Chapter 125 Your Mother Was Killed
Chapter 125 Your Mother Was Killed
As soon as these words came out, both Wang Linya and Lin Aotian were dumbfounded.

Lin Aotian was even more mad with anger.

"Who is it! Who is this evil seed!"

"Who else could it be!" Lin Rou'er was in so much pain now that she could only cry heart-piercingly, "Of course it belonged to that wolf-hearted man, Sun Ruohan! After I had sex with him last month, my body was not right. I went to the hospital and found out that I was pregnant! I asked him to take responsibility, but he refused to admit it! He even said that I threatened him! Said that the Sun family wanted to show us the color of the Lin family!"

When Lin Aotian heard this, his face turned pale with anger.

He originally thought that his stupid wife and daughter were just drugging Young Master Sun and threatening others to take responsibility, but he didn't expect that they would even threaten their children.

"Are you idiots!" He was furious, "Threatening the child! No wonder the Sun family is so angry! are simply crazy!"

The big family hates others to threaten them with their own flesh and blood, but Lin Rouer and her mother and daughter are good, and they threaten others again and again. No wonder the Sun family suddenly became angry these few days and cut Lin's family right away. funds!

Thinking of this, he raised his hand angrily and wanted to slap Lin Rou'er, but Wang Linya rushed over and pushed him away when she saw this scene.

"Lin Aotian, you scumbag! Your daughter is bleeding and you still beat her!" Wang Linya cried like crazy, with disheveled hair, "If it wasn't for you, it's useless to be a father! Why did your daughter go to such great lengths to marry into the Sun's family?" Do your best!"

"You! You're reasonable!" Lin Ao's face turned green.

"Why did I ignore it!" Wang Linya cried even louder, "I don't want to quarrel with you now! I want to send our Rou'er to the hospital!"

As she said that, she hurriedly wanted to use her mobile phone to call an ambulance, but before she dialed the number, she heard a cool voice beside her——

"That's too late."

Wang Linya raised her head suddenly, and saw Lin Su'er standing aside with a cold face.

"It will take half an hour for the nearest ambulance to come here. With Lin Rou'er's current bleeding, even if she doesn't lose too much blood and die, there will be problems with her body. Even if she is rescued, she will not be able to have children in the future."

There was a bang in Wang Linya's head, and the last trace of blood faded from her face.

"You're talking nonsense!" After a while, she turned around abruptly and yelled at Lin Su'er with a ferocious face, "It's just bleeding during pregnancy! It's not like I haven't given birth before! Don't scare me here!"

"If it's just an ordinary pregnancy, it's okay to be bumped and bleed." Lin Su'er said coldly, "But Lin Rou'er has taken inferior abortion pills, and her body is about to fail. Now, of course, she can't bear it if she bumps her."

Wang Linya's eyes widened instantly.

"Rou'er, you!" She turned her head suddenly, and saw Lin Rou'er's face pale with pain, but her eyes didn't dare to look at herself, her mind exploded, "Rou'er! You really took abortion pills !?"

Lin Rou'er lowered her head, too ashamed to speak.

That's for sure.

"You're crazy!" Wang Linya finally couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears, "How can you take that kind of medicine indiscriminately! If you don't want this child, go to the hospital and get rid of it!"

"Of course I can't go to the hospital!" Lin Rou'er suddenly raised her head, crying bitterly, "Go to the hospital and there will be a record! I absolutely must not let anyone know that I have aborted a child! Otherwise, how can I marry into a wealthy family and become a young mistress!"

That's right, go to the hospital to remove the child. As long as it is a regular hospital, there will be records of the operation.

In the upper class, wealthy families will investigate in advance when they marry a wife. With such a record in the hospital, Lin Rou'er will never want to marry into a wealthy family in this life.

"You!" Wang Linya felt dizzy for a while, and almost fainted.

Why is her life so miserable, her background is humble, her husband is selfish, and now her daughter's life is hanging by a thread, even if she is rescued, she will not be able to have children!
Just when Wang Linya was in despair, she suddenly heard Lin Suer next to her speak coldly——

"I have a way to keep Lin Rou'er out of danger, and even let her continue to have children in the future."

Wang Linya suddenly raised her head, and saw Lin Su'er looking at her coldly.

It was obviously a young and delicate face, but at this moment, it had a calming effect.

Wang Linya suddenly looked like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, rushed over like crazy, and grabbed Lin Su'er's hand tightly.

"Su'er, I knew you were the smartest and most capable. You must have a way to help your sister, right? You are your own flesh and blood. You must not leave your sister alone!"

Lin Su'er felt disgusted when she heard Wang Linya say "flesh and blood" to her, and threw her hand away.

"Don't pretend to be affectionate here." She was expressionless, "It's not impossible for me to save Lin Rou'er, but the premise is that you have to tell me how my mother died."

Hearing Lin Su'er mentioned her biological mother again, Lin Aotian's expression changed again.

"Wang Linya, don't listen to her nonsense!" He roared, "How can she know how to save people at such a young age! She is lying to you! Call an ambulance!"

Wang Linya's eyes flashed bewildered, but Lin Su'er just said coldly: "Wang Linya, don't blame me for not reminding you, your daughter's time is running out. I can only give you 10 minutes to think about it. If you don't make up your mind, then you I'm afraid my daughter's life can't be guaranteed."

There was a buzzing in Wang Linya's mind, she looked down at Lin Rou'er on the sofa, and saw that Lin Rou'er's blood had already stained the whole sofa red during the short time they were talking, and she also quickly turned gray.

Wang Linya suddenly felt that her whole body had collapsed.

She didn't even bother to find out whether what Lin Suer said was true or not, and she didn't even bother to think about how Lin Suer, a high school girl, could save someone, so she just pushed Lin Aotian aside and threw herself in front of Lin Suer.

"I said! As long as you can save my daughter, I will say anything!"

Lin Aotian was taking out his mobile phone to call an ambulance, when he heard Wang Linya's words, his face turned pale, and he roared: "Wang Linya! Are you crazy!"

"You don't care if I'm crazy!" Wang Linya's eyes were scarlet at this time, like a ghost, she screamed at Lin Aotian, "You don't love my daughter, I love you! Even if it's even possible! I can't let my daughter be in danger!"

After finishing speaking, she suddenly raised her head to look at Lin Su'er, and before Lin Aotian came over to stop her, she screamed like crazy——

"It's Qin Haitian! Lin Su'er, you are right, your mother did not lose blood to death when she gave birth to you! Your mother was killed by Qin Haishan from Qin's Medicine!"

(End of this chapter)

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