Chapter 1146
Chapter 1146
"You..." Xiao Su'er was crying and wanted to hug him again, but Bo Qing'ang stood up from the ground, blocked her progress with her hands, stepped back step by step, and retreated to the innermost part of the cave, "Don't you Come here! As I said, I can survive by myself, don’t come here, I don’t want you to see me like this.”

In the end, he was already hiding in the dark place of the cave, Xiao Su'er couldn't see his current appearance at all.

After the two got back together, it seemed that Bo Qingang had always been by her side, accompanying her through the most difficult time of the cold poison, but she had never seen Bo Qingang's poison attack.

Now that I think about it, I was negligent. How could it be possible that he didn't have an attack for such a long time? It could only be that he avoided himself every time he had an attack, and didn't want me to see his helpless and painful appearance.

After thinking about all this clearly, Xiao Su'er covered her mouth and started to cry, "You were always with me when I was saddest, and I wanted to be with you too, why didn't you let me be with you? Let me accompany you in the past, okay? Now There is no light in this cave, and I can't see you in that corner at all, aren't you lonely?"

"Don't, don't! Ah..." Bo Qingang's painful cry suddenly stopped, he didn't want her to hear his painful voice.

The two of them were in this cave but couldn't see each other, but Xiao Su'er knew from his voice that he must be in extreme pain, but she couldn't even yell out.

Just now he was reminiscing about the past, and he also said that if the two of them hadn't met such a thing, their mood swings must have been severe, and the poison would be more painful when they were emotionally fluctuating. One can imagine how uncomfortable he is now.

Bo Qingang curled up in the darkness. He felt that his heart had started to freeze. The whole heart was like a hard block of ice. It looked solid on the surface but could not withstand heavy blows. Enough to fall apart.

He is in such a state now. On the surface, he looks extremely strong, but in fact he is too fragile to be vulnerable.

The air he exhaled became extremely cold, and the stones around him had already started to freeze. He felt like a piece of iron, too stiff to move.

Xiao Su'er was worried in the dark, but she didn't know what to do. If Bo Qingang saw her, would she become more emotional, which would be bad for his body, but if she didn't come forward, she couldn't see him. Can do in a hurry.

After turning around three times in a row, she finally calmed down, and suddenly remembered that she had forgotten something, she could go to the medicine spirit jade space to get medicine!

There are a lot of medicines in it. Just in case, I put all the medicines for relieving the cold poison of the two people in it. I was in a hurry and forgot the medicines in the space.

Thinking of this, she immediately closed her eyes and entered the medicine spirit jade space, took the medicine and rushed out, and ran straight to the corner where Bao Qingang hid just now, but when she ran to his side, she stepped on a lot of ice The slag, surrounded by ice, turns into a freezer.

Bo Qingang's body was also covered with light frost, and it felt like a person without vital signs. Xiao Su'er immediately hugged him in fear, "You're fine, you're fine, I've got the medicine, take it, hurry up Eat it!"

She groped for Bo Qing'ang's mouth in the dark, and finally fed the medicine into his mouth, but Bo Qing'ang didn't answer her, as if she couldn't hear what she said.

"Don't scare me, don't scare me, it's all my fault, it's my fault! If I don't let you come here to find herbs, you won't be trapped in the cave, you can't have anything to do. You have to stay with me Take the future path, the two of us have just reconciled, you will never leave me behind as you said, you can't break your promise, you can't lie to me..."

Xiao Su'er was so frightened that her whole body began to tremble, tears fell one by one, she hugged Bao Qing'ang tightly, and melted the frost on the surface of his body with her body temperature.

the other side.

Although Xiao Yuhan is a professor of the Department of Medicine, he didn't leave Su Wanwan at home, but called an ambulance to take her directly to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed that she was just overly frightened and nervous, and also had a little hypoglycemia. That's why I fainted.

When Su Wanwan woke up in the hospital, she was still a little flustered. She had returned to the ward where she was originally staying. After realizing it, she immediately sat up in fright. She fainted just now. Should they send her back directly or take her away? to check?Wouldn't she be dead if she was taken for an examination?You can tell at a glance that she is cancer-free!

When she was in a hurry, footsteps came from outside the ward, and she immediately lay back on the bed and pretended to be asleep, not daring to face it, for fear that someone from the Ang family would come to question her again, but she didn't expect that when the ward door opened, there was a cold voice, " Stop pretending, I know you're awake."

Chi Siang's voice did not have the slightest warmth, and he was even a little annoyed. He walked to her hospital bed and pulled the stool over to sit down, staring at Su Wanwan, who had her eyes closed.

She opened one eye cautiously, and found that only Chi Siang sat up with a sigh of relief, "Mr. Chi, I'm sorry, I didn't complete the task."

"I really don't know what's the use of raising you. I spent so much money to keep you, but the result is that you can't even pretend to be Xiao Su'er, and you were stunned by their family. Do you know how much you are?" stupid?!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Chi, I really can't do it! The people of the Ang family can tell that I'm not her just after hearing me say a few words, and I don't know what happened to Xiao Su'er. Her son actually said that her body temperature is not as good as ordinary people's." It's really too easy to expose, I really can't pretend to be her."

Su Wanwan apologized aggrievedly, feeling in her heart that it was really unreasonable for Chi Siang to blame her, and it was not that simple to pretend to be a person.Besides, they didn't even understand Xiao Su'er's actual situation at all. Who knew that her questioning would be lower than ordinary people, and she would reveal her truth just by pulling her son.

"Then you said there is no other way to call Xiao Wang out. Have you found out any news during your visit? You can't just be exposed by them, and you didn't find out any useful information?"

"Yes! They said that Xiao Su'er went out to find something called ice cold grass, and they seemed to have gone out for a week at the longest, and they would come back in three or four days at the earliest. I don't know about the others, but the ice Cold grass seems to be very important to the two of them."

"The ice-cold grass is what they put up on the official website for a high price." Chi Siang said to explain his confusion.

"Is that the thing? But what's the use of them looking for it? They have already offered a high price, and two people have to go out to find it by themselves. It seems that the thing is really important!"

Chi Siang pondered, he didn't know what the two of them were looking for for the ice-cold grass, and the information left by Katharina didn't clearly state that the ice-cold grass could be used to treat the cold poison.

(End of this chapter)

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