Chapter 1144 Trapped in a Cave
Chapter 1144 Trapped in a Cave
When they reached the foot of the mountain, they realized that something was wrong. This mountain was much stronger than the one they went to before. There was no road at all. The mountain was indeed lush, but the vegetation was too lush, as if no one had ever gone up it. Pass.

Bo Qingang looked at the weeds that were taller than a person, and turned his head to look at Xiao Su'er, "No! It's very dangerous here, maybe there are many poisonous snakes lurking in the dark, you can't be too suspicious. You just stay Wait for me to go up at the bottom of the mountain, if I see any grass similar to the cold grass, I will bring down a little bit, and I will go up after you are sure."


"No! That's it, there is no room for negotiation, you just wait here, look there is a big rock, you go and sit on it, take the potion you used to deworm, don't run around, at most two hours I'm coming down, you know?"

"But, I really want to go up with you." Xiao Su'er was pushed down on the rock by Bo Qingang and sat down, still looking at him pitifully, the two of them came out together, why did Bo Qingang commit any dangerous things Danger, she is sitting back and reaping the rewards!
"Good boy." Bo Qing'ang kissed her lightly on the forehead, turned around and carried the mountaineering bag on his back to the mountain with no road at all, every step he took might slip down.

Xiao Su'er watched his figure getting smaller and smaller at the foot of the mountain, and finally disappeared in the lush woods. Her whole heart was convulsed, her left eyelid kept beating wildly, and she could only hold it down. What's going on?It's just a moment of separation, nothing will happen.

She comforted herself like this, but she still couldn't help worrying, and finally followed Bo Qingang up the mountain with her bag on her back.

Holding the picture of the cold grass in her hand, Bo Qing'ang searched earnestly all the way until she found the top of the mountain.

"Oh... I know there is no!" Bo Qingang stood on the top of the mountain and sighed annoyedly. When he came out of that mountain before, he had actually comforted himself in his heart. This ice-cold grass must not exist in Huaxia Continent, so don't report too much. I hope, but I can't help being disappointed when I see the facts in front of me.

He turned his head to leave with his mountaineering bag on his back, but after taking two steps, he stepped on a rock and fell hard. The mountain slope was steep and he slid down the road.

"Bo Qingang!" Xiao Su'er heard the crashing sound from the mountain, and shouted worriedly towards the top of the mountain, there was still a long distance between the two of them.

Bo Qing'ang just slid down a certain distance and immediately stabilized his figure, but he still hurt his hand, but he continued to walk down indifferently, and saw Xiao Su'er halfway through.

"Su'er, I told you to wait for me at the foot of the mountain, why did you come up?" Bo Qingang anxiously stepped forward and grabbed her.

"I'm worried about you, and I always feel like something will happen, my eyelids keep twitching. What's wrong with your hand?" Xiao Su'er saw the marks on his hand.

"It's okay, I slipped just now, you have to be careful. The road on this mountain is really difficult to walk. No one has been up it for so many years. Many stones are covered with moss, very slippery and trembling. Let's go down quickly Right. There is no ice-cold grass on this mountain, I have seen it all the way up.”

Bo Qing'ang pulled Xiao Su'er tighter, and he didn't know why, but he also felt that something big might happen in his heart.

Both of them saw worry in each other's eyes, and walked down the mountain anxiously, but before they went down the mountain, it suddenly started to rain cats and dogs.

"Hiss..." Xiao Su'er frowned and put on her hat. Bo Qing'ang looked around and dragged her into a cave. Although the cave could shelter the rain, it couldn't keep out the wind. The two of them huddled together in the cave.

"I knew something was going to happen today, but the sky has changed too fast. The sky was clear just now, and I checked the weather forecast before I went out. There was no rain at all. Why did it suddenly rain so heavily? Looking at the sky, I still don’t know when it will go down.”

Nestled in Bo Qing'ang's arms, Xiao Su'er still felt chills. It's early winter now. Although the weather in the south is mild, but with so many trees and rain and wind, it's like entering winter.Bo Qingang protected Xiao Su'er with his back to the cave entrance, warming her with his own body temperature.

"Anyway, it won't be the next day. Just don't catch a cold. Let's go down the mountain as soon as the rain stops. There won't be ice-cold grass here. Let's go home." Bo Qingang hugged her, but actually her heart was already throbbing. jump straight.

When he went up the mountain just now, he could feel the soft soil here, and there were already signs of collapse in many places on the mountain. With such heavy rain, he wondered if it would collapse again later.

Xiao Su'er leaned on his chest, could feel the violent heartbeat of his, and raised her head from her arms, "Are you okay? Why is your heart beating so fast? Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just wondering when will the rain stop?" Bo Qingang didn't tell her his guess.

"Hey, this time I really got off to a bad start. I found no traces of ice-cold grass in the two mountains, and there are none here. It is estimated that there will be no cities in the southwest. It should be like you said, we should send some people Go out and help us find it, there must be a brave man under the reward, and there will be many people who are willing." Xiao Su'er murmured to herself.

"After that, it will be like I said, neither of us will come out again, and we will find someone to help us find it."

"it is good……"


Before Xiao Su'er finished speaking, she heard a loud noise from the mountain behind her. She turned her head and saw a lot of stones that had collapsed above the cave where they were hiding, which happened to seal the cave where they were hiding.

"This..." Xiao Su'er stood up and rushed to the entrance of the cave, only to find that she had been poisoned to death without any leaks, and the light in the cave instantly dimmed.

No wonder the left eyelid kept twitching just now. It turned out that what the old man said was true, and now he was trapped in this cave.

Bo Qing'ang walked to the cave entrance and knocked on the rocks that fell from the mountain with his hands, pulled Xiao Su'er behind him, and kicked towards the stones at the entrance of the cave with all his strength.

"Clatter..." There was another sound of rocks collapsing, and the rocks that Bo Qingang kicked away just now were replaced by those that fell from the mountain, and the entrance of the cave was still tightly sealed.

"What's going on? There are few people in this mountain, and the two of us are foreigners. If we are trapped here, no one will care about us. I'd better call quickly." Xiao Su'er took out the mobile phone in her bag , but found that in this cave, even the mobile phone has no signal.

"What should I do?" Xiao Su'er raised her phone and looked at Bo Qing'ang, feeling scared in her heart.She is not afraid of death, what she is afraid of is that she will never see Xiao Wang again after death.

(End of this chapter)

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