Chapter 1148 Escape from the Cave
Chapter 1148 Escape from the Cave
"I see, is it still raining outside?" Bo Qing'ang stood up covering his chest, walked to the entrance of the cave, and could still hear the pattering rain outside, but it was not the downpour just now, it seemed that the rain was light a lot.

"I heard the sound of rocks collapsing just now, but it is gone now. It seems that as long as the rain is not heavy, these stones should not collapse again. I just don't know how many rocks are piled up outside. Can we still go out? There are few people in this mountain, even if we shouted, no one will come to rescue us, and there is no signal."

Xiao Su'er also walked to the entrance of the cave, stretched out her hand and gently pushed the stones. Although these stones looked loose, they couldn't be pushed. If she tried hard, she might collapse and hurt herself.

Bo Qing'ang pulled her aside and tried a few times, but there was still no way out, and finally he could only give up, took Xiao Su'er's hand and turned to look to the other side of the cave, where it was so dark that it was impossible to see what was going on.

"Do you remember what it was like in the cave when you came in? Is the other side a dead end, or can you walk through it?" Bo Qingang turned his head and asked.

"It was raining too much when I came in just now, I didn't pay attention, and then it was sealed by stones, so I couldn't see it at all, I don't know! The two of us had to turn on the flashlight of the mobile phone and look along the past, but the cave looks quite It’s deep, and I don’t know what’s inside. It’s cold and damp in this mountain, and I don’t know if there are snakes or rats in it.”

Xiao Su'er took out her mobile phone, turned on the flashlight and took a photo to the other side of the cave. You can see that the cave is very deep, winding to the innermost part.

"Probably there will be, you walk behind me, be careful, let's go in together." Bo Qing'ang walked in front of Xiao Su'er and tightened her hand to walk to the deepest part of the cave.The two of you can't just sit here and wait to die, as long as you have a little hope, you must try it, although you don't know whether it is hope or disappointment at the other end of the cave.

Xiao Su'er followed behind him, her nerves were tense, she was worried that a snake would come out of the ground later, so she could only squeeze her phone tightly to look at the ground, walking cautiously.

The two of them went deep into it until they saw some light. The moment Bo Qingang saw the light, he knew that they could find a way out.

He took Xiao Su'er's hand and walked to the bright place, and after looking carefully, he found that it was a hole, big enough for an adult to get through, but he didn't know what was going on outside.

Bo Qingang looked around and saw that there were some rocks that were not dangerous, let go of Xiao Suer's hand and confessed, "You wait for me inside, I'll go out and have a look, if it's safe outside, I'll tell you You, come out again."

"You have to be careful, I don't know what's going on outside. We entered this cave from there on the mountainside, and if you go out, you're also on the mountainside, and you'll fall down as soon as you get out." Xiao Su'er looked at the cave with worry. Hole.

"Even so, you have to go out and have a look. You can't go out to the other side of the cave, so you can't be trapped here! Don't worry, nothing will happen." Bo Qingang put down his backpack and squatted down.

Xiao Su'er watched him get out of the hole with all her heart, and carefully held his leg here, and asked carefully after he got out of the hole, "How is it? What's the situation outside? Are you hanging in the air?" Do you want me to pull you back, you must be careful. "

"There is a road and a foothold outside. Su'er, let me go and let me come out. You should come out too." Bo Qingang shouted outside.

Xiao Su'er breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his legs, and watched him get out before taking off the backpack on her body, stuffing the two backpacks out, and slowly getting out.

But after she went out, she realized that although there was a foothold, it was really halfway up the mountain, and the road was pitifully narrow, and if she took a wrong step, she might fall to pieces.

"Come on! Be careful! Let's walk down the mountain slowly, we must pay attention to the road under our feet, and we must not go wrong."

Bo Qing'ang straightened Xiao Su'er's face to prevent her from looking down the mountain, it looked like an abyss, Xiao Su'er took a deep breath, tightened Bao Qing'ang's hand and walked down the mountain slowly, every step was extremely cautious , and even stretched out his feet to test whether the stone could be stepped on.

In the short distance of a few hundred meters, the two of them walked for nearly two hours. It was already evening when they reached the bottom of the mountain.

"Alas..." Xiao Su'er sighed, threw down her backpack and fell directly under the tree by the side of the road, panting against the tree, "I finally came out, I was finally free."

Bo Qingang also sat beside her, and put his arms around her shoulders, "It's okay, we'll go back to that mountain man's house after a short rest, take all our things home, and never come out again."

Xiao Su'er leaned on his shoulder, looking helplessly at the marks on the hands of the two of them, "The two of us probably came to explore this time, and we got hurt all over! But we found nothing, and almost died in that cave today. "

"This time is also a special experience. I won't bring you to such a dangerous place again in the future. I will definitely protect you." Bo Qingang held her hand and looked at the cigars on her hand The little scar felt distressed for a while, and she put it on her lips and kissed it lightly.

"It was a special experience..." Xiao Su'er looked at Bo Qing'ang, the two of them looked at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing, feeling the joy of surviving after a catastrophe, and also the joy of the two souls getting closer.

This time when they went up the mountain, the two experienced life-threatening dangers, but they never left and stayed by each other's side. They only had each other in their eyes, and they would think about each other.

This kind of experience undoubtedly increases the relationship between two people and brings them closer.With this experience, Xiao Su'er suddenly looked away, so what if she was poisoned by the cold?It doesn't matter if you can untie it or not!As long as two people seize every day for the rest of their lives, being together is enough.

"Let's go! Husband, I miss my son, let's go home." Xiao Su'er sat on the spot for half an hour before standing up and reaching out her hand to Bo Qing'ang.

"What did you call me?" Bo Qing'ang's eyes lit up, she stood up and put her arms around Xiao Su'er's waist, the distance between the two of them instantly shortened, and they were close together.

"Didn't you hear it!" Xiao Su'er blushed, unwilling to call out again.

"No, I didn't hear clearly just now, call again!" Bo Qingang became interested, and urged her by hooking her waist.

"No, let's go!" Xiao Su'er gently pushed him.

"No, I have to call again today, or I won't leave."

(End of this chapter)

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