Chapter 1062
Chapter 1062
"Tell me, don't you want to talk about cooperation with me? I want to see how attractive the cooperation Miss Xiao said can be."

Bo Qingang spoke, making Xiao Su'er feel cold again.She sat on the sofa and took out the project book.

"Then please ask Mr. Bo to come over and take a look. This is the next project that Ang's will be involved in. I want to cooperate with Bo's on real estate. We have already won a piece of land for the transaction. The traffic over there It is convenient and the environment is beautiful, if Bo is willing to cooperate with us, we will definitely achieve a win-win situation.”

"I don't need to go there. Ms. Xiao will introduce the project herself. If there is no problem, then sign the contract. Our Bo family will never reject sincere cooperation partners, and we can only change people who refuse to pester."

When Bo Qing'ang said this, the fingertips on the armrest had already started to turn white, how heartbreaking it is to say such words to a loved one.

"When did Young Master Bo learn to point fingers and scold Huai Huai? You never did this before, so should I be grateful? You were the first to say this to me, at least I have won an unprecedented first place." This time." Xiao Su'er looked at him with an extremely optimistic attitude and smiled, and Bo Qingang felt a strange feeling spread in her heart, and she couldn't bear it!
Then he spoke a lot more gently, "Okay, let me introduce the project, if I think it's good, I will definitely sign it."

"This project is very simple. I have written the details in the project book! Mr. Bo, please read it." Xiao Su'er took the project book to Bo Qingang's side and put it on the table in front of him. She was very happy It was obvious that Bo Qing'ang's body was dodging to the side, as if he didn't want to touch her at all.

Xiao Su'er took a step back subconsciously, "You can't be like this, is Su Wanwan so strict with you? You can't get in touch with people even a little bit? With your appearance, I wonder if you are too thin."

Xiao Su'er remembered that when she was with Bo Qing'ang in the past, she would be jealous and ask him to stay away from those girls, especially those who took the initiative to pounce on him.

Of course Bo Qing'ang will abide by what she said, because he himself hates the kind of girls who come to pester him, but he won't be able to reach the point where he is now. Looking at him like this, he probably walks on the street with those girls. It is not possible to pass by.

Bo Qingang didn't answer her words, but frowned instead, "Just put the project document here, you should hurry up and get out."


"Didn't you come to discuss cooperation? I already know the specific project. I will read the project book. If I think it is good, I will definitely contact your family. You can go first."

Bo Qingang ordered to evict customers one after another, Xiao Su'er couldn't stay any longer, so she could only turn around and leave. She had already stepped out of the office door, but the phone in her bag rang, and she picked it up, "Hi, Lu Jun..."

Bo Qingang couldn't hear the next words, because Xiao Su'er had already walked out of the office, but he was a little surprised to hear that name. Could it be that these two people are still dating in private?

If it is a blind date, only if you are satisfied will you continue to communicate!Does she have a good impression of Lu Jun?The two are still in private contact!Thinking of this, Bo Qing'ang began to feel depressed in his heart. He opened the project book that Xiao Su'er had put down, and persuaded himself that nothing would happen, and Xiao Su'er would never change his mind.

But no matter how hard he tried to persuade him, he still couldn't restrain the impulse in his heart. In the end, he stood up and ran out of Bo's building, just in time to see Xiao Su'er getting into a taxi, and he followed without hesitation. .

Xiao Su'er went to a restaurant by car, Lu Jun asked her to have dinner here, and said that she had something important to discuss with her. Although she didn't know that the two of them met once, there was something important to tell her, but he With a sincere attitude, she was too embarrassed to refuse.

Lu Jun had already ordered food and was waiting for Xiao Su'er, and the gentleman helped her open the stool.Xiao Su'er was not used to such thoughtful care from him, she was used to it by herself after so many years.

"Is there anything you want from me?" She sat down and immediately got to the point.

"Is that why you don't want to get along with me? Just ask as soon as you come! You don't want to talk to me more. What have you been up to these two days?"

"I'm not busy with anything. You said you had something important to do with me."

"The most important thing is to meet you. Didn't the two of us have a blind date last time? After the blind date, you should always talk about your feelings. I think you are very good."

Lu Jun said this sentence in a very gentle tone, which Xiao Su'er didn't understand. She read the sentence over and over again in her mind before she understood it.

"No, didn't you say last time that you came on a blind date just to deal with the elders? Why do you have to talk about your feelings when you are dealing with things now? It's better not to use it! We said it last time, let's find a reason to go Just deal with the elders."

"But after I got home and thought about it, I think you are really nice. Maybe the two of us can try to get along with each other. At first, we really wanted to deal with the elders, but now we have changed our minds, isn't it okay?"

Lu Jun refuted Xiao Su'er's words in an orderly manner, but Xiao Su'er was a little confused. So she has trouble with her blind date?Lu Jun really fell in love with her?But she never thought that the two of them would still be in touch after the blind date. Even if there was a relationship, it would be good to just be an ordinary friend.

"But I just came here to deal with the blind date. You are really nice, but the two of us are not suitable. You can definitely meet younger and more beautiful girls. Let's just be ordinary friends! And the two parents have connections, We should meet again in the future.”

Xiao Su'er turned around and was about to leave after saying this, but Lu Jun stretched out his hand to hold her hand, "Don't worry, even if you want to leave, you have to finish your meal. I'm not a scourge. Why are you so afraid? ? Miss Xiao doesn't seem like such a person who can escape."

"I..." Xiao Su'er sat back on her seat, pushed Lu Jun away and took her hand, "Then let's have a meal together, but I'll treat you to this meal after we agreed. You were the one who invited me during the last blind date." Yes, so the two of us will be cleared."

"It seems that Ms. Xiao never gave me a chance to meet again! Tell me why you are so resistant to getting along with me? I can change what I don't satisfy you!" Lu Jun couldn't laugh or laugh, but treated her even more Interested.

"No, no, Mr. Lu, you are a gentleman and well-cultivated. You are a very nice person, but you know that we are not suitable? You also know that there are other people in my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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