Rebirth Space: Rich and hot wives are not easy to mess with

Chapter 1071 Su Wanwan's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 1071 Su Wanwan's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 1071 Su Wanwan's Careful Thoughts

When Bo Qingang returned to the villa, he began to sit on the sofa and fell into silence. Over the years, he often thought alone like this, thinking more and more, but he couldn't do anything.

It doesn't matter how thin he is, the most precious status in Huaxia Continent also makes him helpless against the poison of ice, even though he is in a high position, he is extremely cold.

Su Wanwan came over from the kitchen with a cup of coffee, "Aang! I made your favorite coffee."

She gently put the coffee on the table in front of him, Bo Qingang frowned, "Why are you here? I didn't give you the key to my house."

"Because I'm your real girlfriend, and you left the key in the office last time, so I put it away, I wanted to give you the result and forgot, I came here today, don't you mind?"

Su Wanwan took advantage of the opportunity to sit beside Bo Qing'ang, "Aang, can I ask you something?"

"No! Put down the keys, and leave my house immediately." Bo Qing'ang no longer had the gentleness when facing the media reporters, but his words were almost cold without a trace of emotion.

"Don't you want to hear what I want to ask you? I just want to ask something about me. I can tell that you still like Miss Xiao, so why did you ask me to play your girlfriend to make her angry?" What? You like her so much, how good it is to be with her, you two have a child. "

Su Wanwan was really curious, what angle did Bo Qingang call her to come over, is it fun?Finding a woman to piss off the one he loves, no matter how bad-tempered a person can do it, and with his appearance today, he clearly loves Xiao Su'er very much.

Bo Qingang still said the same cold words, "This has nothing to do with you, put down the key and go!"

"Young Master Bo, are you worried that the old man of the Ang family will come to trouble you? Are you doing it for the people of the Bo family? You..."

"Can't you understand me? I'll let you go!" Bo Qing'ang was completely impatient. When he was talking to her, he never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

Although Su Wanwan still maintained a smile on the surface, but her teeth were almost gnawed, she still sat gently beside Bo Qingang.

"Young Master Bo, why don't you let me accompany you? If you really think that Miss Xiao is not suitable for you and want to start a new life, then I believe that I am definitely your best choice, and I will be very obedient to you If you don't want me by your side, I will never pester you, if you want a child, I can help you have one, not only sons and daughters, but also."

She confronted Bo Qing'ang with the sweetest tone in her life, but she didn't impress him even a bit, but annoyed him even more. In the end, Bo Qing'ang simply stood up and left her alone on the sofa.

"Stay here if you like, but I hope I don't see you when I come out tomorrow morning, and don't leave the smell of your perfume on my sofa."

"You..." Su Wanwan felt very wronged, bit her lip and looked at Bao Qingang who had gone up to the second floor, turned her head slightly and sniffed her shoulder, she didn't wear any perfume at all.

After walking out of Bo Qingang's villa, she was still wondering if this young master Bo was a man?And let yourself pretend to be his girlfriend, and it's an unfeminine look. , so inseparable in love, but not together, two psychopaths!
She complained as she walked, and at the end she turned her eyes and suddenly came up with a trick. Since she can't start with Bo Shao, she should change the direction and let Xiao Su'er withdraw from Bo Qingang's world consciously. At that time, she Wouldn't there be a lot of time to conquer the mountain of Bo Shao?

Thinking of this, many plans have appeared in her heart to drive Xiao Su'er away.

the other side.

After returning home, Xiao Su'er sat in the room and took the medicine to treat the wound for herself.Bai Qingyue walked out of her room at this time, knocked lightly on her door, and entered the room after getting Xiao Su'er's approval, "Sister Su'er, I have a friend who also attended Xiaonan's wedding ceremony today , and told me what happened at the wedding banquet."

"Today is just a farce, you just pretend you don't know anything!" Xiao Su'er joked as if nothing happened.

But Bai Qingyue didn't think so, she took Xiao Su'er's hand and shook her head, "No! Sister Su'er, I've noticed something is wrong since the day Bo Shao came back, and I also asked people from the Bai family to investigate for me , I think there is something wrong with him! Is there any misunderstanding between you two that has not been resolved?"

"What's wrong with him seems to be none of my business! I have nothing to do with him now, and there is no regret between the two of us. All the misunderstandings that can be explained are in the email from Xiao Mengqiu five years ago The explanation is clear, is there any misunderstanding?"

"I think Mr. Bo is a bit strange this time. I asked people from the Bai family to follow him quietly. Although he found out soon, but also investigated some strange behaviors of him. He didn't let anyone touch him, and everyone Everyone must stay far away from him.

In the past, there was a driver who opened the door for him, but now he doesn't let the driver open the door every day. Even his girlfriend Su Wanwan never took his hand to go out on the street, and when the two of them were on camera together Don't you think it's strange to walk side by side at most, or never have physical contact? "

Bai Qingyue discovered these strange points but couldn't think of the reason. Before, she had been thinking of investigating everything thoroughly before telling Xiao Su'er, but seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it.

Xiao Su'er also felt something was wrong when she heard him say that. Today when she was crying, Bo Qing'ang reached out several times to help her wipe her tears, but finally took them back.

She originally thought that Bo Qing'ang didn't want to touch her, but now that Bai Qingyue said that, it seemed something was wrong.It's fine if he doesn't want to touch her, why even his girlfriend keeps a distance from him?what is this?
I don't think things should be as simple as what we see on the surface. Sister Su'er, don't always trust your eyes. Sometimes what your eyes see may not be true. Have you forgotten what happened ten years ago?Find a chance to have a good chat with Bo Shao!Open up your heart and pick everything out, even if you give up at that time, you will be willing, won't you? "

Bai Qingyue began to persuade her, thinking from her standpoint, after all, the two of them will soon become a family.

(End of this chapter)

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