Chapter 1069 Subconscious Maintenance
Chapter 1069 Subconscious Maintenance
Xiao Su'er sounds like this, it seems that Bo Qingang's actions are very wrong, but she just can't hear others saying that he is not good at all, so she retorts without thinking, "It's not up to you whether he is scumbag, since you are so If you don’t wait to see him, you should go directly to him and tell him, what is it a man’s act to speak ill of others behind his back? You are even worse than him!"

Lu Jun was stunned for two seconds when he heard her words, then parked the car on the side of the road, ran out of the car and pulled Xiao Su'er, "Why are you doing this? Are you so devoted to him? The status of the Ang family's property is no worse than that of the Bo family. , why do you want to cling to him? It's because he is more powerful in China, I'm not as powerful as him, so you look down on me, don't you?"

Xiao Su'er frowned and looked at him, the little good impression she had on him before this moment completely disappeared, it seemed that this man was not much better than other men, but she just felt that she was about to lose face just now To smear others behind their backs and say such things.

"Mr. Lu, you also said that our Ang family is no worse than the Bo family. If I was looking for money and status, I should go overseas to find someone who is stronger than the Bo family. It's not that our Ang family doesn't know that kind of person.

and also!There are children between me and him, and there are many things you don't know. There is a reason for my deep love for him, but there is no need to tell you the reason, but you make me feel a little ridiculous, why?If you don't satisfy your wish, if you don't stay with you, is it because you are greedy for wealth?Then you can think so, as long as you don't come to pester me. "

Xiao Su'er shook off his hand heavily, wanting to move on, but Lu Jun grabbed her again, "You have to tell me clearly today how I am worse than him, isn't he relying on the Bo family Is that a little bit of status?"

At this moment, Lu Jun's gloomy psychology was instantly exposed. He felt that the most important thing for a man was his face, but at that wedding just now, Bao Qingang made him lose face. His face was gone, so why would he care about his gentlemanly demeanor?
"Do you want to know how you are worse than him? Bo Qingang is more upright than you. He will not speak ill of others behind his back, nor will he always belittle others. Also! You think he is just because the status and wealth of the Bo family is higher than yours Is he taller than you, handsomer than you, better than you in everything, get out of the way!"

Xiao Su'er belittled him to nothing, and wanted to go around him, but this time Lu Jun's self-esteem was obviously hurt a lot, and he stopped her in front of her and refused to let her leave.

"Why do you say that? I admit that he is richer than me and has a higher status than me, but let me tell you that at least I won't be the kind of person who is always on the loose and looks after the pot. It seems that you women are all sluts, just want to Are you looking for a man who doesn't take you seriously? While clamoring to be single-minded, while looking for that kind of person who hurts you, how can you be so cheap?"

The more he said, the more he went too far, venting all his anger on Xiao Su'er, and let Xiao Su'er see the weakness of human nature. It turns out that such a gentleman on the surface can't live without dirt in his heart. No matter how good the packaging is, once something happens, people will see clearly how disgusting he is.

"Mr. Lu! Please be careful with your words!" Xiao Su'er clenched her fists and reminded him in a deep voice.

"Am I wrong? I like you so much, and I don't mind that you are a woman who has given birth to a child. But what about you? Don't look at me at all, and think about the man who has someone else in his heart, isn't it cheap?"

As Lu Jun spoke, he became more and more angry, almost wanting to hit someone. Xiao Su'er saw his thoughts, and looked at him with her arms crossed, "Why? Want to hit someone?"

"What's so great about you! Isn't it just a woman that no one wants? No matter how powerful your Ang family is, you are still an old woman that no one wants!"

In a fit of anger, he vented all his grievances towards Bo Qing'ang on Xiao Su'er, and belittled her to nothing. Xiao Su'er couldn't bear it anymore, and when she was about to slap him, suddenly a black figure rushed over from behind.


Lu Jun fell to the ground at a rapid speed within a second, Xiao Su'er recovered and saw Bao Qingang with a cold face.

Just now when the wedding banquet was over and went to the garage to pick up the car, Bo Qing'ang saw Lu Jun driving out of the basement quickly. After thinking about it, he knew that he must be chasing Xiao Su'er. He followed all the way, but he just heard him insulting her here , this is of course intolerable.

And just now when he heard Xiao Su'er's words of defending him, Bo Qing'ang suddenly doubted whether what he had done was right or not, making Xiao Su'er feel that he would forget her when he had a new love, and let her retreat in spite of difficulties. hurting her.

Lu Jun lay on the ground and grinned, turning his head just in time to see Bo Qingang. He got up from the ground and wanted to run away, but was stopped by Xiao Su'er, "Stop! Apologize to Bo Qingang. You have to promise not to slander him behind him in the future, otherwise not only the Bo family will not let you go, but the Ang family will not let you go either."

"Young Master Bo doesn't have this request, why do you have this request?"

"Because I'm the mother of Bo Qingang's child!" Xiao Su'er gritted her teeth!

"You..." Lu Jun wished he could tear Xiao Su'er apart, but he didn't dare when Bo Qingang was present. Everyone knew that Bo Shao was not only incomparable to other people in terms of wealth and status, but even his physical fitness was beyond the reach of ordinary people. After all, not all men All have undergone military training.

Bo Qingang felt even more uncomfortable when he heard Xiao Su'er defending him like this, after all, Lu Jun just scolded her even more harshly.

She didn't want Lu Jun to promise not to slander him in front of outsiders in the future, but to always miss herself.

"Okay!" Lu Jun raised three fingers and swore to the sky, "I promise that I will never slander Bo Shao in front of outsiders in the future, and I promise I will not talk nonsense."

"You go!" Xiao Su'er opened her mouth softly and watched him leave before looking at Bo Qing'ang, "I have a question to ask you."

"Just ask."

"Do you really like Su Wanwan? If you tell me today that you really love her and want to marry her, I promise I won't pester you anymore. It hurts to be pestered, and I also I realized it, maybe Lu Jun was sent by heaven to tell me this."

Xiao Su'er has lost her self-confidence, let alone the courage to go forward, she doesn't want her and Bo Qing'ang to lose even the last decency.

Bo Qingang saw the tears in her eyes, and she really wanted to raise her hand to wipe them away, but now he didn't even dare to touch her, fearing that what he would bring her would not be warmth, but pain.

(End of this chapter)

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