Chapter 1089
Chapter 1089
Seeing the contents of the email, Xiao Su'er felt a sense of powerlessness, this Bo Qing'ang really got into a dead end, thinking that driving herself away would be good for herself,

Little do I know that this will only make me feel chilled and helpless, why must it be like this?Isn't it good for two people to get through the difficulties together?Mutual support is the best.

"Grandpa, things are not as you think. I won't go back overseas with you. I have more important things here, and Bo Qingang can't do without me and Xiao Wang now."

"What does it mean to be inseparable from the two of you? He said that he is tired of you looking for him, please stay away! Su'er, I know what happened to the two of you in the past, and I know that you misunderstood him at the beginning, so you are right. He's guilty and wants to make amends."

"But we can make amends and apologize in other ways. It is definitely not to make you pester you again and again without a bottom line. This will not be of any use and will only make you demean yourself. Our eldest lady of the Ang family wants Hold your head up, and I can compensate him materially."

Mr. Ang always felt indebted to Xiao Su'er and his brother, and tried his best to give them everything he had. Now that he was belittled by Bo Qingang, how could he bear it?This is his princess, his baby!
"Grandpa, do you think he is really lacking materially compared to our Ang family? He pushed me away again and again because he was poisoned by the ice poison and didn't want to infect me. As he said, he is thinking about me, but I can't leave him."

Xiao Su'er grabbed the car door, carried Xiao Wang out of the car, and said firmly to Mr. Ang, "As long as Bo Qingang is still alive, I will definitely stay by his side!"

"Why do you do this? We have arranged so many excellent men for you that you can't even look down on them. If you insist on pestering this man who doesn't care about you, even if you don't feel sorry for yourself, think about grandpa and you dad."

Seeing Xiao Su'er's resolute appearance, Mr. Ang was no longer stubborn, but walked into the room angrily. He didn't want to talk to Mr. Ang, and didn't want to care about this matter. The bodyguards stopped forcing her, but obediently retreated to the side.

Xiao Su'er led Xiao Wang into the living room, looked at him and sighed deeply, "Oh... Xiao Wang, mom may have to make an important but dangerous decision, you have to take good care of yourself, don't let mom worry about knowing ?"

"Mom, what are you going to do? Is it related to Dad? Tell me, I can share it for you, what is a dangerous decision, what are you going to do? Dad's illness can't even be cured by you?" Xiao Wang was burning with anxiety catch her.

"It's not that it can't be cured, but that Mom is going to officially treat your father, but I'm not sure about the ice poison, so you have to take care of yourself, if...

If I am also infected, neither of us dare to approach you anymore. After all, you are still young and cannot affect your future, so you should know it well in the next period of time? "

Xiao Su'er bit her lip, her son is so obedient and smart, she must be able to take care of herself, but she couldn't bear it, how cruel it is to leave Xiao Wang in order to get close to Bo Qingang, but she really can't be with him Xiao Wang went to be unrestrained and free, leaving Bo Qingang alone to endure loneliness, this is too much!

"I see. If mom needs anything from me, please tell me. I'll wait for you to come back with your recovered dad. I believe mom will be able to cure dad." Xiao Wang hesitated to speak, but in the end Just uttering this sentence, he didn't know what to say, he didn't want Xiao Su'er to take risks, but there was no one else who could save his father except her.

He doesn't want himself to become an orphan without father and mother, and he doesn't want his parents to be alive but unable to take care of him. The love is vigorous, and he can't be a stumbling block to affect their feelings.

"So cute!" Xiao Su'er rubbed his hair, her son grew so fast, he was almost as tall as her.

the other side.

Bo Qingang didn't speak after reading the document sent by Zhang Song, but just nodded silently, and then went into the bedroom without saying a word.

"Bo..." Zhang Song stretched out his hand behind him to call out, but then he slowly put down his hand and drove away the person he loved the most with his own hands. This is such a sad thing, the boss must be in a very complicated mood right now.

Bo Qingang went back to the room and sat directly on the cold floor. No matter how cold the floor was, it was not as cold as his own body. He couldn't feel the temperature from the things around him. As long as it was cold, he couldn't feel it. arrive.

In the world, Xiao Su'er is probably the only one who can warm his heart and make him feel differently. Now that she is leaving, what will happen to him?

It was destined that he, Bo Qingang, would be a monster in this life, alone!All these years, what supported him to survive again and again was the moment when he turned into Ang's house every night and walked to her bedside.

She sometimes has nightmares, sleeps very restlessly, and sometimes smiles sweetly in her dreams, it must be because she dreamed about him.

These illusory emotions and superficial expressions can affect his emotions, as long as he can see her, then everything will be fine.

Now, she wants to leave too, and he pushed her away with his own hands!
"Ah!" Bo Qingang suddenly yelled, his body temperature plummeted, and everything around him began to freeze slightly, this time it was more violent than before, making him feel that the blood vessels and meridians all over his body began to freeze.

"Boom! Boom!" The things in the room fell down, and Bo Qingang gritted his teeth and squatted on the ground. He used to rely on his strong willpower to survive time and time again, this time he could only rely on his own strength. will.

But this time the poison came fiercely, he seemed to be unable to control it, everything around him fell to the ground and shattered into pieces on the ground, Bao Qingang rolled uncontrollably in the room, knocking everything around him to the ground.

"Mr. Bo, Mr. Bo!" Zhang Song heard the commotion upstairs, and ran upstairs quickly, but felt that the whole room had become cold. Standing outside the door, he seemed to be able to imagine the world of ice and snow inside. .

"Don't come in, you go! Go!" He yelled loudly, picked up the things that were within reach and threw them at the door.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise from across the door, and Zhang Song stood at the door dumbfounded, not knowing whether to go or go in, Mr. Bo must be in need of company in his current state.

(End of this chapter)

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