Chapter 1111
Chapter 1111
"What else can I do? You just accepted my money and promised me that you can't leave. Find a way to stay, and let Bo Qingang nod and admit to let you stay, otherwise even if you go If they come back quietly from other places, they will be noticed by the people of the Bo family."

Chi Siang turned back to the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the whole city, every window in every house came into his eyes, he is the person at the top of the pyramid in this world, and others have to listen to any word, for example, Su Wanwan now I can only nod and agree, "Yes! I understand, I will find a way to stay."

Su Wanwan tightly squeezed the phone, walked out of Chi Siang's apartment, but stomped her feet fiercely when she went out, "What? You and Bo Qingang are brothers, and their personalities are too similar! Don't tell me If I stay, give me an order to stay, how can I stay? If you have the ability, go directly to fight Bo Qingang."

She suddenly felt that she was in a puddle of muddy water, and it was a fight between gods. These two blood-related domineering presidents were fighting here, and she became the victim instead.

But since he promised Chi Siang, he had to do it, otherwise when the two sides attacked, Bo Qingang would not understand her, and Chi Siang would not help her, so she would be really helpless.

Su Wanwan went back to her residence with a headache, thinking about how to get Bo Qingang to agree to her stay, seduction would definitely not work.Xiao Su'er was the only thing in his mind.Then there is only one reason why she must stay. What reason?

She sat there, her eyes began to look around, trying to find inspiration, but when her eyes touched the medicine bottle on the coffee table, she had an idea. By the way, if it was suddenly found out that she had a terminal illness and had to stay in this city for treatment, They shouldn't drive her away, right?

That Xiao Su'er is a doctor herself, if she is driven away, if something happens, the media's saliva can drown her, that's right, that's it!
Thinking of this, Su Wanwan picked up the phone and dialed Chi Siang's number, "I know how I can stay, but I need your help, I can't do it myself."

"Yes, as long as you are sure that Bo Qingang will not drive you away again."

"Absolutely not." Su Wanwan directly sent a text message to Zhang Song after hanging up the phone: OK, I agree to leave!But I haven't decided where to go yet, so you can help me book a ticket to another place!I will go wherever you arrange me to go, but I want to find a good job for me in another city!And I have to pay my living expenses for the next year, so I can't be embarrassed!

A lot of terms were listed. When Zhang Song saw the information, he had no doubts at all, nor did he think that she would make small moves behind her back. After all, she had already put forward so many conditions, so she must be willing to leave!
the other side.

Xiao Suer's family of three happily returned home after eating at the restaurant. Xiao Wang was particularly excited today. His classmates all praised him for being great. Although he usually heard enough compliments, it was different today. He even praised his father, and he felt very proud, which was a feeling he had never felt before!
"No matter how happy you are, you have to go to bed early, do you know that you have class tomorrow?" Xiao Su'er pushed him into the bathroom, "Take a shower quickly! After returning to the room, you are not allowed to play on the computer, just give me a good sleep!"

"Okay, I got it!" Xiao Wang shouted excitedly in the bathroom, Xiao Su'er smiled and shook her head helplessly when she heard his elated voice, but when she turned around, she immediately felt a chill, a heart-wrenching feeling , she couldn't bear to squat at the door of the bathroom and pressed her chest tightly, unwilling to yell out!

"Hiss..." She felt short of breath and didn't know how to face such pain. The attacks of the ice poison became more and more violent each time, making it unbearable for her!

This is the first week since she contracted the ice poison. She has experienced three times of pain, and she doesn't know how long she can last. Every time she has an attack, she has the idea of ​​dying on the spot.

It was her children and husband who supported her, and this time was no exception. Bo Qingang waited in the living room for a long time but did not see her return. When he rushed to the bathroom door, he saw her lying on the ground, and immediately hugged her He rushed into the conservatory!

"Su'er, it's all right, don't worry! I'll be with you, don't be afraid." He was at a loss and wrapped Xiao Su'er in a quilt, and took out the pills he had prepared in the conservatory and stuffed them into her mouth!

Every time Xiao Su'er's drug attack is the most nervous moment for him, it scares him more than his own attack.He was really afraid that Xiao Su'er wouldn't be able to survive, he knew how strong the poison was, and he almost couldn't hold it on several times, let alone a woman.

"Cold, cold..." Xiao Su'er muttered to herself, her eyes closed unconsciously, her trembling became smaller and smaller, as if she was about to lose her vitality, Bo Qing'ang was startled, and immediately hugged her, " Su'er, wake up! Don't sleep, don't sleep, you look at me, talk to me, don't sleep!"

"Aang, have you often endured this kind of pain in the past five years? You must have suffered more pain than me. Why didn't you come to me? I feel that the pain is not so painful now that you are by my side , but you bear it all by yourself.”

Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to grab his collar, and weakly uttered these words.Bo Qingang's eyes filled with tears in an instant, and she reached out to hold her hand, "I'll be with you now, you must not sleep, at most an hour, after this hour you will be fine, you will be fine!"

"En." Xiao Su'er nodded weakly, stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and leaned her head on his shoulder, "As long as you, ah!"

Before she finished speaking, there was another chill, as if her whole heart was frozen, and she couldn't help crying out.

But this time, it's not just the cold that's threatening, but the body really starts to freeze, Xiao Su'er's hair and eyebrows are covered with a light layer of frost.

"Su'er!" Bo Qingang yelled in fear, he knew what it felt like when his body started to freeze, it was an indescribable pain, as if someone was holding an ice cube and digging into his flesh one by one !
Several times he almost couldn't bear the pain and let go, no matter how much he was afraid of Xiao Su'er, he couldn't hold on.Then he will lose her, no!This can't happen, he won't allow it to happen!

Bo Qingang hugged her tightly, and kept talking with her lips against her ear, "Su'er, do you know? When I first saw you, I felt very strange, why is this little guy not afraid at all?" I still dare to do such endless actions to me, but I am a young master in Huaxia Mainland, who would dare to treat me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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