Chapter 1049 The Woman Around You

Chapter 1049 The Woman Around You

"Aren't you bothering me? Don't bother me anymore. Aren't you very arrogant the past two days? You look like you don't want to talk to me. What's wrong with you these two days?" Xiao Su'er glared at him, wanting to take a taxi Go by car, but it is really difficult to take a taxi near this villa area.

"I'm looking at you pitifully. Bo Qing'ang neglects you so much. Why don't you think of me at all?" When Chi Siang spoke, it was as if a fixer had been placed on his face, only his mouth was in place. No muscle was moved anywhere else.

Xiao Su'er turned her head and looked at him furiously, she was indeed neglected by Bo Qing'ang, and she was really uncomfortable, but she didn't need him to be so cynical, pretending to be nice to her, it was even more annoying.

Chi Siang saw that she was so angry that she had achieved her goal. She slowly retracted her head and looked straight ahead, but put her foot on the brake and stopped the car, "Xiao Su'er, do you know? Sometimes you just It's just not reconciled. You have already forgotten Bo Qingang, just like he forgot you.

The two of you didn't reconcile five years ago, and you two haven't been together for almost ten years. Do you really still have him in your heart?Still have those loves? "

"Whether there is or not has nothing to do with you!" Xiao Su'er counted the time in her heart, as if the two of them hadn't been together for nearly ten years, logically speaking, time is enough to dilute everything, including feelings.

But why did Bo Qingang leave more and more traces in his life?Now he sleeps on the bed every day, and he can still think of the scene when the two met for the first time, and the sweetness of the two when they fell in love.

"It really doesn't have much to do with me, but it has a lot to do with Bo Qing'ang. You pester him like this every day, but he doesn't necessarily have you in his heart. I just saw him bring a girl with me last night. Enter the villa. If I hadn't passed by here in the middle of the night, I wouldn't have known he was so careless, that girl looks much younger than you. "

After leaving these words, Chi Siang stepped on the accelerator and drove away from the villa, leaving Xiao Su'er alone in the wind.According to what he meant, Bo Qingang already has other people around him now?

It seems that the reason can be found, it is because he likes others that he is so indifferent to himself, but just now he entered the villa by himself, there is no other person at all!Xiao Su'er comforted herself so much, Bo Qing'ang must still like her.

But even if she comforted herself, she still felt a little uneasy, she nervously returned to the Ang family manor, and went straight to Xiao Wang's room.

"Mom, where did you go today? You told me yesterday that you won't pick me up from now on, and you won't go to the clinic. Is there anything special? Are you going on a business trip?" Xiao Wang asked from the homework book looked up at her.

"No, I'll go find your father." Xiao Su'er raised the corner of her mouth towards him and touched his head. Her son has already entered junior high school, but this habit still cannot be changed.

"Do you want Dad to come and live with us? It's decent for a family to live together." Xiao Wang didn't know the current state of his parents, after all, in his heart, Bo Qing'ang must have a deep love for Xiao Su'er, and it won't change.

"He won't come, your father doesn't want to see me now, and... well, can't you hack the surveillance system? Call out the surveillance near their villa and show me."

Although she acted tough in front of Chi Siang, she still listened to what he said.

"Mom, why do you want to check the monitoring system near Dad's house? Is there anything I need to know?" Xiao Wang asked while operating on the keyboard, quickly hacking into the monitoring system of the section of road designated by Xiao Su'er.

Xiao Su'er looked at the screen seriously. The area around the villa was sparsely populated, so she kept adjusting the time with her hand on the mouse. At four o'clock in the morning, she saw a girl in a white dress walking to the gate of the villa.

It was indeed Bo Qingang who opened the door for her, and the two walked into the villa side by side. According to the surveillance, the girl stayed in the villa and never came out again.

Xiao Su'er's hand on the mouse trembled slightly. In this way, this is not a lie fabricated by Chi Siang to make her angry, but the truth.

What could happen to a girl who went to his house at four in the morning?Except that the two of them are dating, it is impossible to run to him so late.

Moreover, the girl seemed to be in her early twenties, Xiao Su'er was even a little dazed just looking at her back, as if she saw herself in college.

Xiao Wang also looked at it clearly, and then he became a little angry, "Mom, who is this? Why did you go to my dad at night, do they know each other?"

"I don't know who she is. Your father and I are not married. I have been resisting and not forgiving him five years ago. Now, even if he finds someone else, there is nothing wrong with it. I have no right to blame him?"

Xiao Su'er recalled five years ago when she followed Chi Siang in front of him in order to make Bo Qingang back down, Bo Qingang must have the same heart as she is now, as if her heart had been cut into pieces Take it and expose it to the hot sun.

This feeling is really uncomfortable. She thought she wouldn't feel heartbroken, but it turned out that she overestimated herself.

Xiao Su'er withdrew her hand, and showed Xiao Wang a smile that was uglier than crying, "Okay, it's okay, I just saw the surveillance, you go to bed early, don't worry about it."

She said the last word almost before leaving the door, closing Xiao Wang's valve, tears fell down, is it possible for her and Bo Qing'ang?
Bo Qingang has other girls around her now, and that girl is younger and prettier than her, so what can she use to compete with them?Just take the relationship between two people in the past?

But just like what Chi Siang said, the two haven't been together well for nearly ten years, and the only connection they have is Xiao Wangwang, but what can a child represent?Bo Qingang even said that he would give him living expenses every month, which is equivalent to cutting off the connection between the two people.

She covered her mouth and walked into the bedroom, threw herself on the bed, buried her head in the quilt like an ostrich, but cried a circle of tears in the quilt.

Xiao Wang in the room did not ignore the matter as he had promised her after she left, but cut out the girl in the white skirt from the surveillance video and enlarged it with technology, and finally saw the girl's face. He was stunned for a moment, this looks like his mother, the two of them look too much alike, and they are not just like Xiao Mengqiu's simple appearance, but have the same charm.

(End of this chapter)

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