Chapter 1048 30 years old

Chapter 1048 30 years old

Of course it doesn't mean that, I just want to accompany you, and can the two of us talk about the past, what is the past tense?The two of us can't get over and we have a child, have you forgotten?
Xiao Su'er couldn't stand his indifference, she wanted the two to get along as before, she tried her best to think about the connection between the two, the biggest connection was their common child, Xiao Wang.

So she moved out Xiao Wang to smooth things over, but Bo Qing'ang misunderstood what she meant.

"Are you here for his living expenses? As I said, I will call you his alimony regularly, and it will be in your account tomorrow. Do you want to ask me the amount? Don't worry! Absolutely not." It will be less."

"Why do you think of me so superficially? Do you think I came here for money? Do you think I just want more child support?"

"Otherwise, what else? During the few years I've been away, haven't you been with Chi Si'ang long ago? You also plotted against my Bo family with him, and you have a good plan!"

Bo Qing'ang didn't know where he heard the gossip, and when he said such exaggerated words in front of Xiao Su'er, Xiao Su'er was stunned by what he said, and hurriedly retorted, "I didn't! Who told you that I was with Chi Siang Together, I didn't!"

"It doesn't matter who said it. The important thing is that it is impossible for me to be with you now. If I remember correctly, you are also a woman with a lot of self-respect. Why do you come to me now to pester me and make trouble?" It bores me."

Every sentence Bo Qingang said hurt people more than one sentence, and even said the word bored, Xiao Su'er felt a deep blow, and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Am I really going to annoy you? You've already annoyed me to the point where you don't even want to look at me, do you?" She resisted the pain in her heart and asked this sentence.

"Yes! As I said, I don't want to see you. I don't want to recall the past again and again. What's more, I'm young. What kind of woman do I want? There will be so many women if you hook your hands The most important thing is that they are all younger and more beautiful than you. Xiao Su'er, you don't think that at the age of 30, you are still beautiful and beautiful, right?"

Another sharp knife was pierced into his heart, and now he was not only unfeeling, but also personally attacking.Of course Xiao Su'er knows what age she is now, how can she be compared with those girls in their early twenties when she is 30 years old?But it's not as unbearable as Bo Qingang said.

"That's what Bo Shao means, you've already found the 20-year-old girl with the beauty of heaven, right?" Xiao Su'er clenched her hands tightly, her sharp nails stuck in her flesh.

"Whether you can find it or not, you don't need to report to you. You should leave now." Bo Qing'ang walked past her, even the air was a little bit colder.

Xiao Su'er wanted to ask something else, he had already entered the villa and closed the door heavily, she was blocked from the door, the distance between the two of them was only one door, but it seemed like thousands of mountains and rivers were separated.

what does it feel likeHer heart was as astringent as if a towel soaked in sour vinegar had been stuffed inside, and it was so sour that her teeth became soft and her eye sockets became hot.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the sense of grievance that he wanted to cry and turned to leave, but he didn't expect to meet a theatergoer as soon as he turned around. Chi Siang leaned against the car door by the side of the road, looking Joking eyes were looking at her.

Xiao Su'er didn't want to pay attention to him, and when she was about to leave, Chi Siang stopped her in front of her.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are like a pure girl here, you won't even let me touch you, but in front of Bo Qingang, you are so condescending, but he still doesn't have you in his heart! Listen to Bo Qingang Qing Ang thought that the two of us were together, why didn't you go as he wished?"

"Being with me is definitely happier than being with him. At least I won't make you feel wronged. What do you think? I think it's just right!"

While talking, she approached Xiao Su'er, stretched out her hand and wanted to hug her shoulder, but Xiao Su'er immediately avoided, looked at him and said coldly, "The way I get along with Bo Qing'ang has nothing to do with you, don't come I am here to find a sense of presence!"

"I didn't come to you to find a sense of security, but to pursue you. Can't you see that? I was pursuing you five years ago, but it's a pity that you trampled on my sincerity as if it were broken iron! You also poisoned me, you have such deep affection for him, because of him, you can't wait to kill someone to be buried with him!"

"But in the end, it's nothing more than that to you when he comes back to life! He even dislikes your age, but he forgot that he is older than you."

Chi Si'ang was also very angry these two days, Bo Qing'ang came back with a thunderous posture, and took Bo's forcefully, and even those partners were negotiated back one by one by him.

His idea of ​​destroying the Bo family has not been implemented at all, so there is only another way.

However, he was a little surprised by Xiao Su'er. He thought that Bo Qing'ang would have sex with her when he came back, but he didn't expect to reject her thousands of miles away.
Although he was very concerned about Xiao Su'er's poisoning, if Bo Qing'ang was so resistant, then he could accept Xiao Su'er regardless of the previous suspicions, and he could also accept the children of the two together. He could be so ruthless in front of Xiao Su'er, it was impossible to treat her The children of his blood are also ruthless.

You can use his son to suppress and threaten him!Chi Siang pestered Xiao Su'er with such an idea.

"Chi Siang, when did you become so shameless, actually eavesdropping on other people's conversation, it's really shameless!"

Xiao Su'er frowned tightly, nothing went well these days.

"I didn't eavesdrop, I was just driving my car and happened to see a tragic scene of a 30-year-old woman." Chi Siang's mouth was joking, and his expression was full of ridicule.

"So what if you're 30? I have a family and a career, better than you, a guy with an empty heart!"

Xiao Su'er yelled at him fiercely, and left Bo Qing'ang's villa quickly. What she didn't know was that Bo Qing'ang had been listening to the movement outside the iron gate, and was relieved when she heard that she hadn't been molested by Chi Siang. , Lift your feet and walk into the house.

Chi Si'ang followed Xiao Su'er in the car, and drove slowly beside her, saying some annoying things to him from time to time.

"Let's get in my car. My car is no worse than Bo Qingang's. What's the difference between you and me now? We're the same kind of people who keep pestering people we don't like. It was doomed from before, come up!"

(End of this chapter)

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