Chapter 1072 Hot Searches on Weibo
Chapter 1072 Hot Searches on Weibo
Xiao Su'er nodded when she heard her say this, "It makes sense, I really should investigate clearly, otherwise I don't know, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart, thank you Qingyue."

"You're welcome! We'll be a family soon."

The marriage between her and Xiao Yuhan was also on the agenda. The two of them were already discussing the date of the wedding, ordering the banquet, ordering the wedding dress, and everything was on the right track.

Now that she has decided to investigate clearly, Xiao Su'er will not hesitate, she first opened the web interface and called up Bo Qingang's interview, and was surprised to find that Bai Qingyue's speech was indeed good, even if he and Su Wanwan When they were on camera together, the two of them did not act too intimately, not even holding hands.

The media also noticed that something was wrong, and even asked questions, but the two still didn't make any intimate moves, but Su Wanwan smoothed things over on her own. The two should be intimate in private, and it's not appropriate to be too intimate on camera. It's too uncomfortable.

It's understandable not to be intimate in front of the camera, but the two of them don't even want to hold hands, it's too unlike a couple.

Xiao Su'er was thinking about this when she found a hot search popped up on her phone. She clicked on the hot search and found that it was a Weibo sent by Su Wanwan. There was a picture on the Weibo. She was lying on the bed smiling happily, and she could see her Behind is the back of a man.

Weibo's copywriting is sweet: Good night everyone, let's sleep!
Everyone can think of who is sleeping next to her when they read this Weibo. After all, no one dares to be green and thin. The comment area immediately exploded——

"Wow, private bed photo wow!"

"Are you ready to get married?"

"I feel that Young Master Bo must love this Su Wanwan very much. After all, when he was with Xiao Su'er, he never took her to the media for interviews. Maybe the two of them are really compatible."

"We onlookers have eaten dog food for so long, when will we hear the good news from you?"

Xiao Su'er read all those comments one by one, all of them are blessings, occasionally one or two comments are about her, but what she said makes Xiao Su'er feel that it is better not to mention it, netizens are all saying Su Wanwan was younger than her, it was not surprising that rich men liked this kind of girl.

She put the phone aside and didn't look at it, and thought of what Bai Qingyue mentioned just now, maybe the two of them thought too much!Both of them are sleeping on the same bed, so where can there be any strange things?It is estimated that the two people really discussed it, and they should not show intimacy in front of the media.

Thinking of this, Xiao Su'er's heart slowly began to have a sour taste, as if a jar of old Shanxi vinegar had been overturned in her heart.

the other side.

After Su Wanwan finished posting this Weibo, she was very proud of seeing the comments that rose so quickly, she turned around and patted the person lying beside her, "Get up, thank you very much!"

"You are really my best friend. Just because I am more neutral, you let me impersonate Bo Shao here? If Bo Shao finds out, I guess I will have to go around."

"No, I'll just put it on Weibo for two hours and delete it."

Su Wanwan felt that she was really witty, so she found a female friend who was dressed in neutral clothes to lie on the bed. Who dares to question it?
"Do you think that after you delete it, those netizens on the Internet will not have any savings? If Bo Shao sees it, he will think you have cheated on him."

"I can explain to him that it's you, you're my best friend, and besides, it's the netizens who care about pornography, that's Bo Shao, and I didn't say it! I just said good night to everyone, and I can't blame me."

Su Wanwan had already thought about everything, advance, attack, retreat, or defend, no matter what, there was a seamless reason.

The only reason she did this was to be angry with Xiao Su'er. The popularity of this Weibo was so fast that Xiao Su'er would definitely be able to see it as long as she was playing with her mobile phone. The woman lying on the bed should be enough to stimulate her, even if there is a small flame between her and Bo Qing'ang, it should be extinguished.

Xiao Su'er is indeed as she imagined, lying on the bed and thinking about that photo makes her heart sad, the person who used to lie next to her is now lying next to other women, he will hold other women's hands and walk past them The road they walked together, doing the things they used to do, using the mouth that used to talk to him, leaning on other people's ears to say the same situation, maybe even make the same promise.

Such a man, even if one day leaves other people and returns to you, can you still accept it?Xiao Su'er asked herself, it seemed that she couldn't accept it.

"Alas..." She sighed deeply, got under the quilt, covered her head with the quilt, and wanted to escape from this world. This world is really bitter, and there is no place that makes her feel so sweet.

the next day.

Bo Qingang didn't even know that there was such a Weibo last night. After all, he didn't play Weibo and never read those so-called news and gossips. Su Wanwan's Weibo was also quietly posted by her in the middle of the night. deleted.

But if he doesn't read it, it doesn't mean that other people around him don't read it. Zhang Song walked into the office and thought about it before deciding to say it, "Young Master Bo, Miss Su posted a Weibo last night, which seems to have caused misunderstandings by others, otherwise You should take a look, she and you are boyfriend and girlfriend now, although they are contract couples, but only a few of us know about this contract."

While talking, he opened the hot search and placed it in front of Bo Qingang. Bo Qingang was still confused at first, but when he saw the picture on the hot search, he instantly became angry.

Is this Su Wanwan crazy?To actually post such a photo, and the person lying next to her is not herself at all, did she find another man to come over?

Although strictly speaking, this woman has nothing to do with me, and there is no such thing as whether she is green or not, but such a photo of her will arouse people's imagination. If someone finds that the person lying next to her is not herself at all, then How to explain?
"Call Su Wanwan to my office." Bo Qingang said softly.

"Yes, Mr. Bo!" Zhang Song agreed very quickly, and immediately called Su Wanwan when he left the office.

When Su Wan arrived late, she ran into Bo Qing'ang's office with the snacks she had made herself, and said to him in a sweet and greasy tone: "Aang, do you miss me? I specially gave it to you Do you want to try the dessert?"

(End of this chapter)

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