Chapter 1080
Chapter 1080
"You know? Did Aang tell you?" Ouyang Luo wondered, didn't Bo Qingang agree not to let Xiao Su'er know?He even threatened him with the words of breaking up the relationship, but he ran over to say it again?Not too possible!Maybe someone leaked it, but only he and Bo Qingang knew about the ice poison.

"You don't need to worry about how I know, let alone who told me, anyway, this is what I know, right? Why didn't you tell me? Bo Qing'ang has been suffering for the past few years, right? no?"

When Xiao Su'er questioned her, some bloodshot eyes appeared in her eyes. Seeing her like this, Ouyang Luo felt that she would grab his collar by the next second and throw him over his shoulder.

He thought about immediately starting to comfort her, "Calm down, calm down! It's not that I don't want to tell you, but that Aang won't let me tell you. He said that if I dare to tell you something in private, he will It would do you good to break up with me and not tell you."

"What's the benefit? Let us miss the five-year benefit? How do you know that I can't cure him? Have you tried all my treatment options? Are they really useless?"

Xiao Su'er couldn't control her emotions, she just felt like a volcanic eruption, a surge of anger rushed to her forehead.

"I've tried it, and I can't say it's useless at all. It does have a better inhibitory effect than the medicine I gave him, but if it's a radical cure..."

"Maybe something, these years I have not had any subjects to experiment with, so the treatment plan has been stagnant and I dare not write any more, but if you had told me that Bo Qingang was still alive earlier, maybe I would have cured him already, Is his disease contagious? What is the medium of infection? Droplets?"

Since he doesn't want to let himself be in contact with him, then he will become the same person as him, and then he won't have to worry about it so much.

Xiao Su'er didn't tell Ouyang Luo what he was thinking. He thought it was just a doctor's questioning like a routine, so he told her without thinking, "It's not droplets, but it's possible to contagious as long as you touch it. He's already contagious." There are two people, and they are all going to take care of him, and if they accidentally touch him, they will be infected immediately."

"That's why he is so indifferent to me and doesn't even let me get close to him, it's because he is worried about infecting me!" Xiao Su'er's words were affirmative, not asking, she understood that Bo Qing'ang had paid for her protection No matter how much energy he put into protecting himself, he kept repeating that the two of them were already in the past tense, and he was also worried about infecting himself.

Bo Qingang, you protected me for five years, now I will protect you.Xiao Su'er clenched her fists and made a decision in her heart, never leave!
"It seems that you know everything, and I also know that I can no longer hide it from you, so let's go! Go to the office with me, and I will tell you everything five years ago. His ice poison is no longer It’s the same as before. Not only is it contagious, but the toxicity has also expanded many times. Sometimes the pain can’t even be controlled by Aang’s willpower. I often see him rolling on the ground in pain. He is the weakest, I have never seen him like this in the past 30 years."

Ouyang Luo took her into the office, and took out the files he kept from the safe in his office, all of which recorded the detailed situation of Bo Qingang's every attack, every treatment and subsequent occurrences in the past five years. All the circumstances were recorded in detail.

Xiao Su'er's fingers trembled slightly when she was flipping through the files, especially when she saw that Bo Qing'ang, who escaped from the fire, managed to save his life in such a dangerous situation, she covered her mouth.

She saw that every time he had an attack, even the surrounding objects would be frozen together with him, and her tears could no longer be controlled. During the past five years, she suffered from pain and was lonely, but why not Bo Qingang?He even endured a lot of pain that ordinary people can't bear.

"He has been living in mainland China for the past five years, hasn't he ever left?" Xiao Su'er put down the file. She remembered that Ouyang Luo's family had already opened up overseas markets, and there were many well-known overseas research institutes cooperating with them. Why didn't he How about taking Bo Qingang overseas for treatment?That way the chances of a cure are much greater.

"I know what you want to ask. I once thought about taking him overseas, but he refused all of them. He said he didn't want to leave here. You and Xiao Wang are here. His relatives are here. He won't left.

In fact, I know that he is worried that if he can't handle the poison once after he goes overseas, he may die in a foreign land.He wants to stay here, he follows you every day, and seeing you and Xiao Wang having a good time, he seems to be comforted, if Chi Siang didn't do too much this time, probably he still won't show up . "

"What? He follows us every day..." Xiao Su'er was as shocked as thunder when she heard this sentence. How could it be possible?Bo Qingang followed her every day, she couldn't have not noticed, how many times did she miss the chance for the two to meet each other?

"He is indeed following you every day. In fact, you should have discovered it a long time ago, but you didn't know it was him. He said that he had come forward to save you and Xiao Wang twice."

"Save us? Are you saying that he is the man in black who has been following us?" Xiao Su'er finally caught up, no wonder the man in black was so familiar to her, no wonder he would desperately try to save himself and his son ,I see!
He followed him all day long, but he never noticed it. If he had found out earlier, the two of them might not have missed five years. How much did he have?

"Hehe..." Xiao Su'er sneered, she laughed at herself for being too stupid, in the past she always felt that her reaction and memory were much better than others, but she didn't realize that her beloved had been with her for five whole years. How dull it is!
"Now that you already know, I will hand him over to you with full power. All the files are here, you can take them away! Next, if you need me to speak at any time, you can also come to our Ouyang family's hospital at any time , but this is a long way to go, although I can see your determination, but I still want to remind you to be more careful." Ouyang Luo sighed deeply.

"I understand, I will protect him from now on, no matter how difficult it is, I will not give up." Xiao Su'er hugged the file tightly, as if hugging Bo Qingang.

(End of this chapter)

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