Chapter 1112
Chapter 1112
"Then what happened later? Why did you go to me?" Xiao Su'er raised her eyes weakly, with a smile on her lips, as if discussing the past with her beloved could forget the pain.

"Because you are special, others are afraid of me, but you are as fearless as a newborn calf, and you can relieve the toxins for me. I think you are interesting, so I went to find you. Medicine, anyway, it can make me feel better!"

"Really? Then why did you fall in love with me later? If you just treated me as an antidote, then you didn't give me money." Xiao Su'er's pale lips parted and closed.

"You little money fan!" Bo Qingang scratched her nose, "Because you are different, Zhang Song investigated you as a soft persimmon at the time, and you have been bullied by your stepmother and younger sister, but I understand that you will resist , being able to protect yourself, slapping your sister at school, and arguing with your dean, these are things we can't investigate..."

As he spoke, his voice became hoarse. These things all happened more than 3000 days and nights ago, a whole ten years ago.

What a distant day, ten years ago!But it still feels like it happened yesterday.

"You rich people just have nothing to do all day long. Those women who are willing to support you, you don't even look at them. You just like people who don't pay much attention to you?" Xiao Su'er was a little amused, and began to think about the past with him.

"Then tell me when you had feelings for me. I think you are special, so do you think I am special too? It seems that many boys in your school still think you are good. After all, you are good-looking. You Why did you choose me?" Bo Qing'ang hugged her tightly, pressing her face against hers!
"Because you always appear when I am most afraid of you and need you the most. That night on the mountain, I was very scared when those poisonous snakes came out, but you appeared by my side and gave me enough sense of security. After that, every day Once, you can come when I am in danger, but when I really find that I like you, it is when I have a sense of crisis."

"If someone else likes you, I will be jealous. When I see you with other girls, I will get angry, especially when you are with Xiao Mengqiu. I am the saddest, so I will directly confront you!"

The frost on Xiao Su'er's eyebrows slowly melted away, leaving only happiness, holding hands with her beloved and recalling the past is indeed the warmest thing!
"Then what about the five years when I wasn't by your side? How did you and Xiao Wang live overseas?" Bo Qingang felt her body temperature gradually warming up. Although she couldn't be like a normal person, she still didn't look like a seizure. It was so cold, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I lived with my grandfather and my father, but my body was so damaged at the time that I couldn't eat well during pregnancy. I dare not drink medicine, but I have to recuperate my body. I can only do it without harming the child. Medicinal food, but it can't be absorbed well. Xiao Wang was malnourished when he was born, he was a small and thin person, and I spent five years trying to find ways to supplement his nutrition."

"Then you never thought about coming back to me? Did you really never suspect that it was a misunderstanding once in five years?" Bo Qingang felt a little wronged when she spoke, it was because of a misunderstanding that made the two separate for five years .

"I have thought about it, but I have never figured out what is going on. At that time, I didn't know that there was such a thing as blood gu in the world. I was so stupid! I should give you a chance to explain. Let's not separate, okay? Promise me that no matter what misunderstanding you have in the future, you must explain it clearly, and don't let yourself just do things for me!"

Xiao Su'er got into his arms and hugged him, "I'm much more comfortable. I've survived the poison this time, but these days I found that you don't seem to have any signs of poisoning. What's going on? Are you okay? ? Or are you hiding quietly by yourself again, and you don't want me to see you in pain when you are poisoned?"

"Maybe it's because you are so happy by my side these days. I haven't had a poisoning once. I saw you two or three times. I'd better go overseas and invite some medical experts to come over! Let them study it when the time comes." How can I detoxify, I really can't bear your pain!" Bo Qing'ang pinned her hair, which was wet with cold sweat, behind her ears.

"Did you go overseas to hire a doctor? Do you think that my father, my brother and I are not as good as those foreign experts? We can't solve the poison, they must be impossible. This ice poison is from the ghost doctor. Gu came over!"

Xiao Su'er bit her lips tightly when she spoke, how much she wanted to go back to Ghost Doctor Valley, then there would be a way to undo the poison, there must be an antidote to the poison in Ghost Doctor Valley.

"Let's discuss this matter slowly in the future. There are so many people who study medicine in the world, there will always be someone who can detoxify. I have been looking for it all these years. Maybe we should change the direction. The blood gu was a folklore medicine back then. My family gave me an answer, maybe I can go to him again and there will be a result!" Bo Qingang picked her up and went to the bathroom, and put her directly in the bathtub.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Su'er's face flushed instantly.

"You are covered in cold sweat, you must take a bath, I will put water for you." Bo Qingang's expression became ambiguous...

the next day.

Zhang Song was waiting at the gate of the airport, and when he saw Su Wanwan coming over with a suitcase, she still had the slightest bit of reluctance on her face, so he tried to persuade her.

"Miss Su, there are many men in the world. Although Mr. Bo is indeed powerful, you should find a man who likes you! Maybe you will meet your true destiny immediately after leaving this city Son of Heaven, it is better to happily embrace the new life!"

Su Wanwan took the ticket and snorted coldly, "Stop talking about such things here, it's useless, you men are all the same wolf-hearted, when you had a conflict with Xiao Su'er, you asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend. Now the two have reconciled." Just kick me away in a hurry, am I a tool man?"

Zhang Song listened to her words, this time did not answer, but handed her a check. "Take it, this is the money Mr. Bo gave you. Your life for the next year will definitely be guaranteed. I have already found a job for you there. Someone will pick you up at the airport and go directly to the new company." The report, the salary is also very impressive!"

Su Wanwan glared at him angrily, snatched the check, and dragged her suitcase to the boarding gate. Zhang Song followed her all the time, and Bo Qing'ang ordered that she must watch her board the plane with her own eyes.

Seeing that Su Wanwan was about to walk into the boarding gate, she suddenly fell backward weakly and passed out in the airport lobby where people were coming and going.

(End of this chapter)

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