Chapter 1050
Chapter 1050
Strictly speaking, the girl and Xiao Su'er don't look alike in terms of facial features, but the temperament standing there looks exactly the same as Xiao Su'er. Xiao Wang once saw a photo of his mother when she was 20 years old. In the photo, she was also wearing a white dress. It looks exactly like this girl.

Even if you want to find a new love, why do you want to find someone who is as imaginative as Xiao Su'er?What is this for?Xiao Wang didn't understand. After all, his ten-year-old head was full of all kinds of book knowledge and computer technology, and it hadn't expanded to such things between men and women.

However, he decided not to let his mother be so sad at home, he had to help her, and personally questioned what happened to his father to go so far. Can you find another little girl?

Xiao Wang's little head is full of unhappiness, as long as his mother is unhappy, he will not be happy, and he feels that Bo Qingang is a heartless person.

So the next morning, Xiao Wang asked for leave from school quietly without telling Xiao Su'er.

When a gifted child asks for leave, the teachers basically only care about whether he is not feeling well, and they will never say that he is not allowed to ask for leave. He left school smoothly, and arrived in the car alone like when he was four years old. Bo's door.

At the age of ten, he and Bo Qing'ang looked more and more like each other. Standing there, they could be said to be carved out of the same mold except for their height.

People passing by Bo's all looked sideways, who is this handsome guy who looks too much like Bo's?Could it be his son who appeared in the news?
But most of the people only dared to look sideways and didn't dare to look too much. Xiao Wang ignored all these gazes and strode into Bo's.

The front desk was about to ask who had made an appointment, and was stunned when he saw his face. This should be Bo Shao's son, and who else could look so similar to him.

So is this blocked or not?I guess it's a routine thing to stop. If I make a mistake, maybe it's Bo Shao's nephew or something.

With the most dignified smile on his face, the front desk walked up to him with the registration book, "Hello, sir, do you have an appointment for our company?"

"I don't need to make an appointment to see my dad. My dad is Bo Shao. You call him and say that his own son wants to see him. If you don't let me go up, I'll just wait for him here."

Xiao Wang is very familiar with it, and he knows what to say to the front desk of these companies to be the most intimidating. Hearing what he said, the front desk really panicked and called Zhang Song in the office on the top floor.

Zhang Song was also a little surprised when he received the call, but it was right after thinking about it!Xiao Su'er was shut down a few times, and it was indeed her son's turn to play. It is estimated that if her boss ignored her own son today, it would be the turn of the old man of the Ang family and Xiao Yuhan to play another day.

"Mr. Bo, Master Xiao Wang is waiting for you in the lobby downstairs to say that he wants to see you." Zhang Song walked into the office to report, and Bo Qingang looked at the document with a stiff hand, but he still said flatly, "Let him come to my office." Come to my office."

"Yes." Zhang Song agreed to go out and write back to the front desk, and Bo Qingang put the document back on the table. The five finger prints on the document were so obvious that they were printed on the folder with shallow ice cubes.

Looking at the ice cubes that looked like finger prints, he felt irritated for no reason, and swept the folder directly on the ground. The ice cubes fell off the folder due to the impact and melted on the floor.

When Xiao Wang came to the office and saw his father, he felt as if he had passed away five years ago. He was only four years old five years ago. Those memories have faded a lot after five years, but he still remembers his father's appearance, majestic outside The domineering Bo Shao, in front of him is his father who dotes on him very much.

"Dad." He ran to Bo Qingang's chair, but Bo Qingang stretched out his hand and made a stop motion.

"Okay, just stand there. Did your mother ask you to come to me today? Tell me if you have anything to do."

Bo Qing'ang was as cold to him as she was to Xiao Su'er, like two people who had no blood relationship.

Xiao Wang suddenly understood why his mother was in such a low mood these two days, and it was no wonder that his father was not depressed.

But he just wanted to seek justice for his mother, and asked clearly, "Dad, why did you treat your mother like that, and who was that girl who went to your house at night? Don't tell me, you found it for me." a stepmother."

Bo Qingang frowned slightly when he heard this sentence, he hadn't announced that girl to everyone, but it would be better if they knew about it sooner.

"Although you are young, you know enough. At present, he is not your stepmother, but it is very likely that it will develop like this."

"But you have to be clear, you live with your mother now, and your surname has nothing to do with me. But because you are bleeding from me, I will still give you enough money every month Alimony, but other things have nothing to do with you, and you are not qualified to question me here, even if you are my son, so what, figure out your own identity!"

Bo Qing'ang said the same thing to him as he did to Xiao Su'er. The only thing that maintains their blood relationship is the alimony he said. He won't take care of Xiao Wang, let alone ask him to take his own surname. It doesn't matter, he can ignore it.

"It's because I know who I am. I am my mother's son and my father's son. You two are my parents. Shouldn't you love each other and be together? Why do you treat your mother like that? You look for that Auntie is also similar to mother!
Isn't it a substitute for you to find someone who looks like your mother?Then why don't you just stay by Mom's side and make her so sad? "Xiao Wang was full of doubts in his little head. He didn't understand what these adults were thinking. A simple thing can become so complicated, and a substitute must be made.

"You are indeed our two sons, but it doesn't mean that your mother and I want to be together. She didn't say hello to me when she gave birth to you. She rejected me five years ago, and these five years have passed No, I'm like a dead man in her heart.

I am alive now, I can live as much as I want, none of you can become a reason to drag me down, if you ask enough today, go out, don’t affect my work, when the time comes, your child support can’t come out, I guess you Even dad can't call anymore. "

(End of this chapter)

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