Chapter 1046 The Same Pain

Chapter 1046 The Same Pain

As soon as Xiao Yuhan's voice fell, she saw Xiao Su'er walking into the living room in a daze, Bai Qingyue's heart sank immediately, the woman's intuition told her that something bad had definitely happened, she quickly ran forward and grabbed Xiao Su'er hand, "Sister Su'er, are you okay?"

"Qingyue, you're here. Then stay with my brother in the living room. I've been tired all day. I want to go back to my room to take a shower and go to bed early."

Xiao Su'er gently took her hand away, stepped on her high heels and went back to the room, she felt as if a needle was stuck in her heel, all the way from her heel to her heart, bloody and bloody.

Bo Qingang's past tense sentence hurt her too much, but she also understood that when Bo Qingang racked his brains to get her back five years ago, but she kept rejecting him, what was in Bo Qingang's heart? How uncomfortable.

Therefore, no one should be too absolute in doing things. In this way, while hurting others, you will also hurt yourself. One day you will taste the same pain as others.

"Looking at Sister Su'er's appearance, I'm not sure if it's Bo Qing'ang. If it's Bo Qing'ang, shouldn't she be very happy? The person she was thinking of has come back to life."

Bai Qingyue was confused by her reaction, and when she got to Xiao Yuhan's side, she rested her chin on his shoulder depressedly, and murmured distressedly, "Sister Su'er looks so tired. ..."

"Otherwise, you should go and see her. You are her younger brother. She should tell you what's on my mind. It's not easy for me to ask. After all, there is still a floor between me and her."

"Okay, let me ask." Xiao Yuhan felt a little strange when he heard Bai Qingyue say that, walked outside Xiao Su'er's room, and gently knocked on the door.

"Sister, you haven't started taking a bath yet, can we have a chat first?"

Xiao Su'er sat on the floor of the room, her legs were close together, and her hands were embracing her two legs, just like the posture when she was in her mother's womb. This posture made her feel safe. After hearing her brother's words, she only opened her mouth softly. ,"come in."

Xiao Yuhan pushed open the door and saw her sitting on the ground, and immediately ran forward, "Sister, don't sit on the ground like this, it's bad for your health, get up quickly."

"No, just tell me what you want to talk to me. I can feel the cold floor while sitting on the ground, and I can still wake up a little bit."

Xiao Su'er refused his kindness, took his hand away, and when she sat on the ground and looked at him, her face was pale, her lips were almost bloodless, as if she had suffered a serious illness

"Sister, what happened? Can you tell me who bullied you? I can take revenge for you. Don't hurt your body like this. I've already watched the news. Is it really Bo Qingang? "

"It's him! Apart from him, there will be no other person. Even if you go to the hospital for plastic surgery to transform into a person with exactly the same facial features as him, you won't have the same temperament as him. That's definitely him."

When Xiao Su'er categorically said this sentence, she felt a pain in her heart, right!That is Bo Qingang, her Bo Qingang told her personally that the two of them are in the past tense.

How hurtful, it would be better to make her feel that that person is dead, so that she can live the rest of her life with the memories of the past.

"Is it him? You should be happy! The person who came back from the dead, the two of you can be together well, can't you just explain the previous misunderstanding? Why do you look so lost, sister? What happened? ?”

"Nothing happened, I just feel that five years have passed, even if he came back from the dead, I will be far away from him when we meet again, maybe God wants to punish me, let me feel how painful he was five years ago. "

When Xiao Su'er was speaking, the tears in her eyes could no longer stop flowing out. She seldom shed tears in the past five years, but in the past two days she cried quite frequently, all because of Bao Qingang.

"Sister, don't cry. Bo Qingang won't do this. I can see how much he loves you. Since the day you two were together, he has never let go of others in his heart. He It's impossible to alienate you, it should be for the company's business!"

"Didn't Chi Siang want to take over his company at today's press conference? Next, the two of them should have a big confrontation in the mall. You should calm down first and let him settle his company's affairs." Will come for you."

Xiao Yuhan comforted her, although he didn't know to what extent he was alienated to make his always strong sister cry, but there was nothing wrong with comforting her.

"I hope so, you don't have to worry about me, don't worry! I survived when he passed away, and now he is back from the dead, how can I do stupid things again! Go out, I want to be alone Quiet."

Xiao Su'er tried very hard to pull out a smile, Xiao Yuhan wanted to say something more, but felt that he had nothing to say, so he could only stand up and leave.

Xiao Su'er buried her head, recalling the details of the two people's acquaintance until now, the oolong when they first met, the scene of waiting quietly afterwards, and the scene of announcing that they were together because of jealousy...

Those past scenes flashed before her eyes, and Xiao Su'er felt as if thousands of knives were stabbing her heart. Was it this feeling to be rejected by the one she loved?How many knives were thrown into Bo Qing'ang five years ago?
Meanwhile, on the other side.

Bo Qing'ang was sitting in the villa. He hadn't been back to this villa for five years. He was also full of thoughts when he set foot here again this time.

Zhang Song took the medicine and walked to his side, "Boss should take the medicine, the body is the most important thing."

He didn't hand the medicine to Bo Qingang's hand, but put the medicine and water on the table next to him and let Bo Qingang take it by himself.

Bo Qing'ang just picked up a few pills and swallowed them without water. There was a bitter taste in his mouth, but there was no muscle on his face.

"Mr. Bo, three meetings have been arranged for tomorrow. I have made an appointment with several partners who were driven away in the car before. They were very excited when they heard that you are still alive, Mr. Bo. They want to meet you in person. There is no One declined my invitation, tomorrow's schedule is a bit full, you should go to bed first."

"No, go to rest first! By the way, have you started to do what I told you before?"

"It's already started, don't worry!"

When Zhang Song answered, his face was a bit tangled, and his hands behind his back were tensely squeezed into a ball.

"Okay, she should come over tomorrow, you stop her, I don't want to get close to her." Bo Qingang said coldly.

"Mr. Bo, you're like this..."

"Huh?" Bo Qingang turned to face him with a frosty face, and Zhang Song immediately shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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