Chapter 1098 I'm Going With You
Chapter 1098 I'm Going With You
Su Wanwan looked at Xiao Su'er and Xiao Wang angrily. The three of them were happy and harmonious. Xiao Wang's face had shadows of Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang at the same time, full of all the advantages of both of them. He looked like a handsome young man at a young age. .

Because of the existence of Xiao Wang, even when she and Bo Qingang were pretending to be together before, the news media did not criticize Xiao Suer too much, and there were very few people who accused her of giving birth out of wedlock. , most people are condemning Bo Qingang for having a child and not wanting to be responsible.

But now if she and Bo Qing'ang announced their breakup, what would these journalist friends say?It is said that she is still a girl who was dumped at a young age. Maybe no one will want her in the future. Even if she says she is innocent, so what, will others believe it?
These are not the point, the point is that she still doesn't want to give up on Bo Qing'ang, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if she collects the money and leaves now, it will be even more difficult to catch up with Bo Qing'ang in the future, she I don't think I can find someone with better conditions than Bo Qing'ang.

Bo Qing'ang listened tirelessly to her complaints, then reached out and rubbed her temples and said coldly: "These things are yours to consider, not me! I made it very clear when I asked you to cooperate, just to be with you for a while , we can pretend to be a couple in front of outsiders, and we have no relationship in private. As for your reputation after the breakup, you have to consider it yourself, and what you buy with money is your reputation. Now you come to ask me for this thing, don’t you Think you're ridiculous? Go away!"

Putting down these words, Bo Qing'ang walked into the restaurant with her arms around Xiao Su'er's waist in ignorance, Xiao Wang followed, and even turned his head to look at Su Wanwan before entering the restaurant, his eyes full of doubts.

But he still didn't say anything, and walked directly into the restaurant. This aunt was so much like his mother, every time he saw it, he felt a little dazed.

Xiao Su'er is also well maintained. Although she is 30 years old, she looks no different from a little girl in her early twenties, but after all, she is a woman who has experienced ups and downs. She has a fortitude that little girls don't have.

Based on their looks alone, Su Wanwan and Xiao Su'er are really hard to tell apart. If a stranger sees them both at the same time, they will probably think they are twins.

Xiao Wang has always been confused. The two look alike, and even have the same height. This kind of chance is probably one in a million.

If Su Wanwan hadn't been stalking Bo Qing'ang, Xiao Su'er could have a favor with her.This kind of people who are not related by blood and still look the same is really rare.

Su Wanwan stood at the door tightly holding the phone, gnashing her teeth, "Since you are so over the top, then don't blame me, no matter how much I do, you are forcing me out."

She raised her mobile phone and dialed the reporter's number left before, "Hello, reporter Wu? I have a report for you! Yes, it's about Young Master Bo's ex-girlfriend, Miss Ang's family..."

"Come." Xiao Su'er took the chopsticks to pick up food for Xiao Wang, and now she didn't dare to touch Xiao Wang, and kept a distance from him, for fear that the cold on her body would make the child suffer.

"Mom, our school will hold a parents' meeting the day after tomorrow, and we will organize some activities for parents to play with us. You and dad can go together. There are many students who are present with both parents." Xiao Wang ate the dinner plate in one bite. s things.

You are now in junior high school, and there are activities to play with your parents, not kindergarten.The professor still listened to what he said, and found it incredible. Why didn't I hear this kind of thing in junior high school before?A project for parents and children to play together.

"Mom, have you forgotten? Tomorrow is our school's sports meeting. Every year in the sports meeting, there will be a project for children to take part in with their parents. This year's project is equestrian. Mom, I remember that you are very good at riding horses. Come with me tomorrow go."

"I'll go with you." Bo Qingang said immediately.

Xiao Wang's eyes lit up in an instant, and he looked at Bo Qing'ang to confirm again and again, "Dad, are you sure you want to go with me? It's going to our school to participate in sports with me, not just to hold a parent meeting, and when our school arrives There may also be media reporters to interview."

"Of course I'm sure. I haven't gone to your school with you to participate in activities and parent-teacher meetings for so many years. This time, I will make up for it. Let those reporters and media promote it." Bo Qingang changed the cut steak to him in front of.

"Okay!" Xiao Wang nodded immediately, and the stars in his eyes became brighter again.

Sitting on the sidelines, Xiao Su'er looked at the picture of father's kindness and son's filial piety, filled with emotions. This was a scene that appeared countless times in her dreams. The family could sit together and have a meal and chat. Before, I thought it was a luxury, but it was a dream. Impossible, after all, such a thing as resurrection from the dead is too weird, but now I didn't expect it to be possible.

very nice!Time, time, please slow down, let me keep the beauty that I can witness!Xiao Su'er laughed, and even forgot to chew what was in her mouth.

the other side.

After graduating, Bai Qingyue joined the family company, and because of her pretty face and slender figure, she usually went to catwalks and even had cover shoots.

Because of the nature of her work, she met a lot of journalists in the fashion industry. She is currently filming and heard the discussions of the journalists next to her. Although she deliberately lowered her voice, some key words in the words still attracted her attention. She strained her ears and listened intently to their discussion.

"I heard that Bo Shao's ex-girlfriend's private life is particularly chaotic, and she was with that Chi Siang before."

"That's right. I heard that she has been on blind dates with many men in the past few years. She used their money to ask them to buy luxury goods for her, but in the end they all died without a problem."

"She's the eldest lady of the Ang family, so how can she do such a thing with such a rich family background?"

"Didn't you live outside before? It hasn't been many years since I returned to Ang's house. I haven't lived a good life. The rural atmosphere still remains in my body, which can't be erased."

"What are you talking about? Who told you these things?" Bai Qingyue walked up to several staff members and questioned them. It was simply nonsense. The nonsense of these people became more and more exaggerated!

"Miss Bai, we didn't mean to gossip during working hours. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Several staff members wanted to run away after apologizing.

(End of this chapter)

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