Chapter 1057 Don't Give Up

Chapter 1057 Don't Give Up

Xiao Su'er was wearing her newly bought beautiful shoes and walked on the road absent-mindedly taking what Lu Jun said, until she was near the Ang's Manor, Lu Jun stopped and looked at her with tender eyes, "It seems that you are in a very bad mood today Well, I think it was because I was affected by someone while eating! But I have no ability to make you feel better, go back and eat more sugar, I hope you can feel better."

"Thank you!" Xiao Su'er walked into the Ang's Manor, Lu Jun stood outside the door and watched him until he could not see Xiao Su'er's figure through the crack of the big iron gate before turning and leaving.

Today, he originally went on a blind date just to deal with the elders casually, but when he saw Xiao Su'er, he felt that there was a unique charm in her that fascinated him.

It was the first time he saw such a special girl.

After the two chatted casually, he could feel that Xiao Su'er was the type he liked. This girl was neither delicate nor pretentious, nor would she slander others at will when she was jealous. She was the girlfriend he had always wanted to find.

Lu Jun reversed his previous thoughts, and this time the blind date might really be an opportunity to develop a girlfriend seriously.

This Xiao Su'er is indeed interesting, no wonder such a precious young master in Huaxia Mainland is also fascinated by her.

Lu Jun thought about Xiao Su'er's appearance, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile. He could tell that she still liked Bo Qingang, but so what?Bo Qingang no longer has feelings for her. Feelings are never just wishful thinking.

As long as Young Master Bo is no longer willing to be with her, then she is a woman who is emotionally hurt and needs comfort. Such a woman is the easiest to accept a man who treats her well. When the relationship is the most empty, it is best to take the opportunity to enter.

Lu Jun knew that this kind of behavior might be a bit bad, but there was nothing wrong with fighting for his own happiness.

After Xiao Su'er returned to the room, she lay on her back on the bed, remembering the scene in the restaurant just now. The aloof Bo Shao has now fallen into the mundane world, chatting and laughing with his little girlfriend like an ordinary couple, he must be very happy Love that girl named Su Wanwan.

When he was with that girl, even his expression was different, he was much more relaxed, like a student who just graduated from university, without any airs of thinness.

The more Xiao Su'er thought about it, the more sad she became, and finally she curled up and hugged her legs. She seemed to like this kind of movement very much, and it gave her an overwhelming sense of security.

I keep telling myself not to be the kind of woman who bores Bo Qingang, don't pester others, must be calm, and live with dignity, but it is still very sad, if I don't see that scene in the restaurant today, maybe she It won't be as uncomfortable as it is now.

But seeing it now, she just felt very uncomfortable, as if a big stone was pressing on her heart, someone took her place, and became special in Bo Qingang's heart, so special that she was the only one.

"Is there someone already in your right ventricle? No wonder you squeezed me out..." Xiao Su'er covered her chest and muttered to herself. According to the aesthetics of men in today's society, she seems to be really inferior to Su Wanwan , that girl is young, beautiful and pure, looking at the unworldly things like a little white rabbit makes people feel protective.

But she doesn't believe that Bo Qing'ang will be so realistic, she will see her as a simple companion, and she will abandon her if she has a younger and better choice. Everything that the two of them have experienced together is not so simple and can be abandoned of.

If Bo Qing'ang didn't love him, why would he save him in the explosion five years ago?Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Bo Qing'ang escaped that catastrophe and survived.

But he doesn't have amnesia, he has memories from the past, so it is impossible for him to be so indifferent to himself.

"Huh..." Xiao Su'er sat up from the bed, rubbed her face, "No! I can't just let it go, it's impossible that he doesn't like me, I'm going to ask him again."

She has never been a person who gives up easily, let alone the matter about Bo Qingang, if the matter between him and Xiao Mengqiu ten years ago was not a misunderstanding, and the two only owed the life-saving favor five years ago, Maybe she won't be so entangled today.

But what happened ten years ago was a huge misunderstanding. She had to keep the fate between the two of them alive, and she didn't want the red line of fate to be broken. She felt that the two of them should make up for the past ten years and the next ten years. Years, 20 years should be together well.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er rushed into the bathroom to take a good shower and go to bed early, and went to Bo Qing'ang's company early tomorrow morning to block him.

the other side.

After returning home from the restaurant, Bo Qingang looked at his mobile phone a little bored. Why is Zhang Song so slow in doing things today? He hasn’t sent the man’s information until now. It’s been three hours. Can’t he finish the investigation? ?

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait any longer, and when he was about to make a call, Zhang Song's call came in, and he answered it almost instantly.

Zhang Song on the other end of the phone was still a little dazed, did the ring ring, and the boss answered it.

"What do you mean when you call and don't talk? Have you done what I arranged for you?" Bo Qingang's questioning was overwhelmed. Even through the phone, he could feel the majesty. Zhang Song immediately replied—— —

"The investigation is clear. Lu Jun and his family are in the jewelry business. They have the agency rights of two foreign jewelry brands in mainland China. Almost every city has their jewelry store, and he is a very honest person. , I have studied jewelry design in foreign countries for many years and have been managing the family business since I came back. I have only had two relationships at the age of 32. Although his family is not as good as the Ang family, Mr. Ang seems to be very optimistic about him. Miss Xiao is on a blind date.

Zhang Song told Lu Jun's background and love experience in very concise words. He felt that his boss must be very concerned about this, and Bo Qingang fell silent after listening.

It sounds like this Lu Jun is a young talent. Although he is not as financially powerful as the Ang family, Mr. Ang doesn't care about money at all. What he cares about is character, and he has to treat Xiao Su'er well.

It just so happened that this Lu Jun fully met his requirements. He had a strong character, enough knowledge, and even pitifully little relationship experience. In his early thirties, he only had two love experiences, which showed that this person was not a person who played with emotions.

It should be a good thing for Xiao Su'er to have such a person appearing beside her!Can take care of Xiao Su'er's future life, so that she will not be so lonely anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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