Chapter 1088 Finally Leaving
Chapter 1088 Finally Leaving
Xiao Su'er's voice was choked up, her eye circles were reddish, Xiao Wang was now ten years old, but the days of getting along with Bo Qing'ang might not even last a month. He lacked a father's love so much, even Xiao Yu Han and Xiao Shuo gave him enough care by his side, but that was not his father after all.

Those are two completely different kinds of love. Children will look forward to their parents but love them. The love of parents cannot be replaced by anyone.

Bo Qingang's expression was a little moved when she heard her words, but she still gritted her teeth, "I said before, the past tense between us, the farther you are from me, the better, I don't need you to treat me, even if I It’s a monster that can infect people now, and I don’t want to take another look at you.”

"So what if I'm a monster? There are still many women around me, prettier and younger than you."

He took out his usual tricks again, Xiao Su'er secretly rolled his eyes, "If you want to talk, go ahead, I won't take it to heart, anyway, it's impossible to return this blood to you."

"What do you want to do?" Bo Qing'ang said, grabbing it with his hands, using all his strength angrily.

"Ah!" Xiao Su'er let go of her hand in pain, the test tube hit the ground, shattered into glass shards all over the floor, the blood in the test tube flowed out, stained with dust.

"What are you doing? I just took your blood!" Xiao Su'er roared angrily, rushed to the wall and took out the Gu worm from her bag, ready to throw it into the blood.

"What are you doing?" When Bo Qing'ang saw her take out the worm, he quickly rushed to her eyes and held her hand tightly, Xiao Su'er was forced to put the Gu worm in his hand in front of his eyes, that worm was so familiar, He knew it at a glance.

When Xiao Mengqiu was dealt with back then, the mother Gu that crawled out of her neck was exactly the same as the bug that Xiao Su'er was holding in her hand now, she could tell at a glance that it was a Gu for blood Gu.

She figured everything out almost instantly, it turned out that Xiao Su'er came to take his blood to make blood gu, did she want to bear the cold poison by herself?Use such an extreme method to detoxify yourself, and exchange a person's life for his life?He asked himself that he was indeed arrogant and looked down on the entire Chinese mainland, but he didn't feel that his life was more noble than others.

Especially if this person is Xiao Su'er, he doesn't think so. He thinks that Xiao Su'er is hundreds of times more important than him. It is a treasure that he will spend his life protecting. If he uses blood gu to force him to transfer the pain to Xiao Su'er, then he would rather He died in the explosion five years ago.

"Do you also want to use blood Gu like Xiao Mengqiu? Don't do such disgusting things in such a self-important way! Xiao Su'er, I warn you again, we have nothing to do with each other now, you leave me Stay away! It's best not to play such small tricks again, if you dare to do this again, I will take Xiao Wang away from you!"

If there is anything important to a woman, it must not be jewelry, nor power and wealth, but her children. Only using her children will make her fearful and dare not make the same mistakes again. Bo Qingang has grasped this point.

"Let me ask you, if I were the one who contracted the cold poison today, and I was the one who would infect people when they touched it, I would become that frightening monster, would you avoid me? Are you going to run when you see me like everyone else?"

"You won't! You will definitely stay by my side so I don't have to be afraid, take me to resist the gossip in this world, I can do what you can do! Why do you keep me away from thousands of miles away Outside? Bo Qingang, do you want to take another look at me only if I suffer from the cold poison like you?"

"Even if you have the poison of ice and cold like me, it is impossible for me to be with you. The two of us are over. You should stay as far away from me as possible. It is best to take your Xiao Wang back overseas. , the farther away you are from me, the happier I will be!"

Bo Qing'ang shook off her hand cruelly, turned around resolutely and left, leaving Xiao Su'er crying alone.

"Really? You are really so cruel. The farther we are from you, the happier you are. Why don't I believe it? I just want to be infected with the same cold poison as you! When I see it, will you As heartless as you said, I will not hesitate to pay the price of my life for you!"

"Boom!" Bo Qingang returned to the car and closed the door heavily. The whole car shook. Zhang Song, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked back in fear. He hesitated to speak a few times, but he never asked. This must have something to do with the cold poison.

Over the years, he accompanied Bo Qingang to treat him everywhere, and he also flew overseas alone to seek medicine, but he couldn't find any effective medicine to treat it. This seems to be an incurable disease, which is more terrifying than cancer.

"Zhang Song, send an email to Mr. Ang in my name. Tell him what will happen if Xiao Su'er stays, and how serious the consequences will be! Let him take their mother and son back overseas twice as soon as possible, that's the safest way .”

Since you are deeply in love, then I have no choice but to go the wrong way, as long as I can drive you away!You are safe, you can do anything!

Bo Qingang's fingertips on the car window have turned white. He wants to drive away the person he loves most with his own hands, and feel the pain of separation again. He will think about it in the days to come.

On the other side, the Ang Family Manor.

Mr. Ang was almost furious when he received the email. Zhang Song not only told about the cold poison, but even added embellishment, bluntly saying that Xiao Su'er's words in China mainland would make others poke the spine, saying that she is a person with corrupt character, and even entangled Bo after breaking up. Angry.

What is the most important thing for a woman, chastity is very important in any era, let alone Miss Ang's family, Mr. Ang naturally can't bear someone saying that about his granddaughter, and immediately ordered to take Xiao Su'er away and return overseas immediately .

When Xiao Su'er returned to the manor, she saw a circle of bodyguards waiting in formation, and Xiao Wang was held up by them with a face of reluctance.

"Mom, grandfather wants to take us back overseas." Xiao Wang shouted at her.

"Grandpa, what's going on, why did you suddenly go back overseas?" Xiao Su'er walked to the side to pull Xiao Wang over.

"Leave with me immediately. Does my granddaughter of someone like Ang have to pester Bo Qingang? Can't I live without him?" Old Man Ang was very angry, and grabbed Xiao Su'er's hand to force her into the car.

"Grandpa, grandpa! What's going on, even if you want to take me away, you have to explain what's going on!" Xiao Su'er resisted and stopped the car, still confused.

"Take a good look for yourself, how you have been belittled!" Old Man Ang called up the email on his mobile phone and put it in front of Xiao Su'er.

(End of this chapter)

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