Chapter 1136 Looking for Ice Cold Grass

Chapter 1136 Looking for Ice Cold Grass

Xiao Su'er was sitting on the bed with a red hijab, and Bo Qing'ang really carried out the Chinese wedding ceremony to the end. There was a red silk quilt on the bed, and peanuts, longan, lotus seeds, and red dates were spread on the bed.

Sitting in the middle of the bed with Apple in her arms, she suddenly felt that she wanted to laugh from the bottom of her heart, but this kind of laughter was happiness and joy, and it was the joy of finally being able to be with the one she loved.

Bo Qing'ang walked into the bedroom, lifted her red hijab, looked at the charming Xiao Su'er, he also smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Su'er, my bride, you are beautiful today." Bo Qing'ang sat beside her and embraced her, before Xiao Su'er could speak, he lowered his head and kissed her lips, blocking all her words inside.

The moonlight at night spilled in through the window, reflecting on the big red happy letter pasted in the room, and the two figures on the bed overlapped each other, filling the room with a charming atmosphere and pink bubbles.

the next day.

Xiao Su'er took out two hiking bags from the cloakroom, stuffed them with clothes, medicine and some convenient and fast food, such as compressed bread and biscuits.

After preparing all this, she spread out the map and Bo Qingang chose the place to go next, "How is it here? In the jungle of a city on the southwestern border of the Chinese mainland, I have long heard that there are many people in this city deep in the mountains. Herbal medicine, many mountain people can make a fortune just by digging medicine in the mountain."

"It's up to you to decide, I'll follow you wherever you go." Bo Qingang took a look and didn't say anything, but just put two extra sleeping bags in his hiking bag.

"Okay, then let's go here." Xiao Su'er took a deep breath and looked at Bo Qing'ang, "We don't know how many days we will be away, so we will send Xiao Wang to Dad and Grandpa to take care of him tonight.

The last time there was food poisoning, my grandfather had thought about it for a long time, and asked Xiao Wang to go home instead of going to school, and asked the teacher to teach him at home.It's just that I have always disagreed. You said that you should agree to Grandpa's request this time.This way is also much safer, and the two of us won't be so worried about finding medicine, what do you think? "

"Yes! Let's ask the school for a long vacation first, and ask the teacher to teach him not to lag behind the progress at home, and let him go back to school after the two of us come back."

"Okay, then it's decided." Xiao Su'er brought Xiao Wang and all her things to the Ang Family Manor in the evening after finishing her things.

Xiao Yuhan was a little anxious when he heard that they were going to find medicine, "You don't have to be so fast, you can play for two days first, the two of you just finished your wedding, don't you want to find a place for your honeymoon? I'll help You look for medicine."

Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang looked at each other, and said in unison, "No! We two will find it by ourselves. This medicine is for the lives of both of us. If there is any accident, it will be the responsibility of the two of us. Let you suffer for us. You are my younger brother, and my sister has not been able to take care of you, so you can pay so much for me. "

Xiao Yuhan was a little anxious when she heard her outspoken words, and was about to say something, but Bai Qingyue took his hand and shook her head lightly, then smiled and said to Xiao Su'er, "Then sister and brother-in-law can rest assured to find medicine. , don’t worry about Xiao Wang, I will definitely take good care of him.”

"Then thank you very much, not only for taking care of me, Xiao Wang, but also for taking care of this older child." Xiao Su'er looked at her and smiled gratifiedly.

"Mom and Dad, you have to be careful when you go. I did this overnight. If there is any danger between you two, it will call my phone and send me your location. Take this with you. "Xiao Wang put two chains on the two of them,
Xiao Su'er touched the chain and nodded, "Okay, don't worry! Mom will grant your three wishes after she comes back, and you can do whatever you want."

"Yeah." Xiao Wang nodded hurriedly, although he didn't know why he always felt that his left eye was twitching violently, but he didn't want his parents to worry that he didn't say it.

After Xiao Su'er arranged everything, she took Bao Qing'ang on the plane.In the southwestern border of the Chinese mainland, there is a place called Guizhou that has a saying since ancient times: Guizhou has no idle grass, but Yelang has many panaceas.

I heard that there are herbs all over the mountains in Guizhou, and any weed planted at will has certain medicinal value, and most of them are forests there. If you go to such a place to look for ice-cold grass, you always feel that the possibility of finding it is higher. Much bigger than other places.

With this in mind, Xiao Su'er chose the place, and took Bo Qingang on the journey of searching for herbs. The two of them took the plane directly, and went straight to the deep mountains. Wherever there are few people and few residents, they will go there.

There are only one or two households left in the mountain forest, and they are all left-behind old people. There are no young people. Seeing two young people with such extraordinary temperament and completely different clothes from them, the old people feel very strange. Asked from a long distance, "Hey, where are you two from? What are you doing here?"

"Hi old man, we came here to look for medicine in the mountains. Have you seen this kind of medicine?" Xiao Su'er put the printed picture in front of the old man. This is the picture she drew from memory.

The old man looked at the two suspiciously, but Xiao Su'er's gaze was always sincere, with a warm smile on his face, and he slowly let go of his doubts and took the picture.

After looking at it for a long time, the old man's face suddenly had a look of enlightenment, "Oh, you said this grass! Yes! There is a large area in the mountain behind us, but it is all at the bottom of the cliff, and no one dares to take it. , I saw it from a distance when I drove the cattle up the mountain before, you go up the mountain tomorrow and look for it."

When Xiao Su'er heard this sentence, she subconsciously didn't believe it, she covered her mouth and asked, "Really? You really saw it, are you sure it's this kind of herb?"

When she got off the plane and came to this mountain just now, she could feel that the spiritual power here is indeed much more abundant than that of the cities outside. ?
"It looks like this! I don't know what it's called. Anyway, no one has used it to treat diseases. Are you a medicinal material merchant who collects medicinal materials? No one has mentioned this kind of medicine. You want to use it for what you want. What?" The old man was surprised, but continued to ask, "Are you going to collect this medicinal material? How much do you pay for it?"

"Old man, we don't accept this herb, we just need a little bit, I'll go to the mountain to look for it tomorrow, thank you very much." Xiao Su'er took back the picture, and walked into the mountain that the old man said, holding Bao Qing'ang's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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