Chapter 1051 The Third Party

Chapter 1051 The Third Party

"Do you think my mother and I are dragging you down?" Xiao Wang felt that the person in front of him was so strange when he heard his words. Some fragments of Bo Qing'ang getting along with him five years ago are still in his mind, but why is this person now? It made him feel terrible that he could say that his relatives were a drag.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Su'er's seal saying that this was his father, he would have thought it was just plastic surgery to pretend to be.

"Could it be possible that you think you are babies? Your mother quietly ran overseas ten years ago and gave birth to you without telling me. I only knew of your existence five years ago. She didn't agree with me. In the end, she was controlling our relationship, I don't want to be so tired now, is there a problem? I am Bo Shao, not those who need to cling to the rich and powerful."

Bo Qing'ang said a lot today, but Xiao Wang was even more surprised. Even though his father didn't cherish words like gold in the past, he wouldn't talk so much, not to mention that now every word he said was hitting people.

"Okay, then just pretend that I haven't been here today, and I will live with my mother in the future, which has nothing to do with you, and don't say my last name anymore, and our family is not short of money, so we don't need the little support you give, Mom can earn money and I can earn money, it is more than enough to support us, although it is not as famous as Bo Shao."

Xiao Wang was angry and turned to leave. Before leaving, he put down the proud words. Bo Qingang turned the words over and over in his heart, and after reading them three times, he gave a wry smile.

Should he be happy or sad?His son is really promising, he is only ten years old and can say such a paragraph of neither humble nor overbearing in front of his thin face.

"Who is it! Let mom stay away from him. If mom is so beautiful, it's not like I can't find someone else. I'll find someone for mom to be my stepdad."

Xiao Wang was walking down the elevator, talking to himself in the elevator, complaining about his mother's grievances, but the moment he got out of the elevator, he bumped into a person and made him stunned. The aunt in the white skirt seen in the surveillance video.

Su Wanwan was also taken aback when she saw Xiao Wang, after all, he and Bo Qingang looked so much alike, if it wasn't for the big difference in height and age, it would have been mistaken.

She raised a smile and smiled at Xiao Wang, "Are you A Ang's son? I have heard of it a long time ago, but I have never had a chance to meet you. Are you coming to the company to find him today? Do you want to have a meal with us? "

Xiao Wang had a strange feeling, this aunt didn't know him, why did he greet him so unobtrusively, and even directly invited him to have dinner with them, it must be too familiar!

"I'm Bo Shao's son, but I don't want to have dinner with you now, and you tell me who you are."

He wanted to hear from the aunt in front of him who she was?

"Yes, I haven't introduced myself yet, you should think I'm a bit awkward, my name is Su Wanwan, and I'm your father's girlfriend at the moment. I know you exist, but we haven't met before, so today I'll treat it as Let's get to know each other formally, how about going to dinner together?"

Su Wanwan kept a decent smile all the time, making Xiao Wang feel embarrassed even if he wanted to cause her some trouble, and finally held back for a long time and just said, "What is my father's girlfriend, you all know that he has children , You should also know that he has a wife, you are only a few years older than me at a young age, how can you be willing to be someone else's third party, it's not good!"

He has tried his best to recall the videos and materials on the Internet, how to condemn the woman who ruined his happy family, but after all, he has watched too few soap operas at [-] o'clock, and he has been thinking about the third party for a long time. Words come.

"Hmm..." Su Wanwan tilted her head, as if thinking about how to refute his words, and within a few seconds she smiled and said, "You are still young and don't understand what the third party means. If your father Mom is in a good relationship and is still together, so I am the third party.

But they have separated. To be precise, they have never been married, so I am not a third party. I want to get along with you because of your father.In fact, to put it bluntly, I just found a man I love to be with. You don't have to be so hostile to me. I want to visit your mother someday. "

What she said was very decent, and she acted gracefully, indeed she looked like a lady from a great family. Xiao Wang couldn't refute her words, but he couldn't be angry, so he had to say it again in terms of age.

"You look about my age, don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to be with my dad?"

"How can I be about the same age as you? I'm only ten years old by the looks of you! I'm already 23 now. Although a girl in her early twenties can't be said to be old, compared with a child like you, pairing is old enough. I'm old enough to be able to fall in love!"

Su Wanwan refuted his words lightly, Xiao Wang frowned, his facial features were distorted, and finally ran out of Bo's with his schoolbag on his back.

There are mixed feelings in his heart, he must not let his mother and this aunt meet, otherwise, he doesn't know what it will be like to be angry.

23 years old!At such a young age, my mother is seven years older than her!
Although in the eyes of a ten-year-old kid like him, age is really not a very important indicator, let alone he is still a boy, but he can understand that age is important for women on the Internet or in the mouths of people around him. It's really important, especially 30 years old seems to be a hurdle, everyone says that a woman is worthless after 30 years old.

Although he doesn't know why people use money to measure, but this age is a very taboo thing.

But his mother just turned 30 years old, and he didn't know how to go back and say that his father's new girlfriend was a young girl who was only 30 years old.

Xiao Wang was depressed and didn't want to go back to school, so he simply went back to Ang's Manor with his schoolbag on his back. When Xiao Shuo saw him, he was confused, "Xiao Wang, why did you come back from school so early? Did you not go to class? Where is it uncomfortable? Let me take a look."

As he spoke, he pulled him over and was about to feel his pulse, but Xiao Wang shook his head, "No need, grandpa, I'm fine. I asked for leave from school today and ran to find my father."

"Did you go to your father? What did he tell you? What happened five years ago? Why don't you take him to the house to sit?"

He said that he was also very excited when he heard that Xiao Wang went to find Bo Qingang. The misunderstanding from the past has been completely resolved, and now they feel very sorry for Bo Qingang.

(End of this chapter)

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