Chapter 1078 Questioning
Chapter 1078 Questioning
After the reporter left, Xiao Su'er huddled in the corner of the reception room, observing Bo Qing'ang and Su Wanwan in the office.

Su Wanwan walked carefully to his side, "Aang, are you angry at what I just said?"

"What right do you have to say that my son is an illegitimate child in front of the reporter, Su Wanwan! You must have mistaken your identity, and you don't need to come tomorrow."

"What do you mean? Do you want to terminate our partnership? But now you have announced to all the reporters that we are going to get married soon. Now that we broke up suddenly, don't you worry that your reputation will be affected? ?”

Su Wanwan was a little angry. She had already tried to explain to various media the news that she and Bo Qingang were going to get married. Why didn't this Bo Shao play tricks at all?No matter what, you should take the media's public opinion into account, and let her go without thinking.

"Wind comment? Do you think I care about those things? Get out!" Bo Qingang had already seen through Su Wanwan's scheming, she was not as innocent as she appeared on the surface, but he was too lazy to find Alone, he just made do with keeping her by his side, as long as she wasn't too much, he could bear it.

But today she has touched her bottom line, she can talk nonsense and spread rumors that two people are going to get married soon, and she can also create an illusion of love between two people in front of outsiders.

All these may make Xiao Su'er retreat in the face of difficulties and make her safer. Bo Qing'ang has been turning a blind eye, but now this woman is actually spreading rumors about her son, which is unbearable.

"Young Master Bo, just show mercy when I have been with you for so long! I promise there will never be a next time, I swear to you! I will never talk nonsense to reporters in the future, you asked me to say it I just said okay?" Su Wanwan immediately begged for mercy in a hurry, twisting her body like a child.

"Get out!" Bo Qingang was unmoved, and said this sentence again. Su Wanwan knew that if he was asked to say the third time, it would not be to make her leave willingly, but to be taken away by Bo's bodyguards. If you push it out by yourself, you can only go out by yourself.

Xiao Su'er saw this scene in the reception room, and felt complicated. It turned out that it was really like what Xiao Wang said, this Su Wanwan was really trying to annoy her, and the two of them were not lovers at all.

"Da da da..." Xiao Su'er walked out of the reception room on high heels, and walked directly into Bo Qing'ang's office.

Bo Qingang looked down at the document, thinking that Su Wanwan had come back again, and asked displeasedly, "What are you doing? Tell you to get lost, can't you understand?"

He froze for a moment when he raised his head, and then frowned displeasedly, "Zhang Song! Why did you let her in? You don't want to do it anymore, do you?"

"He's going to clean up the mess. Although the Bo family can be said to be the dominant family in the Chinese mainland, it doesn't mind the reporters scribbling at all. Of course he wants to deal with those reporter friends who were driven away by Bo Shao just now. gone."


"That's right, I saw everything in the opposite reception room just now, and I also knew that you called Su Wanwan to anger me. When did you become so childish, Boss? You didn't know how to do it before. Hasn't the dignified Young Master Bo always been upright about this kind of thing? Why do you do this kind of thing?"

Xiao Su'er walked towards him while talking, and she walked in front of Bao Qing'ang, she stretched out her hand to pull Bao Qing'ang, but he stood up from the stool and took a few steps back in fright, "You What are you doing? As I said, I don't want to see you now, don't touch me."

"It seems that what my son said is right. The cold poison on your body has recurred, and it has reached the point where it is contagious. You are worried that we will be contagious when we meet you, so you speak ill of me. You are sad Are you lonely? Why do you keep me away thousands of miles away, can't you let me be by your side to accompany you through the difficulties?"

Xiao Su'er's hand was still raised in the air, looking at Bo Qing'ang with eyes full of pain.

Bo Qingang's face was full of shock when she heard her say this, but he calmed down quickly, "What are you talking about? Don't come here to affect my work, and what's more! The two of us have broken up now , please walk around when you see me!"

He tried to use his anger and harsh tone to make Xiao Su'er angry and then turned and left, but this time it didn't work, Xiao Su'er stood where he was and looked at him with an extremely yearning look.

Bo Qingang is the sad thought between her brows, the thought in her hand, and the thought that she can't move.

"Why do the two of us get along in this way? Can't we sit down and talk? Even if your cold poison recurs, I can still be by your side. In your eyes, I can only share weal and woe Is it bitter?"

Xiao Su'er tried to approach him while talking, but Bo Qing'ang became even more furious, pointing at him and yelling, "Stop! Don't come any further, just stand there, if you dare to approach me again, I'll call the security guards to come up You drag Bo Shi out."

"Why are you so resistant to me approaching you? Didn't you just say that I was talking nonsense? You clearly have a recurrence of the cold poison, and you are just worried about infecting me. Can you go to my clinic with me? I will help you check your body , I can heal you."

When Xiao Su'er spoke, she felt the grievance in her throat spread all the way to her eye sockets, and some moist liquid was about to burst out of her eyes.

"Get out, what nonsense are you talking about? Who told you this? How dare you spread rumors about me, you don't want to live!" Bo Qingang denied it.

Seeing the wrinkles on his brows, Xiao Su'er felt a pang in her heart, took out the surveillance video copied in her mobile phone, opened it and threw it on the desk.

The conversation between him and Ouyang Luo resounded in the empty space of the office, and every word and every sentence confirmed Xiao Su'er's words.It was only at this moment that Bo Qingang realized that he had neglected that he had a son with excellent computer talent, and that he had actually forgotten that he could hack into the computer to monitor.

"Did you hear that? The truth of the matter is already in front of you, don't deny it anymore! I already know everything. The two of us should be honest with each other, and we should be in the same boat! I can spend everything with you, why? You haven't been able to give me full trust until now?" Sadness overflowed from the eye sockets, and successfully flowed all over the entire cheek.

Bo Qingang saw her tears, how much he wanted to rush over to embrace her in his arms, and promised her a lifetime promise that the two of them would spend the rest of their lives together hand in hand!
But he couldn't, he couldn't ruin her for the rest of her life because of his impulsiveness, so he reached out and pressed the calling bell in the office...

(End of this chapter)

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