Chapter 1083 Choice
Chapter 1083 Choice
Su Wanwan remembered that Bo Qing'ang once said categorically that there was no possibility between him and Xiao Su'er, and that she could do as much as she could, so that Xiao Su'er could retreat.

Now is a good opportunity, with so many people around, as long as he can resolutely separate the relationship with Xiao Su'er, he can really make Xiao Su'er realize that the two of them are impossible.

Su Wanwan held such confidence that Bo Qingang would definitely not refute her words, and she waited for Xiao Su'er to be slapped in the face.

Zhang Song left, stepped forward to help Su Wanwan up, "Miss Su, don't sit on the ground anymore, get up when the ground is cool."

Su Wanwan smiled slightly at him, still looking at Bo Qingang, and then asked, "Aang, tell me! Do you still have a little bit of emotion for Sister Su'er? If so, then I will I will quit voluntarily, I have always had the beauty of an adult, not to mention there is a son between you and her."

"I know that family affection is very important. I can't compare it! I won't intervene between you. I don't want to be the person who destroys other people's feelings."

When she spoke, her tears became more violent, and she looked like a full victim. Anyone who looked at her felt that Xiao Su'er was bullying her.

All eyes were on Bo Qing'ang, waiting for his reply, wanting to see the end result of this love triangle?
The emotional balance of all the men present is basically inclined towards Su Wanwan. After all, she is young and beautiful. Who doesn't like such a girl?

And the ladies present basically think that Xiao Suer is good, she is a strong woman, she has to work and has a child by herself, I guess I have tasted all the ups and downs of life, but it turned out to be because of this little girl who knows nothing about the world It's so pathetic to be abandoned.

The two groups held different ideas, watching the three people in the middle as if they were watching a play, waiting for Bo Qingang to make the final judgment.

Bo Qingang's eyes wandered between Su Wanwan and Xiao Su'er, with entanglement and intolerance. If he stood resolutely by Su Wanwan's side at this time, it would definitely make Xiao Su'er sad. This is a golden opportunity. It is more efficient than saying that the past tense has come countless times before.

But admitting in front of so many people that there is no love between him and Xiao Su'er, how much it hurt Xiao Su'er.

"Aang! You said you don't need to take care of me. If you don't love me, you can speak out boldly. I won't blame you."

Su Wanwan began to urge again. After all, she could see the hesitation in Bo Qingang's eyes, and knew that he had already begun to hesitate. As long as she forced him a few more words, Xiao Su'er would leave smoothly, and she could become the wife of the Bo family in a grandiose manner. .

"What are you doing standing here? Do I pay you wages to let you do nothing when you go to work? And what are these people here for? When did my Bo's become a place like a vegetable market, where you can let them Others have entered the room!"

When Bo Qingang opened his mouth, everyone was shocked. How could he follow the routine?Su Wanwan asked for a long time and finally came up with such a sentence, which was completely irrelevant to the question!

But Young Master Bo has already spoken, how dare others refute?They could only turn into birds and beasts, and in an instant there were only three people left in the hall, and even the security guards went to patrol outside Bo's, not standing in the hall.

Xiao Su'er looked at Bo Qingang's gentle opening, "I have something to tell you, can we find a place to sit down and have a chat alone? Don't rush to reject me, I know where you are going to discuss cooperation today, The boss of that company has a deep friendship with Ang's Group, as long as I ask my grandfather to make a call, he will be able to sign a contract with you immediately."

She knew that Chi Siang actually had some influence on Bo before. After he offended all those partners, Bo Qingang also spent a lot of energy to get them back. Now Bo Qingang is almost filling him with work. Even the cooperation that usually doesn't require him to discuss in person, now he goes into battle in person.

He wants to expand Bo's family while he is still alive and can control his thoughts!
When Xiao Su'er thought of this, she felt very heartbroken. In the later stage, the cold poison would not only attack according to the date and mood swings, but every moment would make people feel like falling into an ice cave. Even powerful people can't bear it, and will torture people to death.

She couldn't imagine what Bo Qingang would become when his poisonousness reached that level?Will he close himself up and wait to die in solitude without seeing anyone?

She didn't want to see Bo Qing'ang become like that, and she had to stop it before it happened.

"Do you think I need to rely on your Ang family's relationship to be able to negotiate this cooperation?" Bo Qing'ang looked at her and said excessive words on purpose.

Xiao Su'er understood his routine, so she wasn't angry at all, instead she smiled and said, "But if the Ang family can just make a phone call and the cooperation can be concluded, wouldn't you save a lot of time? Consider this time as I won it." , how about you spend all this time chatting with me? Let's find a private room in a restaurant and have a good chat, I really have something very important to tell you. "

While talking, he leaned close to Bo Qing'ang's ear and wanted to whisper something, but Bo Qing'ang took a few steps back, "Just say what you want to say, don't come close!"

He almost yelled the last sentence, how worried he was that Xiao Su'er would be infected with this poison the moment he touched him.

Still staying at the front desk in the lobby on the first floor to see Bo Qingang's attitude towards Xiao Su'er.In an instant, their inner thoughts were confirmed. It was definitely too late for Bo Qingang to like Su Wanwan now. He had completely forgotten about Xiao Su'er, his ex-girlfriend.

Xiao Su'er didn't care at all, and was even moved in his heart. He is now speaking harshly to her for her own good. This kind of love that looks severe is actually a deep love.

"I'm fine. Even if you are infected, I'm willing. You must find a place to chat with me today. Otherwise, I will follow you all day. I will find a chance to meet you. I make you hard to guard against."

"You..." Bo Qing'ang looked at her with helpless eyes, and in the end he could only nod in compromise, "Okay, come with me."

When he turned around, a faint smile appeared on his face again. Why didn't he want to take this opportunity to get along well with Xiao Su'er, the two of them hadn't had a good chat together for five years after being separated.

Xiao Su'er happily followed him and ran out of Bo's, leaving Su Wanwan alone in the wind, the autumn wind blowing through the hall, messing up the hair on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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