Chapter 1079 Why are you hiding from me?

Chapter 1079 Why are you hiding from me?

Xiao Su'er didn't know that Bo's security guards had been notified and were rushing upstairs, and she was still trying to make Bo Qing'ang put down her guard and believe her.

"The two of us have passed through so many hardships. I almost died in that explosion ten years ago. I misunderstood you and thought that you had Xiao Mengqiu in your heart to leave me in that dangerous situation, but I didn't know until later , that's because if you save me and give up Xiao Mengqiu, I can't live.

Five years ago, I also thought you died in the explosion, and I tried my best to avenge you. I made all the people involved in that matter pay a painful price.

The two of us have experienced so much, why not cherish the time in the future, too much time has passed between the two of us, and now we are both middle-aged, how long do you want us to misunderstand ? "

Xiao Su'er couldn't control the tears flowing wantonly on her face, she approached Bo Qing'ang step by step, she was ready to be infected.

So what if you want to feel the harshness of the ice poison?With the one you love by your side, even if it is ice and snow, it can still be as warm as spring.

Just when she was about to touch Bo Qingang, several security guards rushed in from outside the office, holding electric batons as if they were treating terrorists.

When Bo Qingang saw the weapons in their hands, his face darkened, "What are you doing? You are just asked to come in and invite someone out. Do you want to hit someone?"

"I'm sorry, Boss, we thought you were in trouble, Miss Bo let you go out, so let's go with us."

The security guards immediately put the electric baton behind them and walked in front of Xiao Su'er, politely trying to invite her out of the office, but she was stubbornly unwilling to leave, "If I don't go out, I will stay here. There is always something important to talk about, so go out first."

"Miss, Mr. Bo doesn't want to see you, you'd better go out with us, otherwise it would be bad if we use force."

Several security guards surrounded her, and they were about to do something, but Bo Qingang snorted coldly. The security guards were a little scrupulous, and at the same time, they didn't know what to do. What does Mr. Bo mean?Asking them to come up to ask this person to leave but not letting them move, this woman looks quite difficult, if they don't drag it down by force, how can they be willing to go with them?
Xiao Su'er didn't look at the security guard, but fixed her gaze on Bo Qingang's body, "Bo Qingang! What? Do you really want me to leave? Is that why you don't want to see me? Look into my eyes and tell me , you really don't want to see me at all?"

Bo Qingang's brows were filled with sorrow, as if he was entangled. After a long time, he turned his eyes to Xiao Su'er, "Yes, I don't want to see you, please leave! I said that we are in the past tense, don't use your fake The audio and video recordings and videos come to me to show off, it is impossible between us."

"You..." Xiao Su'er just said that, and a few security guards immediately took out the electric baton and pointed at her, "Sister, please leave with us, don't stay in our Boss's office."

"Okay, since you keep saying that you don't want to see me, then I won't make it difficult, I will leave now. But Bo Qingang, I have already seen through your duplicity, I will not give up so easily, you want Protect me well, why don't I think the same as you, I am a doctor, but I can't cure my beloved, how frustrated I am!"

Xiao Su'er didn't bother at the moment, but turned around and left the office resolutely. She didn't even let the bodyguards watch, and rushed into the elevator by herself. When the elevator fell, she kept thinking about the ice poison treatment plan she had studied over the years. .

Because there are no experimental subjects, all her treatment plans are still at the stage of just talking on paper, she has not put them into action, and she does not know the final result, and those treatment plans, including the drugs she developed, are now with Ouyang Luo.

After leaving Bo's, Xiao Su'er took a taxi and went straight to Ouyang Luo's hospital. Ouyang Luo was discussing a treatment plan for a critically ill patient with several doctors.

"In fact, I still recommend conservative treatment. After all, although this patient's family conditions are good, he is already old. If he is treated with traditional Chinese medicine, it may be better for his body."

"What kind of Chinese medicine method? Only western medicine can cure him faster. If you use Chinese medicine method, I'm afraid he won't recover until the day he dies. Chinese medicine is indeed a cure, but the treatment time also takes longer. His this Can the disease be delayed?"

When Xiao Su'er ran into the office, she happened to hear what they said, and walked to Ouyang Luo's side after a little thought, "Come out! I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter with you? It's working time now, and we're still working on this treatment plan. If you have something to do, wait for me and I'll go to you again."

Ouyang Luo glanced at the time, before it was time for lunch break, he immediately rejected Xiao Su'er.

"Show me his medical record." Xiao Su'er took the patient's medical record paper from Ouyang Luo's hand while talking, flipped through it and put it down immediately, "I will treat this patient! The method of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Three days will make him more than half heal, do you have time to chat with me now?"

"Who are you? Why are you so confident?" The doctors at the hospital couldn't believe her perfunctory appearance. They had been discussing here all morning without any results, and she actually decided after just two glances. Saying that three days can make more than half of the patient's recovery, isn't that just talking nonsense?

"What you're saying is, who are you? Don't come here to affect our work!"

"Who is Dr. Ouyang?"

The doctors in the hospital looked at Xiao Su'er suspiciously, she was not angry, but grabbed Ouyang Luo's wrist and looked at several people, "I am Xiao Su'er, if you think what I said is wrong, then wait for me and After Mr. Ouyang has finished speaking, I will tell you what is so good about this treatment plan."

Putting down these words, she pulled Ouyang Luo and turned around to leave. Ouyang Luo was confused and didn't know what happened. He followed her all the way to the downstairs of the hospital, and Xiao Su'er let go of her hand. Asked, "Ouyang Luo, why are you hiding it from me?"

"What are you hiding from you? You're talking nonsense. I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't know? Then why did you ask me about the treatment plan for the ice poison two days ago? What are you going to do? Isn't it to treat Bo Qingang? Why didn't you come when his ice poison relapsed?" Tell me? Have the two of you been in touch for a long time? Have you been taking care of him for the past five years? Why didn't you tell me earlier? "

The questioning voice made Ouyang Luo turn pale, and then felt guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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