Chapter 1137
Chapter 1137
There are many mosquitoes and insects in the mountains, the air is humid, all the green plants are covered with fresh dew, and the soil is soft and deep when stepped on.

Xiao Su'er and Bo Qing'ang walked in the deep mountain holding hands, leaving a series of footprints on the soil, which spread straight into the deep mountain.

The two of them flew by plane, and it had been a tossing day to enter the mountain. After walking for less than an hour, the sky became dark. In addition, the shade of the trees in the mountain seemed to be night in an instant, and there was no light at all.

Xiao Su'er stood on the spot and took a deep breath, "The air in the mountains is indeed fresh, without the smell of industrial exhaust from the cars in the city, and the spiritual power here is also abundant. I can feel that the cliffs that the old man said seem to be really better than the ones here. The spiritual power is still fluctuating so much, maybe we can really find the ice-cold grass the first time we come out."

"If this is the case, it would be the best! Get rid of Su'er's poison earlier, and you don't have to work so hard." Bo Qingang imitated her and took a deep breath. Although he couldn't feel the so-called spiritual power, the air Freshness is real.

"The most important thing is to get rid of your poison. We won't go out of the mountain tonight. Let's find an open place and open our sleeping bag to sleep for a night. But I don't know if there will be wild animals in this mountain. Although it has dropped sharply, there is no guarantee that it will not happen, we still have to be careful."

Xiao Su'er tightened her hand and walked in. Although the two of them could feel the flying insects flying around, the flying insects did not fly towards them. Occasionally, one or two bold ones landed on Xiao Su'er's exposed skin. The blood sucking on the wrist will also kill the instant the blood is sucked.

The blood of the poisonous person who sucked the ice felt unprecedentedly cold, and these bugs couldn't bear it at all!

The two walked for a long time before they came to the edge of the cliff. There were many rocks here, and it was indeed more open than the mountain. Xiao Su'er sat on the ground directly, took out biscuits and water from her bag, and took Bao Qingang to eat in the mountain.

"Young Master Bo, have you never experienced eating like this before? Before, someone served you in a hotel, or the nanny at home cooked a variety of meals."

Xiao Su'er stretched out her hand to remove the bread crumbs that fell on her chin, and seeing Bo Qing'ang's slightly embarrassed look, she felt that there was a little more smoke and fire, and that the high and mighty Bo Shao had fallen into the world.

"Actually, it's better to eat like this. I'm happy to eat with you no matter where I am. It makes me feel very uncomfortable to be served by someone. It's also a good choice if the two of us can abandon everything and live in seclusion in the mountains."

"It's really good. With withered vines, old trees, dark crows, small bridges and flowing water, the two of us will find a place with green mountains and green waters, and build a small wooden house. There is a small river in front of the house, and evergreen trees are planted behind the house. I feel comfortable." Xiao Su'er closed her eyes slightly, and began to imagine such a day.

But such a day is too unrealistic. It is impossible for Bo Qingang to leave everything he has carried on his shoulders. There are so many people in the Bo family who are still waiting for him to go back and take charge of the overall situation. , Then she can really come to live in seclusion. Her goal of revitalizing Chinese medicine is less than [-]% completed, so she can't leave casually.

"If you want, then let's come and settle here in the future!" Bo Qing'ang stuffed all the bread into his mouth, put his arms around Xiao Su'er's waist and looked up at the stars in the sky. Without the influence of the city's bright lights, the stars here are especially beautiful. Bright, you can see the Big Dipper.

"Come and settle here? Do you want to leave hundreds of people in your company alone? If your company goes bankrupt, they will all lose their jobs. And what about our grandpa who came here to settle down? Grandpa is getting old, Every year I have to see a doctor and I can't go back and forth, although it is really comfortable here."

Xiao Su'er opened the sleeping bag, and directly hugged Bao Qingang and lay on the ground, and the two began to admire the stars in the sky.

"Then the only way is to urge our children to grow up earlier, let Xiao Wang grow up faster, and take over my class earlier, so that the two of us can safely be shopkeepers and live our own happy life." Bo Qingang The words carried a smile that could not be concealed.

"What nonsense! Xiao Wang just grew up too fast. His childhood was much shorter than that of ordinary children. Now that he is in junior high school, you still let him grow up fast. This father is not like that. You can't cheat the baby. Ah!" Xiao Su'er gently twisted her ears, pretending to be angry.

"It's okay, anyway, my baby doesn't cheat on his father, so his father can cheat on him." Bo Qingang said seriously, but the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Sigh... Xiao Wang probably owed both of us in his previous life."

Xiao Su'er was a little helpless, but thinking of her obedient child still couldn't hide her smile, Xiao Wang was indeed very smart, she always felt that this child was a gift from God to her all her life, and sent him to be by her side to accompany her.

She is more sensible than ordinary children, she doesn't need to take care of her, and she can even comfort herself when she is sad. She can already make money through her own computer technology at a young age.

The two started to chat with each other, and the content of the chat was all about their children. At the end of the chat, Bo Qingang suddenly changed the topic, "Su'er, since the child makes you so happy, then How about we have another one?"

"You..." Xiao Su'er's face slowly turned red in the darkness. Under the current environment, it would be embarrassing for him to say such words.

"Is it possible? Let's give Xiao Wang a younger sister, who will have both sons and daughters, and let him have a child to accompany him." Bo Qingang tilted his head as he spoke, and gently kissed Xiao Su'er's neck, and his hands began to move. Get restless.

Xiao Su'er imagined the long face of having both children, and the two children, Cheng Huan, seemed pretty good, but when she felt Bao Qing'ang's cold hand, she immediately reacted and held him down.

"Stop making trouble, the two of us can't have children in this situation, and the poison of ice will affect the child. If I am pregnant and give birth to a daughter, she will have to endure this kind of pain as soon as she is born. Are you willing?" Her voice became a little lower, and now she can't even think about having a baby.

When Bo Qingang heard her words, his hand stiffened on her waist, and he withdrew his hand instantly, as if touching something that shouldn't be touched, and bounced back in an instant.

It's all his fault!Xiao Su'er's ice poison was also infected by her, and it was he who made them unable to have a second child.

"It's okay, we will have a baby when we find the cold grass, but I don't want you to suffer again."

(End of this chapter)

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