Chapter 1082 White Lotus

Chapter 1082 White Lotus

Su Wanwan always kept a decent smile when she spoke, even if the words she said were so mean, a young lady is still the granddaughter of Mr. Ang!The Ang family has such a great influence in the Chinese mainland, if other people know that Xiao Su'er is a brazen man who pesters a man who already has a girlfriend, it will probably embarrass the Ang family.

Xiao Su'er understood her implication very well, but Xiao Su'er didn't care at all, instead she said with a smile, "My grandfather has always doted on me, and I can do whatever I want, not to mention what do I need to avoid? I will come here in an upright manner. Looking for Bo Qingang, I didn’t come to find him to hide things, not to mention that some contracts cannot be renewed after they expire, so I don’t want to feel that everyone doesn’t know about it.”

"You..." Su Wanwan was shocked, "What do you mean by that? Did you know something?"

"I don't know anything, I just want to remind you not to be aggressive here, and! It's not up to you to decide how my conduct is."

Xiao Su'er took out her hands, and was going to wait for Bo Qingang while playing with her mobile phone. She could always wait for him today, because she had mastered Bo Qingang's schedule for today, and she would go downstairs to another company to discuss cooperation in about 10 minutes. .

Su Wanwan saw Xiao Su'er ignoring her, the previous method was no longer feasible, and hearing what she said, Xiao Su'er already knew about the contract she had signed with Bo Qing'ang in private.

If this is the case, then she can no longer sit still, since she knows all this, she will overcome all difficulties and return to Bo Qingang's side, won't she have no chance anymore?

Su Wanwan thought about this, and suddenly grabbed Xiao Su'er's hand, "Sister Su'er, why are you doing this? I'm just worried that you and A Ang's relationship will resurface, and then I will be the one who was abandoned, and the girl is worried about herself. There should be nothing wrong with my boyfriend being seduced, right? Don't be so cruel to me, okay? What did I do wrong, I apologize to you. "

When she spoke, her acting skills reached the standard and she shed tears. Her whole body was full of grievances, and her voice was quite loud, which instantly attracted the staff on the first floor, and all the employees of Bo's paid attention to them.

Xiao Su'er was still confused at first, but the moment everyone looked at her, she understood that Su Wanwan is really great, thanks to her pure appearance, she is always thinking of calculating others.

The staff around him immediately began to discuss, all pointing at Xiao Su'er——

"Isn't this Bo Shao's ex-wife? Why are you here to make trouble for no reason?"

"What ex-wife? It's an ex-girlfriend. She and Young Master Bo are not married yet."

"That's right, the ex-girlfriend is too much, come here to play wild with the Lord, and if Bo Shao finds out later, she will be attractive."

"These security guards are too, why leave her here and drive her out!"

The security guards also rushed over in time, took a look at Su Wanwan who was crying, and then at Xiao Su'er who was expressionless, and said with a headache, "Miss Xiao, please go out, or Bo Shao will blame us later, And you made Bo's girlfriend cry here, Bo will be angry."

"Don't blame Sister Su'er, she didn't do it on purpose, she just couldn't remember her old relationship with Aang, and she didn't bully me on purpose, it's me who cries too easily, don't blame her, it's all my fault, everyone It was my fault."

Su Wanwan started to plead with the security guard while she was crying, she really looked like a white lotus who was wronged and wanted to speak for others.

Xiao Su'er sighed and raised her head, "Really? You think I'm too much? Then call your Boss down and let him uphold justice."

After saying this, she continued to sit on her seat as if nothing had happened, without expressing too much expression on her face, let alone comforting Su Wanwan, the people around her were talking louder——

"What's the matter with this person? It's too much, even if she is the heir of the Ang family, she can't be so shameless! She made Mrs. Bo's real girlfriend cry and still flaunts her power here. Quickly take a video. Expose her."

"That's right, let her feel the dangers of the world, and let the spittle of netizens drown her."

"I liked her a lot before. I thought it was not easy for her to be a woman with a child, and her medical skills are also very good. She is clearly set up as a strong woman. I didn't expect her to be like this. It's too much."

Xiao Su'er didn't take these gossips to heart at all, and her calm made Su Wanwan feel a little overwhelmed. She rolled her eyes, ready to make a big move.

"Sister Su'er, I know that I am not as rich as you, and I am not as beautiful as you. To be honest, I know that I am not worthy of Aang! But we two really love each other, please don't tear me apart, okay? People from the Ang family came to warn me that I was already injured and I was recovering from my injuries, so don't let them come here again, woo woo..."

The more Su Wanwan said, the more she went too far, accusing Xiao Su'er of all unnecessary crimes, but Xiao Su'er was always calm, keeping her eyes on the direction of the elevator entrance.

After 10 minutes, Bo Qingang really came out of the elevator, Xiao Su'er immediately stood up and was about to run over, but unexpectedly she stood up and just rubbed against Su Wanwan's skirt, Su Wanwan suddenly yelled fell to the ground.

"You..." Xiao Su'er looked helplessly and disgusted as she fell to the ground.

"Sister Su'er, I shouldn't be talking nonsense in public, I won't say it again, don't be angry, I was wrong." Su Wanwan sat on the ground and grabbed her trousers, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't make trouble here, stand up quickly! I still have something to do, and I'm not in the mood to mess around with you here." Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to pull her, and Bo Qing'ang had already noticed the commotion here, and walked in this direction come over.

"Mr. Bo, we have persuaded Ms. Xiao to leave with good words, but she is unwilling to leave and even got into an argument with Ms. Su. We really can't help it." Worried about being involved, the security guard immediately explained.

Bo Qingang's eyes fell on Su Wanwan who fell to the ground, and then turned to Xiao Su'er, without saying a word. The melon-eating crowd around him had already raised their mobile phones to take pictures of this rare moment. see the scene.

"How do you think Bo Shao will treat his ex-girlfriend?"

"Young Master Bo has always been very defensive. I don't think this ex-girlfriend will end well."

"I feel so too!"

Amidst the discussion, Bo Qing'ang walked up to the two of them. Su Wanwan was still sitting on the ground with tears in her eyes. I'm here! I didn't mean it, look at Sister Su'er, she said you still like her."

"Now that there are so many people in front of you, tell me if you still like her. If so, I will leave immediately. I will never pester you."

(End of this chapter)

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