Chapter 1145
Chapter 1145
"Don't be afraid, it's still raining outside now, and I don't know if the rocks on this mountain will continue to collapse. Let's wait in the cave first, and find a way to go out when the rain stops outside."

Bo Qingang always looked calm and composed, but in fact his heart was in a mess. He was also very worried that he would die here with Xiao Su'er today. If both of them were trapped in this cave and couldn't get out, then Xiao Wang would really die. became orphans.

Moreover, this cave is so hidden, and the gravel falling from above covers the entrance of the cave, even if someone came to search for them, they would not be able to find it. At that time, the two of them would not even be able to bury their bones properly.

The two have just reconciled as before, is it necessary to experience such an exaggerated thing when they are together?He couldn't accept it, not to mention that his Su'er should live well, she came up the mountain just for herself, she couldn't be trapped in this cave, and couldn't see the sunshine outside.

Bo Qing'ang hugged Xiao Su'er and hid in the cave, looking at the little light at the entrance of the cave where the stones overlapped.

It was raining heavily outside, and there was no feeling that the rain would stop at all. The two of them hid in the cave. Fear and hunger came at the same time. Xiao Su'er felt that she was extremely exhausted, and she was about to fall asleep leaning on Bo Qingang's shoulder.

But she knew that she couldn't sleep at this time, leaving Bo Qing'ang alone in such a situation, he should be afraid too, but she still had to endure not being able to say the word "fear".

Xiao Su'er gritted her teeth and shook her head, and smiled towards the people around her, "The two of us took something out of our bags to eat, let's treat it as a surprise gift from God to us both here! The rare two-person world, Only the two of us are free from all outside interference, and no one can hear us here whether we are yelling or expressing our hearts."

"Why don't we think about when the rain outside will stop, just have a good chat here, maybe when we finish what we want to say in our hearts, the rain outside will stop."

As she spoke, she took out the prepared food from her bag, and sat on the ground like this, hypnotizing herself in her heart, as if she was on a spring outing with Bo Qingang, and the surroundings were actually covered with green grass. Not a cave!Comforting myself like this makes me feel much better.

"Su'er, if we..." Bo Qingang took a big bite of bread and looked up at her, "If we really can't get out today and are just trapped in this cave, will you regret it? Will you? hate me?"

"Fool, what are you talking about? Why should I hate you? If I regret it, I might regret it a little bit. It was my suggestion to bring you here to find the cold grass. It was I who followed me." If I hurt you, don't hate me."

Xiao Su'er sighed deeply, she knew that she shouldn't be brave, and ran to find the ice-cold grass by herself, she should have asked Bo Qing'ang to invite some professional personnel who can deal with all kinds of emergencies to help them find herbs, so maybe This problem will not arise.

"You're doing it for me, Su'er, have you ever thought that if you didn't meet me in your life, you would actually be able to avoid a lot of troubles, maybe you're living a much better life than you are now."

Xiao Su'er looked up at him with a biscuit in her mouth, her eyes were full of surprise, today's Bo Qing'ang must be too sentimental, if she didn't know it was him, she would have thought someone was pretending.

She stretched out her hand to touch Bao Qing'ang's face, "Why are you so strange today, you always say things that are completely impossible for you to say normally."

"Didn't you say that this is a surprise gift from God to us? The reason we are trapped here is to let us say something that we are usually embarrassed to say, so I want to tell you more now."

Bo Qing'ang stuffed all the bread in his hand into his mouth, hugged Xiao Su'er, and put his mouth next to her ear, "I've been thinking about it for five years, if you didn't have that oolong back then, you didn't meet in the suburbs." You got on me, but you didn't get on my car; or that I didn't go to you after that, do you want to rewrite all this?
You will study hard in your university, meet your grandfather after graduating from the medical department, revitalize Chinese medicine, and find a normal man who loves you very much to accompany you.

You will not give birth to Xiao Wang in pain and sorrow and bring him up to five years old by yourself, and you will not have to experience another bombing later.There won't be so many women making things difficult for you, and there won't be Xiao Mengqiu trying desperately to harm you, and now he won't contract the cold poison and be trapped in this cave. "

Listening to his words, Xiao Su'er started to panic for no reason, how could she overthrow everything the two of them knew after going through it all?Can this matter be calculated like this?

She raised her head and was about to refute Bo Qing'ang's words, but saw his face was livid, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his entire facial features were twisted together.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiao Suer hugged Bo Qingang and felt his body temperature suddenly plummeted, her whole body was like a block of ice.

How could the cold poison attack at this time, it is so cold in this cave, and even the light is pitiful, so what should I do?
"Don't be afraid, I'll give you medicine right away. I brought medicine." Xiao Su'er calmed down and put down her backpack and began to search for the medicine she brought, but she couldn't find it for a long time. She was so angry that she poured everything out. Turning on the flashlight of the mobile phone, only to find a big hole in the backpack at some point, it seems that the medicine has been lost.

"Why am I so stupid, I don't even know I lost the medicine!" Xiao Su'er was anxious and angry, looking at Bo Qingang worriedly, but found that his body had started to freeze, and a thin layer of frost had formed on his eyebrows and eyelashes.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! I'll be fine here." Xiao Su'er hugged him tightly, only crying. When did the two of them reach such a desperate point?

The two were trapped in this small cave, and Bo Qing'ang was poisoned by the cold in this place.

"Su'er, stay away from me, you're too close, maybe the cold poison in your body will be induced to attack later." Bo Qing'ang clenched her teeth and stretched out her hand to push Xiao Su'er to make her Get away from yourself.

"I don't want to! Don't push me away, don't push me away every time you are in pain, don't you need company most at this time? I am also a person who suffers from the poison of ice and cold. How uncomfortable it is." Xiao Suer hugged him tightly, no matter how hard Bao Qingang pushed him, he couldn't push him away.

Stay away from me a little bit, I'll be fine, I'll be fine soon, I can survive every time, and this time is no exception.Bo Qing'ang pushed her away forcefully, Xiao Su'er was pushed directly to the ground by him.

(End of this chapter)

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