Chapter 1149 Take You to Find Your Son
Chapter 1149 Take You to Find Your Son
"I'm not leaving, are you going to sleep here tonight?" Xiao Su'er was a little bit dumbfounded, why did this Young Master Bo suddenly become like a child?
"It's not impossible, the two of us just happened to be here to look at the stars, and we'll leave tomorrow morning. Anyway, it's impossible to go to the airport right away when we go out now." Bo Qingang still wrapped her waist tightly, "Anyway, you have to go today Call again, if you don't call, both of you don't want to leave."

"Okay, call!" Xiao Su'er put her arms around Bao Qing'ang's neck, put her head close to his ear and said softly, "Husband!"

The breath she exhaled hit his ears, and there was a numbness in his ears. Bo Qingang's heart was greatly satisfied, and he nodded in satisfaction, let go of the hands around her waist, and tightened her hands, "Let's go! Let's go!" Go to the foot of the mountain to clean up, and you will go home tomorrow, and your husband will take you to find your son."

Xiao Su'er laughed softly when she heard his tone, it seems that he has been chanting this title every day for a long time.

The two of them were exhausted when they returned to the mountain man's room. After taking a shower, they lay on the bed and prepared to rest.Xiao Su'er looked at the marks on her hands, and even on her legs covered by clothes, there were quite a few scars. This time, she really "reaped a lot" from coming here, but she only harvested scars all over her body, and she couldn't find what she was looking for.

Bo Qing'ang walked into the room wiping her hair, just in time to see Xiao Su'er's calf scar exposed under the raised trouser leg, immediately took out the emergency medicine prepared by the two of them, walked to her side, "Don't move, I thought you only had I have wounds on my hands, but I didn’t expect that there were wounds on my legs, I will help you apply medicine, and I will never come out again.”

"How many times have you talked about it in the past two days? In fact, after I went to these two mountains, I have a bottom line in my heart. There are none here. Maybe there will be no ice-cold grass in China. There is so much aura here that I can't grow it." The cold grass is here, let alone other places."

Xiao Su'er lowered her head in disappointment, she finally found a way to cure the poison but it was still useless, how could people not be disappointed.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the two of us accompany each other, even if the poison of ice in the body cannot be cured for a lifetime." Bo Qingang put away the medicine in his hand and looked at Xiao Su'er, "We will accompany our son well when we go back and never come out again Now, I will still offer a huge reward for that cold grass, if someone can bring us the best, if not, it doesn't matter."

"Hmm." Xiao Su'er leaned on Bo Qing'ang's shoulder and began to imagine the appearance of the ice-cold grass. A thought suddenly popped up in her head, and she whispered softly, "Maybe we can get the ice-cold grass by traveling back to Ghost Doctor Valley." Woolen cloth!"

Hearing her words, Bo Qingang looked down at her, "What are you thinking? What are you going to do when you travel back to Ghost Doctor Valley? You don't want to use people for human experiments like Katharina, do you?" ?”

"Of course it's impossible. It's a disastrous thing. I was just thinking, if Katharina's experiment had even the slightest sense of truth, then as the only person traveling back and forth between the two continents, should I It is the person who touches the connection point between the two continents, will I be able to travel back to Ghost Doctor Valley when the time, place and people are all gathered?"

Xiao Su'er bit her lip and said her conjecture, Bo Qing'ang looked at her with serious eyes, "No, don't think about it, I'd rather not get rid of this poison in my life than let you do this kind of thing." matter."

"Why? Isn't this a good opportunity? If I can really touch the switch between the two time and space, and successfully travel back to bring back the cold grass, you will be saved. You don't have to be alone anymore, and you don't have to be afraid of contact. Others." Xiao Su'er got excited and sat up cross-legged on the bed, looking at him solemnly.

"But have you ever thought that I still have you with me now, what if you travel back and never come back again? Do the two of us want to fall in love across a time and space? I would rather only have you by my side, I Never felt lonely."

Bo Qingang hugged her worriedly, with such great strength, as if afraid that she would run away, as if she would return to Ghost Doctor Valley as soon as she let go.

"This..." Listening to his words, Xiao Su'er pondered and thought it made sense. When she was born, she traveled to the Valley of Ghost Doctors and waited 19 years before recrossing it.And it was all in such a dangerous situation, a slight mistake would not mean traveling to another time and space, but the result of direct death.

If she can wear it back this time, but she can't wear it back again, it seems that there is nothing worth looking forward to.

"Do you still want to go back?" Bo Qingang looked down at her with worry in his eyes.

"I won't go back. What are you going to do? It's important to be with you and Xiao Wang. Thinking about things that might not exist all day long will only disturb others." Xiao Su'er lay back on the bed again, although on the surface she said No longer thinking about it, but once this kind of thinking takes root in her heart, it will quickly grow into a towering tree. She is already thinking about how to wear it back.

the other side.

Chi Siang was sitting in the study room of the villa. All the things left in that room were Katharina's relics, most of which were experimental materials and medical files.

He spent a whole day looking through the medical books left behind, but none of the medical books recorded the use of ice-cold grass. It just said that this grass is cold in nature, and it is cold to eat. It has very few uses when treating patients. Come for medicine.

"Xiao Su'er, Bo Qing'ang, why did you two go to find this medicine? What's your plan?"

Holding the medical book, Chi Siang fell into doubts. To be able to spend 100 million to buy this herb, it must have special uses and is very important to them, but what are the herbs that cannot be used for medicine used for?And the most important thing is that this herb doesn't exist in China Mainland at all!

"Since I can't figure it out, then I don't need to spend my brain cells thinking about this problem. I just need to know that since you two are trying so hard to find it, it means it is very important. I just need to find it before you two. And kill them, and after they are destroyed, you will be able to leave a big regret in your life."

Chi Siang closed the medical book, with a fierce expression on his face, isn't he in the Valley of Ghost Doctors?His mother has done experiments for more than 20 years, and only then has such a small amount of experimental results, which must not be wasted!

There are already many regrets in his life, the parents who can't be resurrected, the Bo family who can't go back, the woman who can't get.But Bo Qingang has no regrets in his life, it's unfair!Now that he knows what can cause him regret, he can't waste this news in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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