Chapter 1097
Chapter 1097
"Then why do you suddenly want to follow me all day?" Xiao Su'er became interested and sat beside Bo Qing'ang.

"I just want to see you more, and I don't want you to be out of my control." Bo Qingang looked at Xiao Su'er, his eyes became far-reaching.

"What do you mean? There seems to be something wrong with what you said." Xiao Su'er heard the meaning behind Bo Qingang's words, and the way he looked at her was also very strange. Something must have happened.

"Do you still remember that you were in a car accident two years ago?" Bo Qing'ang reached out to brush away the broken hair around her ear, with distressed and helpless eyes.

After his reminder, Xiao Su'er suddenly remembered what happened two years ago. At that time, when the clinic was just established, she was so busy that she couldn't keep her feet on the ground every day. She was always on the way to choose medicinal materials and buy things. Too many things and too busy, she did have a car accident after fatigue driving and directly collided with a car head-on.

Although the car accident was not serious, she was still admitted to the hospital. That time it seemed that she had to recuperate for a whole week before she fully recovered.

At that time, it seemed to her that it was a car accident caused by her tired driving and not paying attention to the road conditions, but now it seemed that there were some important things in that car accident that she had forgotten.

During the week in the hospital, she felt very cold every night, but when she had a car accident, it was the hottest dog day in summer. How could she feel that way? Have seen her.

Xiao Su'er leaned on his shoulder, "Why, are you worried that there will be an accident if I'm out of your sight?"

My heart is warm, and it feels really good to be cared about!Especially being cared about by her beloved, Xiao Su'er leaned on his shoulder and chuckled lightly.

"Yes, I didn't follow you every day at that time. I couldn't go out when the ice poison was at its worst. I could only climb over the wall to see you at night, but that was the day you had a car accident. Ouyang Luo informed me At that time, I was very scared, worried that I would lose you just like that. So from that day on, I decided that I would follow you every day, and if anything happened to you, I would definitely save you, even if it was death, the two of us would die together! "

Bo Qingang still felt terrified when he recalled that time. Xiao Suer was lying in the hospital. When he arrived in a hurry, he saw the blood on her forehead and hands. The bloody scene made him feel scared from the bottom of his heart. What a mistake, Xiao Su'er just left like this, what should I do?
For several days in a row, he would go to the hospital to accompany Xiao Su'er every night. Although he couldn't do anything, he just needed to watch her by the side, and he would feel relieved to be sure that she was safe.

During the few days in the hospital, Xiao Su'er would talk in her dreams almost every night, and his name was always included in the words.

That is, the moment he heard his name, he decided that he would look at her, and not let her slip away from his eyes every second of every day, even if the two of them could not communicate face to face, he could still be in the dark Protecting Xiao Su'er, that's why the man in black appeared, following her every day was able to save her and Xiao Wang at critical moments.

Xiao Su'er put her arms around his waist, rubbed her head on his shoulder, and said softly, "I thought so too, you should have just appeared back then. The two of us don't have to miss so much time."

"Su'er, do you blame me?" Bo Qing'ang put down the clothes in his hand and turned to look at Xiao Su'er with guilt in his eyes. He is an upright man, but he has a tender side when facing Xiao Su'er.

In this life, she is the person he feels the most sorry for. Back then, because he insisted on going his own way, he thought it was for her own good not to tell her, so she endured the pain and went overseas in the midst of grief and anger.

If she had made a wrong step back then, Xiao Su'er would have been forcibly aborted by the group ordered by Xiao Mengqiu.

If when faced with that kind of thing back then, he didn't choose to bear it alone and hide it from her, but directly told the reason, and the two of them faced it together, maybe the result would be different today.

"I don't blame you. I know that every step you take is for my own good. I also know how aggrieved you were by Xiao Mengqiu's side back then. You are afraid that I will impulsively go to Xiao Mengqiu after knowing that I have been hit by a blood gu. It will lead to more disastrous consequences.

Five years ago, I never listened to your explanation. If I gave you such a chance, you would be able to explain everything clearly in just one minute.But I didn't, so I don't blame you. Even if we want to be held accountable, both of us are responsible. "

Xiao Su'er's hand slid all the way down his arm, and finally clasped his fingers tightly.

"So don't think about the past anymore, don't ask me if I blame you, it's a pity, we two should cherish every minute and every second we have together now! So Mr. Bo Qingang, tonight and Can I go to the restaurant to eat together? Last time I just arrived at the restaurant, you ran away before you had time to eat. "

Xiao Su'er in the state of a little girl looked at him with her mouth pouted, brooding over what happened last time.She finally let him go to eat, and even chose a restaurant where the two of them had memories together, but Bo Qing'ang ran away without giving her any face.

"Okay, after moving today, I'll take Xiao Wang with me, and the three of us will go have dinner." Bo Qingang leaned over and kissed her lips lightly.

"En." Xiao Su'er nodded fiercely with a smile.

But what she didn't expect was that Su Wanwan would block the door of the restaurant directly. When the family of three faced Su Wanwan, they all had the same expression, frowning slightly and showing displeasure.

Su Wanwan naturally saw their unhappy expressions, but she turned a blind eye and just walked up to Bo Qing'ang, "Aang! I have something to tell you, although the two of us have signed an agreement , but in the eyes of outsiders, I am your girlfriend, even if you want to break up, you have to tell me the reason face to face, you can't be so unclear!"

"What is unclear? I have already sent someone to give you the money, and I said that you will pay the price. Isn't that enough? Don't disturb my interest here." Bo Qingang's brows were already crinkled. Character.

"But it's not a matter of price. You are Young Master Bo. Do you know that many reporters have been calling me these two days, wanting me to be interviewed. What should I say, have we broken up? We We've only been together for how long." Su Wanwan felt wronged, her eyes filled with tears.

"In the eyes of outsiders, we have been together for five years." Bo Qingang was very calm from the beginning to the end.

"Have you ever thought about what those people will say to me after the breakup? You and her have at least one child, but what about me? I'm a girl and I haven't been married yet."

(End of this chapter)

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