Chapter 1063 Don't Follow Me

Chapter 1063 Don't Follow Me

Xiao Su'er didn't want to go on a blind date because she was afraid of the current situation, but it still happened now. She thought that Lu Jun would never have such a situation. It seems that she was thinking too much. What should I do?How to get out next?
When Lu Jun heard her blunt rejection, he still smiled lightly, "I know you have someone else in your heart, but he doesn't like you, so you can't be unrequited love all the time. Since you are very kind to me, Satisfied, the two of us can slowly develop our relationship."

"I think true love is the one that grows in love over time. If I say that I fell in love with you at first sight, it must be because of some frivolous liking on the skin, but if it is a long-term relationship, the relationship will last forever."

"But I..." Xiao Su'er didn't expect this person's mouth to be so powerful, she had already expressed the impossibility of two people, so she could force it back.

"It's okay, you can think about it slowly, let's have dinner first, can we treat it as an ordinary friend's dinner today?"

Lu Jun used these words to cut off Xiao Su'er's refusal. She said that she can be an ordinary friend just now.

"Okay!" Xiao Su'er agreed, and began to sit anxiously on the seat to eat, thinking about how to escape every bite.

Bo Qingang's car parked next to the restaurant, and through the window of the car and the restaurant, he saw the scene of two people sitting opposite each other, eating quietly.

He spoke coldly to Xiao Su'er, with a bad attitude. He just hoped that she could leave him and not be infected, and spend the rest of her life quietly. Now there is a man who is willing to accompany her, cherish her, and loving her should be the best, but why is it so in his heart? In a panic, I always feel that I should be the only man who is worthy to sit opposite her and accompany her to go shopping and eat.

His hand holding the steering wheel was tightened, his fingertips turned white, and he wanted to rush out several times but he endured it.

Xiao Su'er can guarantee that this is the most depressing and fastest meal she has eaten in her 30 years of life.

"Mr. Lu Jun, I will be very busy in the coming time. I have a cooperation project with Mr. Bo, so we probably won't be able to eat together often. You can find someone else to accompany you, so I will leave first. "

Putting down these words, Xiao Su'er turned around and walked out of the restaurant. Lu Jun grabbed her at the door of the restaurant, "Why are you so anxious to hide from me? I really didn't mean any harm. I thought we had a good chat before." of."

"We did have a good chat, but I think we are only suitable for being friends, not for being a couple. I hope you understand. You have such good qualifications, and you can definitely find a better girlfriend than me." Xiao Su'er pushed his hand away , repeated once more.

"Miss Xiao, I feel that this kind of thing is not measured by conditions. I will definitely meet a girl younger than you, but we don't feel right. So what if we are younger?
You have a maturity and elegance that they don't have, and you are much more intellectual than them. I think we should try to be together. "

Lu Jun's eloquence is very good, and his words are impeccable, but Xiao Su'er's attitude is still very firm, "Thank you for discovering the advantages of me, but I don't want to accept someone who doesn't feel it. I only have thinness in my heart. I will also try to mend my relationship with him."

"If you really can't maintain it, then I still have my son, and I will take him with me for the rest of my life. I don't want to accept other people. It's best if you understand. If you don't understand, I won't force it, but please don't come and pester me Okay? Thanks!"

Xiao Su'er turned to leave, but Lu Jun still followed him relentlessly, he knew that if Xiao Su'er was allowed to leave today, it would be useless to ask her out in the future, she would definitely not come.

Sitting in the car, Bo Qing'ang could see the figures of two people fighting each other. An unknown fire rose from his heart, and his breathing became much heavier. He almost wanted to drive directly to Lu Jun, but his reason told him that he couldn't do that. , if he rushed forward, all the previous efforts would be in vain, and Xiao Su'er would know that he hadn't forgotten her in his heart.

"Mr. Lu, can you stop doing this? It's too ugly to argue in public like this." After a few back and forth, Xiao Su'er couldn't bear it and got a little angry. In recent years, her temper has become much calmer, compared with when she was in college. It could be said that it was a different person, and I really wanted to take out the golden needle that I carried with me to give Lu Jun a shot, but I felt that this was too much.

But in recent years, he has been rarely pursued. After all, he bears the name of Bo girl friend, and not many people dare to chase her. Even if Bo Qingang passed away in the eyes of the public, the identity of the granddaughter of the Ang family's future successor will make many people daunted. , such a fanatical suitor, besides Chi Siang, he is the second.

This kind of situation is too rare, and she really doesn't know how to face it. Isn't it enough to express her point of view forcefully?
"Miss Xiao, don't be angry. It's true that I was a little abrupt, but I'm worried that you will definitely avoid me after I let you go. I don't want to do this."

Lu Jun immediately let go of her hand and expressed his true thoughts. Xiao Su'er put his hand on his forehead and asked the sky speechlessly, "So, I don't want to see you because I don't want you to misunderstand. There is a real relationship between the two of us. It's impossible, can you not do this? You really..."

Since it didn't make sense, Xiao Su'er decided to give up, so let's do it, she turned around and was about to leave, this time Lu Jun didn't pull her any more, but quietly followed her step by step.

Bo Qingang drove the car like this, closely following behind the two of them 200 meters away.

After Lu Jun followed Xiao Su'er for a full 500 meters, she couldn't help it anymore, "Mr. Lu, are you going to follow me all the way home like this?"

"I just want to take you home. I know where you live, so it shouldn't be considered as following an idiot."

"Mr. Lu, why are you doing this? If you continue like this, the good impression you left on me before has been shattered."

"So, I had a good impression in your heart before. Although you may be a little disappointed today, I will prove with practical actions that I am a good man. Besides, I have been in love twice. The first Once, five years ago, I dated that girl for a year, but because she wanted to get married and I wanted to develop a career, we broke up."

"She married someone else less than a month after breaking up with me. The second time was three years ago when I was with that girl for two years, but she couldn't accept the time and distance, so we broke up."

(End of this chapter)

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