, "Yuhan, look quickly! Bo Qingang is not dead, he is back, look at today's Bo's press conference. What the hell is going on? We all went to the funeral back then, is this a conspiracy by the Bo family?"

"Where did the conspiracy come from? Wasn't it Xiao Mengqiu's conspiracy back then? And at that time, Su'er went to the explosion site to dig it with bare hands. The firemen and the police had already gone to the scene to investigate, and it was confirmed that he had bombed so much that even the corpse was found." No, why are you alive now? Are you sure this is Bo Qingang?"

Xiao Su'er felt that this incident was incredible, and even gave her a chill down her spine. After all, they had been with Xiao Su'er back then, knowing how depressed she was, and it took her five full years before she slowly walked out of the shadow of that year. In the past five years, she has filled herself with career and work, not thinking about other things, and her daily schedule is full.

Although she is lonely who is unwilling to accept other feelings, but after all, there are so many relatives by her side, and loneliness is better than being hurt again.Now the man on the news does look like Bo Qingang, but what if someone else is pretending to be him?Hurt Xiao Su'er again, she definitely can't stand it.

Xiao Yuhan understood Xiao Su'er's thoughts, took Bai Qingyue's mobile phone and looked carefully, that person was indeed Bo Qingang, it was impossible for someone to pretend that he could pretend so well, he was similar in spirit and shape, his expressions and movements were exactly the same, it was impossible There will be mistakes.

"Dad! It shouldn't be wrong. This is Bo Qingang and today's press conference sister is also present. She should be back soon. Let's ask her."

(End of this chapter)

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