Chapter 1047
Chapter 1047
"Yes! Mr. Bo, I'm leaving first, you should rest early." Zhang Song immediately shut up and didn't dare to say any more, and just exited the villa, but the moment he left the villa, he sighed deeply, The boss of the boss really has a lot of troubles in love, and he doesn't know what is waiting for him and Xiao Su'er in the future.

Bo Qing'ang sat on the sofa for a long time, until Liu Xiaotou on the moon stood up and went to the bathroom, opened the head of the bathroom, he was a little entangled, a look of boredom appeared between his brows and he stood under the head of the head.

When the scalding hot water flowing from his hair fell on his body, a large amount of water mist rose up, and a thin layer of ice formed on the floor of the bathroom...

the next day.

Xiao Su'er became the hands-off shopkeeper, and after going to the clinic to arrange the work for the next few days, she announced to all the staff that she, the boss, would take a leave of absence for a period of time to settle personal matters.

"Boss, are you going to get married?" The staff of the clinic blinked at her. Yesterday's press conference has completely become popular on the Internet. Everyone knows that Bo Qingang has been resurrected, so Xiao Su'er, who gave birth to him, is a matter of course. Also followed the fire.

The employees working in the clinic have always known that no one dared to mention the past of their boss. After all, the other half passed away.

Now it can be regarded as unblocking this banned topic again, and the staff of the clinic also dare to make some jokes with Xiao Suer. It used to be a pity that such an excellent and beautiful boss has always been single.

The young doctors in the clinic also thought of pursuing Xiao Su'er, but the flame of pursuit had just been ignited, but was extinguished by her with a pot of cold water.

Seeing Bo Qingang come back now, people around Xiao Su'er have been thinking, maybe she also knows that Bo Shao has not passed away, it's just because of the turmoil in some big families that they can't tell the truth to outsiders, anyway in their eyes The brain made up a very sweet, very sweet plot, and the next thing must be Bo Shao and his boss to show their affection publicly.

If you want to show your affection, the most direct way is to hold a wedding. Back then, Bo Qingang and Xiao Su'er didn't have a wedding. By the time everyone knew that they had a child, the child was already five years old.

Don't gossip about these things here, calm down and see a doctor for the patient!You're a doctor, not a gossip reporter.

Xiao Su'er replied to them coldly, picked up her bag and walked out of the clinic, how could she joke with them?Not so much in the mood at all, let alone a wedding, her boyfriend doesn't want to talk to her anymore!
But strictly speaking, she and Bo Qing'ang are still in a state of breaking up now. They didn't reconcile five years ago, so how can it be said that they are reunited after five years?
But she will try her best to reconcile the two of them, Xiao Su'er set out towards Bo's with such a mentality.

Although Bo Qingang's attitude hurt her very much, she kept persuading herself. At the beginning, she hurt Bo Qingang so much, but he didn't give up. He was still trying to save himself. If she gave up, it could only show that she didn't love Bo Qingang enough.

But she just wants to prove that she loves him very much, even after the passage of time, her love has never changed.

And of these two people, one went forward bravely, the other refused to see each other. Zhang Song, who was caught in the middle, was the one who suffered the most. He had to stop Xiao Su'er at the office door every day, which caused him a lot of headaches.

"Miss Xiao, our Boss has already said that we won't see you. Don't you still have a clinic? Go and do your own business first. One day Boss wants to see you. I will be the first to call and let you know. Don't embarrass me, okay?"

"But I just want to see him! I don't even want the clinic because of him. I come to your Bo's place all day and block the door. If I don't see me every day, I will block the door for one day. If I don't see me for two days, I will block the door for two days until he is willing." When you met me, who do you think is more patient between the two of us?"

Xiao Su'er decided to use this method to force Bo Qing'ang to come out to meet her. She had to ask exactly what was going on, and how he escaped back then. There must have been some unknown past events that made him His temperament changed drastically.

"Miss Xiao, it's better if you don't do this. It's Mr. Bo's working hours. Even if you want to see Mr. Bo, you have to come over after get off work. You're not here to talk about work. How can Mr. Bo meet you?" Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Song felt a headache, since he couldn't stop it, let's put himself aside first!As long as Xiao Su'er didn't come to find her boss during working hours, she could ignore it. Anyway, this matter was originally their housework, and she was the most innocent one in the middle.

"Then you mean that if I don't come to block his work, he will see me, right? Good! I'll wait for him at his house, tell me where he lives now? Is he living in the old house of Bo's family? Probably not, he doesn't like it there, so which house does he live in?"

Xiao Su'er thought carefully about where Bo Qing'ang would go. He had been living without a fixed place before, and there were many properties in this city. He often lived here when he was happy, and moved to another place when he was not happy.

Zhang Song looked into the office vigilantly, making sure that Bo Qing'ang hadn't eavesdropped, then leaned over to Xiao Su'er's ear and said a place name, and then made a very troubled expression.

Xiao Su'er felt that his expression was meaningful, and this matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

She memorized the name of the place, took a taxi to the vicinity of Bo Qing'ang's villa, and was about to die here, but she didn't believe that Bo Qing'ang's heart was made of iron.

But she waited from day to night, even when it was time for Mrs. Bo to get off work, she calculated the driving time and did not wait for Bo Qingang, but when she was about to give up, at ten o'clock at night, she saw a tall shadow moving towards her come over.

Xiao Su'er was squatting on the ground, her legs were already bleeding badly, and she was already numb, but when she saw Bo Qing'ang approaching, she stood up quickly and looked at him with the most beautiful smile, "Qing'ang, you're here, I guess Now that you will live here today, are you working overtime at the company? You came back so late, haven’t you eaten yet? Open the door and I’ll go in and cook for you.” She behaved extremely well-behaved, she was alive She has never been so cute and cute in her two lifetimes.

But no matter how well-behaved it is, Bo Qingang stood in front of her with a cold expression, "Why should I let you in? I don't need you to cook for me. Do you think Mr. Tangtang can't afford to eat? "

(End of this chapter)

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