Chapter 1058
Chapter 1058
But why do I always feel uncomfortable in my heart?It's like a hot and humid towel is stuck in the chest and I can't pull it out. It seems that I am not reconciled, and even more helpless.

Why do you want to think that others can accompany Xiao Su'er?He can do it himself!He can take better care of Xiao Su'er. If it is about character, no one in China should dare to jump out and criticize his weak character. As for the love experience, it is only Xiao Su'er from the beginning to the end. .

Bo Qingang couldn't help but compare him with Lu Jun. After such a comparison, he felt that he was the most suitable person to stay by Xiao Su'er's side.

His fists were tightly clenched together, and there was a kind of anger in his heart that was about to erupt, but he could only hold back, until finally he frowned, and actually half-kneeled on the ground and covered his chest, his whole body was in pain.

The ground around him unexpectedly began to form thin ice cubes, and in the end he shrank directly on the ground. This intense pain and the chill that spread from the bottom of his heart enveloped his whole body, as if he was terrified. Cold people lose all the same feeling in the world tens of degrees below zero.

Bo Qingang felt that his whole body was stiff, his joints could no longer move, and his eyebrows began to freeze. He felt that he could not control himself, so he took out his mobile phone to call Ouyang Luo, but his hands were still trembling uncontrollably, because of the cold It was so stiff that I couldn't move my fingers flexibly.

Ouyang Luo was preparing for his wedding with Xia Xiaonan. The two of them nestled on the sofa in the living room to choose the style of the wedding dress. When the phone rang, he didn't even look at it, so he put the phone to his ear. Answering, he looked at his phone strangely and jumped up from the sofa when he saw the screen of the phone, "How are you? Are you okay? I'll be right over."

Xia Xiaonan sat next to him, looking at him inexplicably, "What are you doing? You just came back to watch with me, the wedding dress, and now you are about to run away again. I find it strange that you often run out after receiving such calls. , who? Give me a look."

As he spoke, he reached out to grab Ouyang Luo's cell phone. Ouyang Luo didn't hide, but handed it to him in a cooperative manner. The word "partner" on the phone made Xia Xiaonan puzzled, "Which partner is this? Why are you off work?" I have to call you when the time comes, and it's the first time I've seen you, Master Ouyang, so anxious when you receive a call from a partner."

Ouyang Luo laughed dryly, "This is an overseas partner, and our Ouyang Group has to be coaxed."

He said something perfunctorily and ran out. In the past few years, he and Bo Qingang had met quietly in private, and he didn't dare to tell Xia Xiaonan that Xia Xiaonan was no less surprised than Xiao Su'er when she saw Bo Qingang suddenly appearing on the Internet that day. .

When Ouyang Luo arrived, Bo Qingang was almost frozen, lying on the ground and merging with the ground, the whole ground was covered with thin ice.

"Aang!" Ouyang Luo yelled, ran to his side with the medicine box, and carefully stuffed a pill into his mouth.

After finishing this action, without hesitation, he took out the gold needle and skillfully pierced it into Bo Qing'ang's acupuncture point.

After half an hour.

Bo Qingang was sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a thick coat with pale lips, while Ouyang Luo was sweating profusely packing up the medicine box, looking at Bo Qingang from time to time.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Bo Qingang said weakly.

"Qingang, why are you more serious this time than the previous few times? If I came later, you would..."

He couldn't bear to continue talking, put away the medicine box and sat on the sofa next to him, "Did you suddenly get sick today? Or..."

"No." Bo Qingang shook his head, looking weak.

Ouyang Luo frowned thoughtfully, "What's going on? You were able to survive five years ago thanks to the cold poison, but this poison has never been alleviated these years. Our old man and I have thought a lot about it. There is no way to detoxify."

"Five years ago..." Bo Qingang looked out of the window and began to look into the distance, and the memories that had been hidden for five years began to flood out of his mind.

In that big explosion that year, he also thought that he was bound to die, but he didn't expect that after he pushed Xiao Su'er out, when the flames burned to the fullest and the fire was already burning on him, a special chill suddenly spread from the bottom of his heart .

Immediately afterwards, the familiar feeling of poisoning was felt again, but this time it came fiercely, and the flames on his body were extinguished in a moment. He tried to control himself in the fire scene, but found that his willpower seemed to be unable to bear it. However, his strong desire to live made him try to run out.

Almost wherever he ran, the flames were instantly extinguished, and without the hindrance of the fire, he ran out smoothly but painfully.

When he finally ran out of the fire scene, he was already covered in ice. At this moment, he no longer doubted that the cold poison must have recurred.

It can be said that it is a good thing to relapse under such circumstances. After all, his life was saved, but he could feel that the poison was getting stronger and stronger, and no matter what he did before, it would not be able to extinguish the flame.

Bo Qingang used his last strength to call Ouyang Luo. When he came, he saw Bo Qingang squatting in a corner like a piece of ice.

Every time Ouyang Luo thinks of himself at that time, he can't describe his mood. No one in the entire Chinese mainland has ever seen Bo Qingang like that.

He used a lot of energy to transport Bo Qingang home, and in the process of taking care of Bo Qingang, he found that the cold poison on his body not only recurred but also mutated, and it was actually contagious .

Bo Qingang infected a nurse who took care of him and a bodyguard. The physique of the bodyguard is much better and the body of a man is much more masculine than a woman. Ouyang Luo tried his best to control the bodyguard's cold poison, but that Nurses are completely out of control.

For these years, Bo Qing'ang could only hide, not daring to have close contact with anyone, and could only hide in the dark, and even came out at night.

He didn't want to hurt anyone, two people had already been poisoned because of him, he had to hide, and he couldn't let anyone else suffer this pain.

Especially Xiao Su'er, the person he can least implicate, he is afraid!It was the first time that Young Master Bo was so scared, so he could only hide, not daring to touch Xiao Su'er.

If it wasn't for Chi Siang's conspiracy, he was really worried that the Bo family would be destroyed by Chi Siang, and he would not appear again.

"Why did you mutate so badly? You have reappeared now. Why don't you try to find Xiao Su'er? She was able to control your poison before, and maybe she can now." Ouyang Luo was at the end of his rope, so he could only find him Well, Xiao Su'er was able to do it before, maybe it can do it now.

(End of this chapter)

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