Chapter 1070 Bitterness
Chapter 1070 Bitterness
In Xiao Su'er's eyes, his silence was tacit consent, and she smiled helplessly, "Okay, I get it, I won't intervene in your life in the future, as for Xiao Wang's living expenses, you can pay or not, our Ang family And can afford to have children.”

She smiled at him with tears in her eyes, her smile was bitter and beautiful, she turned around and took two steps and then staggered, the high heels on her feet were against her again, the heel broke, and she fell down as if she had no support On the flower bed by the roadside, her hands and feet were scratched, and Bao Qingang rushed forward without thinking, "Su'er, are you okay? Why can't you walk steadily?"

Xiao Su'er sat on the street and didn't answer his words. She just felt that she was going to give up Bo Qing'ang at that moment just now, as if her whole body had lost strength, and she couldn't walk steadily on the road. The love for Bo Qing'ang had already grown. It has entered her whole life, and every minute and every second of her breathing seems to be for Bao Qingang.

She was unwilling to give up on him, even though she was already persuading herself to give up so as not to cause trouble to him, but when she really wanted to give up, she still felt as painful as losing all her strength and spirit.

Looking at her tearful face, Bo Qing'ang stretched out her hands to her face and then retracted them. Looking at her broken ankles and elbows, she felt her own incompetence for the first time. It turned out that she was so incompetent. use it?His own woman was injured, but he couldn't protect her, didn't even dare to touch her, and couldn't take her to the hospital.

In the end, he could only stand by the side of the road and guard Xiao Su'er, and called the hospital to ask the hospital to pick her up quickly, but he couldn't hide the concern in his expression and actions.

Xiao Su'er kept looking at him with eyes blurred by tears, she couldn't tell what it was like, what was he doing?Is he caring about himself?Such words and actions are undeniably caring!
Is he in such a hurry because he fell down?Isn't this love?Then why are you with Su Wanwan again?Why drive yourself away?
Xiao Su'er fell into deep doubts, and slowly asked Bo Qingang, "What do you mean? Didn't you tell me to stay away from you? Now that I fell, you should go as far away as possible to let I know how unfeeling you are, so I won't pester you anymore, why do you treat me so well?"

Bo Qingang listened to his words and didn't answer, but said domineeringly: "Don't talk, wait for the doctor to come."

Xiao Su'er shook her head, got up from the ground, Bo Qing'ang wanted to help her, but she retracted her hand halfway.

Xiao Su'er looked at his ignorant behavior, shook her head and said: "I am a doctor, I just have bad eyesight, I bought so many shoes that don't fit my feet, and the roots are always broken, today it's just a little scratch, I'll go back Heal yourself, don't follow me anymore, and I won't pester you in the future."

After she finished speaking, she got up to leave, but Bo Qingang walked up to her, "I told you not to leave, you see that you are already bleeding, can't you wait for the doctor to come and treat you? You're a doctor yourself, but you can't take care of yourself!"

"How do you know that I can't take care of myself? I have been taking care of myself for the past five years. Have you seen me?"

"I saw it!" Bo Qing'ang shouted subconsciously. During these five years, he followed Xiao Su'er every day. He saw her catch a cold at least five times a year. He saw that she always forgot to bring an umbrella when it was raining. A doctor knows how to take care of herself without eating, but she just doesn't want to do it.

But he didn't say these things, so Xiao Su'er was a little puzzled when he heard the words he shouted, "How did you see it? Where did you see it? I don't know where you have been hiding for the past five years. You and Su I don't even know when Wanwan started!"

"She is only 23 years old now, so counting, have you been with her when she was just an adult? In the past five years, I always thought you passed away. Every year on Qingming Festival and your life and death sacrifices, I I will go to your cemetery to sit all day, just to tell you all the things that have happened to me over the years, so that you will not be alone there."

"But what about you? Are you having a good time with the young girl, forgetting about me completely? You came out this time because of your Bo family, right? I don't want your company to be taken away by Chi Siang Let's go, but nothing is for me, do I really annoy you so much?"

"I know that I misunderstood you ten years ago, but you didn't make it clear, so I regret it! These memories and guilt torture me every night, and I have suffered enough. Now I decide that I will not pester you any more. I'm looking at you, out of your sight! Can I give you back a clean world? You don't want to continue running around in my life!"

Xiao Su'er yelled out all the aggrieved breath in her heart, and the tears in her eyes burst out like water from a faucet.

Looking at her like this, Bo Qingang was heartbroken, but he still couldn't help her to wipe away her tears, so he could only continue to stand in front of her, "Anyway, you can't leave now, and I won't let you go until I see with my own eyes that you are fine. of."

"What exactly do you want?" Xiao Su'er burst into tears, sitting on the ground hugging her legs, she was really tired, since the day she received the news of Bo Qing'ang's death five years ago, she has fallen into a kind of In the distorted world, it took so long to accept his death, but five years after he disappeared, he stood in front of her perfectly.

It should be a happy thing to lose and get back, but she found that from the day he came back, she had really lost him.

"Su'er, I..." Bo Qingang crouched beside her, seeing her feeling unbearable, what should he say?Tell her that he can no longer love her?
The pain in his eyes was so obvious, Xiao Su'er saw it clearly, and reached out to touch his face, but Bo Qingang immediately shook her head, "Don't touch me, I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about? Is your Su Wanwan jealous? Then you stay away from me, don't find me a doctor, don't look at me here, I will be fine, I have come here for ten years without you .”

Xiao Su'er quickly got up from the ground, kicked off her high heels, and ran out of his sight wiping her tears. Today is the most out of control day for her in the years she has known Bo Qing'ang, and it is also the most authentic and most relaxing day .

"Su'er..." Bo Qing'ang softly called his name behind her, but did not catch up.

Su Wanwan saw all this from a distance behind her, and secretly complained in her heart, what happened to the two of them?Are you acting in an idol drama?It's so hard to part with each other, so we should just be together, why come to her, isn't it just tired?
(End of this chapter)

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